Get Fluent in your Brand Archetype to Attract More Ideal Clients

The Brandfluency courses are the shortcut to incorporating your archetype into your brand. Enroll now for 100’s of on-brand examples, archetype-specific insight, and swipe-able ideas for your brand.

Leveraging your brand archetype allows you to:


» Stand out against the competition with a compelling message

» Be more YOU, without all the comparisonitis or imposter syndrome

» Make brand decisions faster and with more confidence

» Turn people into raving fans, happy to pay what you deserve

In order for a brand to truly thrive, there HAS TO BE brand clarity. So instead of offering one-size-fits-all solutions for every identity crisis, I’ve developed a course for each brand archetype.

With Brandfluency, you’ll develop an understanding of your brand on a psychological level; unlocking the secret love language of your brand and your customers.

Choose from 12 different courses; one for each of the 12 Brand Archetypes.

I want to share everything I know about brand archetypes with you.

Deep insight into your brand identity (aka Brandfluency) simplifies decision-making and fosters strong bonds between your brand and your people. When you build a brand based in psychology and your unique personality, you’ll attract the perfect clients for you.

When you help people with your work, it creates a ripple effect of impact and possibility. That’s why I’m SO excited for the opportunity to help you help even more people, and make the future a little brighter for all of us.

Introducing Brandfluency…

In-depth insights and actionable steps to make your brand more true to YOU.


With 12 different psychology-based courses to choose from, you’ll get ideas & insight that are *actually* relevant to your business. By leaning into your natural strengths and innate advantages, you can stop being who you think you’re supposed to be and focus on who you really are, and how you show up at your best.

Want to hear the best part?
Qualified, dream clients are attracted to that clarity like a magnet.

I’m not here to tell you what your brand is –

I’m here to teach you how to show it off.

With a clear, impactful message, your brand can become its best, truest self…
and attract its most valuable and loyal clients or customers.

“Who made you the ‘Oracle of Archetypes’ anyway?”

I wish I could take credit for it, but it’s not magic. I didn’t invent archetypes – they are a proven psychology-backed branding method, designed to help your business form meaningful connections with your audience.

I wouldn’t consider myself anything special, buuuuuuut – my Brand Archetype Quiz has been taken over 100,000 times, and I’ve successfully guided thousands of brands using this practice. I can’t wait to share what I’ve discovered with you.

Life changing amazing stuff going on here...

I have to tell you I am having this INCREDIBLE EPIPHANY... I am 58 years old and suddenly my whole life makes sense to me!!! I am a professional counselor of 30 years and I've been wandering around lost in a dessert not having a clue about my core message UNTIL NOW!!! LIFE CHANGING AMAZING STUFF going on here.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in Brandfluency

Uncover Your Brand Archetype Strategy

We’ll start with the foundational elements of your archetype.

What makes your brand different?

Why do people love it?

How does it make them feel?

We’ll assess your brand values and attributes, and identify common pitfalls to avoid. Plus, we’ll take a look at well-known brands, celebrities, and slogans that share your characteristics – helping you personify your brand for more concise, visual decision-making.

Inspire Your Messaging

Your brand’s message needs to be cohesive and compelling – from the ‘About Us’ page and Blog to interviews and email campaigns.

We’ll develop your brand’s voice with a messaging that *speaks* to your audience and excites them. I even share a database of hundreds of words, curated for YOUR archetype.

Catchy product/newsletter naming, strategic point-of-view, and gripping calls-to-action are among the many skills you’ll acquire.

Hone In On Archetype-Specific Visuals

In the highly competitive world of online entrepreneurship, it isn’t enough to have a killer product or service. If your brand isn’t visually appealing, you’ll inevitably lose out.

We’ll go over design themes, stock image samples, branded photos, color schemes, fonts, and more… Your brand can have it all.

Live Your Archetype Inside & Out

By getting to know your Brand Archetype, you’re getting a powerful tool to make ALL business decisions

Pinpoint and implement policies and brand experiences that support your inner-archetype and ignite your audience.

Here’s a recap of what your investment gets you…

» Unlimited access to your archetype content. With psychology-based branding insights and strategies, you’ll learn how to leverage your brand’s innate qualities for ultimate success. You’ll even get all of the future updates to the courses, completely free of charge!

» Focused video training, exclusive to YOUR archetype. Brands aren’t one-size-fits-all, so I’ve developed twelve different courses – one for each brand archetype. So you’ll get virtual coaching on YOUR brand type, from the comfort of home. Or work. Or Starbucks… You get the idea. The videos are laser-focused (between 5-10 minutes long each) so you can easily refer back to the material whenever you need fresh ideas.

» A work-as-you-learn workbook. Implement what you’re learning and dig deeper into your brand persona with the course workbook.

+ 4 Exciting New Workshops

» By popular request… How to Blend Your Top 2 Archetypes – for Truly Magical Results.

» Shiny new Photo + Video Creative Direction covering everything you need to know to get on-brand photos & video – poses, filters, location ideas, props, music, and more!  📸 (Unique guidance for each archetype!)

» ’TypeWriter Workshop (see what I did there? 🤓) to write engaging on-archetype stories, social posts, and emails.

» Type-Based Marketing Strategy… learn to attract YOUR ideal audience & customers with strategies tailored to YOUR strengths.

Join the Brandfluency to unlock the power of your brand archetype.

Brandfluency is for you if…

» You’re lacking focus and direction in your business.

» Your brand hasn’t reached its full potential or doesn’t speak for itself.

» You often second-guess yourself or struggle with important decisions.

» You’d want to attract more clients who can appreciate your value and talent.

» …and you’d LOVE some coaching to give your brand an edge.


Will I need to be available at specific times to participate?

Nope! You can login and complete the course at your own pace, whenever you have time. The beauty of the Brandfluency courses is that they are designed to be easy-to-reference. So whenever you are working on a different aspect of your brand, you can come back and see the sections that relate to your current project. (I still reference the materials inside of the courses with EVERY client I work with!)

How much time will this take?

It varies slightly depending on which archetype course you are in. Each course consists of 13 video lessons, the workbook, and loads of examples to reference. Each video is between 5-15 minutes, so the total watch time is under 2 hours. (Excluding bonus content.) The courses are designed to give you focused & potent ideas that you can take & implement into your brand – not to keep you watching hour after hour of video training.

Do I NEED this course?

If you’re looking to launch or revamp your brand and create more meaningful connections with your ideal audience, you won’t find another program like this. With actionable insight and psychology-based brand strategies, Brandfluency exists to teach you how to *use* your brand to its full capacity.

What’s the ROI?

Consider this program an investment in your future clients. How many new clients would you need to book in order to pay for this course? If your brand was where you need it to be, what *could* you be charging for your product/service? Is your brand as clear as it should be?

I can’t guarantee that you’ll do the work, but if you do, this is a proven method to stand out and attract more of your ideal clients.

How does this differ from your other courses?

My Brand New Brand program is a more comprehensive course that walks you through building a brand step-by-step (no matter which archetype you are.) The 12 Brandfluency courses are focused 100% on each specific archetype. BNB lays the foundation. 

Brand Advantage is a 30-day brand-building sprint, focused on the daily action to take to grow. It also teaches brand-buiding for ALL of the archetypes. The next planned launch for Brand Advantage is fall 2020.

Brandfluency is an amazing complement to both courses – it gives you the specific ideas and insight to incoroporate YOUR archetype into your brand. 

Join the Brandfluency to get on-brand ideas you won’t find anywhere else.

Do you work with clients?

For my creative peers who also work with clients and want to incorporate archetypes into your work, I have a special “bulk” discount for completing your archetype set. Get the rest of the 12 here:

Copyright 2024 Kaye Putnam