Explorer Brand Archetype

Primary Goal of the

Hero Brand Archetype

To improve the world through expert mastery and courageousness.

What is the Hero Brand Archetype?

Whether you resonate with being a warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, soldier, dragon slayer, winner, team player, competitor, achiever, or coach, your brand possesses the incredible ability to inspire others, empower them, and ignite their determination to overcome challenges.

When customers encounter your Hero brand, they can’t help but feel a surge of inspiration. They are filled with strength and a belief that they can conquer any obstacle with massive action. Your brand empowers them, instilling a sense of determination and motivation to take on their own heroic journeys.

As a Hero, you possess innate advantages that set you apart. Competence, courage, energy, and unwavering determination are the qualities that drive you to achieve greatness. Your brand embodies the hero’s journey, providing a guiding light for others to follow.

However, like every hero, the Hero brand faces its villains. Weakness, vulnerability, and the fear of the body or mind giving out can threaten your progress. It’s important to embrace vulnerability as a strength and remind your audience that heroes also face challenges and setbacks along their paths.

As you navigate your brand journey, be mindful of potential pitfalls. Avoid arrogance and the need to constantly seek another battle to fight. Stay humble, centered, and focused on the greater good. Beware of egocentricity and aggression, as true heroes lift others up rather than tearing them down.

When it comes to your brand voice, let it be motivational, self-confident, self-disciplined, and direct. Speak to your audience with conviction, inspiring them to tap into their own inner hero and take bold, decisive action.

Embrace your heroic nature and let it guide you to conquer new heights. Inspire others, overcome challenges, and leave a lasting impact on the world. You have the power to be the hero in your own story and to inspire countless others to become heroes in their own lives. Together, let’s unleash the hero within and embark on an extraordinary journey of triumph and transformation!


Leverage Your Archetype,
Grow Your Business

Dive deeper into how your business can attract more of the right humans by leveraging brand archetypes.

Hero Brand Archetype Examples

The Hero archetype represents brands that inspire, motivate, and empower their customers. These brands are all about overcoming challenges and achieving greatness. Nike, with its iconic “Just Do It” slogan, is a prime example, inspiring individuals to overcome their limitations and strive for personal bests. Similarly, GoPro, the action-camera company, positions itself as a Hero brand by empowering people to capture their adventurous exploits and brave explorations. Hero brands are about inspiring courage, offering a sense of empowerment, and motivating you to conquer your world.

Get the Hero Brand Archetype Inspiration Kit

Introducing Brandfluency...

In-depth insights and actionable steps to make your brand more true to YOU.

Unlock the power of your archetype so you can:

» Stand out against the competition with a compelling message

» Be more YOU, without all the comparisonitis or imposter syndrome

» Make brand decisions faster and with more confidence

» Turn people into raving fans, happy to pay what you deserve

When you enroll in Brandfluency you’ll get 100’s of on-brand examples, archetype-specific insight, and swipe-able ideas for your brand.


So much easier to make decisions!

I take this opportunity to thank you for all your resources which have been of great help to me. I am French and no one here talks about brand archetypes and yet I am convinced that psychology is the best way to attract customers. My partner, who also has a business, finds it very relevant and he is also reviewing his entire brand thanks to your work on archetypes. It allows us to have a direction. And it’s so much easier to make decisions. Thanks again! I can’t wait to start training on my archetypes!!


Free Archetype Masterclass

Build A Crystal Clear Brand
That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

Enroll now to discover the 3 keys to a more compelling brand:

Key #1: Tip the Big Domino

Make all of the other activity you’re doing for your business work 10X better by improving this ONE thing

Key #2: Be more by Being Less

Throw out your ideal client avatars to build a stronger brand with less work

Key #3: Stand Out Online

Baffle your competitors by attracting clients willing to pay 2x or 3x more and then rave about the experience

Free Archetype Masterclass

Build A Crystal Clear Brand That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

Enroll now to discover the 3 keys to a more compelling brand:

Key #1: Tip the Big Domino

Make all of the other activity you’re doing for your business work 10X better by improving this ONE thing

Key #2: Be more by Being Less

Throw out your ideal client avatars to build a stronger brand with less work

Key #3: Stand Out Online

Baffle your competitors by attracting clients willing to pay 2x or 3x more and then rave about the experience

Hello beautiful human, I'm Kaye!

Discovering brand archetypes was an epiphany moment for the ages. Immediately, I could see the underlying reason the most successful brands were so compelling and why others fell flat.

Since that fateful day, I've been obsessively curating and creating archetype intel to help small business owners leverage the same power that billion-dollar brands have used for decades.

I celebrate every day the impact that archetypes are making. The quiz you just took has been taken 100's of thousands of times, and 1,000s of smart entrepreneurs have invested in our archetype courses to tap into the psychological power for their brand's growth.

Scroll down to pick your next step in the archetype journey.

3 Ways to Get Started Today

Choose your own adventure or explore them all!

Brand Archetype Inspiration Kit

Enter your email below to access your Hero inspiration PDF.

Learn more about Brandfluency

Invest in the shortcut to learn how to leverage the Hero Brand Archetype in YOUR business.

Free Archetype Masterclass

Build a crystal clear brand that attracts your ideal client without compromising your true self.


Hero Brand Archetype Colors & Design

Check out the Pinterest inspiration board, save the images below for Instagram, or both!

Check out the Pinterest inspiration board, save the images below for Instagram, or both!

Hover to enlarge or right-click to save.

Unlock Your Innate Brand Advantage

Take the brand personality quiz that’s been taken 250,000+ times: