Let’s make brand magic.

My name is Kaye (so nice to meet you!) Entrepreneurs around the world hire me and my team to define & build their brands. We set the stage for their greatest life’s work.

My formal degree is in Marketing with a Psychology minor.  Though, my true education comes from working with a variety of entrepreneurs like YOU.  I’ve worked with public speakers from TEDx, writers with hot-selling books, and within a variety of industries – from real estate to coaching.  I’ve worked with hundreds of brands and I’d love for you to be my next success story.

I help you evolve from a place of ambiguity and distraction to a place of aligned action. Your brand is so much more than design. We start by uncovering the psychology of your brand. We’ll use your beliefs, personality, and timeless archetypes to define your core message. Only then, we design.

Read on to see how we can work together…

After working together, you’ll feel clear and certain about your brand. You’ll attract more ideal clients who will connect with you on an emotional, gut level.

Kaye Putnam Brand Strategist

Cheers to Audacious Dreams

Your most audacious dreams are worth working for.  I’m granting you permission to claim your space, be more visible, and share your genius with the world. We need you to. It’s never easy, but it is SO worth it. You are worth it.

Stay Weird

I have this crazy idea that if brands act more human – be weird, share beliefs, tell personal stories – we’ll be more successful. When businesses show more of their personality and values, we love them for it. As consumers, we are drawn to real people we believe in, not brands that are “professional” at the expense of being generic.

Psychology First

Most people approach branding backwards. Instead of design-first branding, I offer psychology-driven branding. We start by understanding what makes your brand unique and desirable. Then, we design a brand that aligns with your most powerful message.

You Decide

The beauty of entrepreneurship is that we get to decide. We can choose to go to the gym during the day and work all night, or work nonstop for three months to take a month off to travel. We get to pick who we want to work with and what our time is worth. We get to choose our future.

Let’s Transform Your Brand

Nonprofit Consultant Brand Identity

The Clarity Code™ VIP Intensive

1-on-1 Strategy & Development

High-level service designed for entrepreneurs who are currently in business. The consulting service brings your brand to the next level. We work together to uncover, define, and upgrade your brand strategy and standards.

  • Full brand standards delivered within 3-4 Weeks
  • Completely done-for-you
  • Interactive Brand SourceBook created for you

Learn more… 

Growth was happening and I needed the growth to happen toward a specific path. After working together, I have a better focus and an understanding of why my brand exists and what it stands for. I was jumbled in my head but now there is more clarity. You are amazing at what you do. To be able to pull what my brand stands for from my brain and lay it all out in a document is actually astonishing.

Life Coach Brand Identity Design

Brand New Brand

Build Your Brand from Scratch

A step-by-step program for entrepreneurs who are building their brand from scratch (or need to rebrand or change direction.) I help you get your best ideas out of your head to launch your brand.

  • Self-paced, lifetime-access program
  • Group support and feedback
  • Expert guidance towards brand clarity

Learn more

My “before” was a site that didn’t truly reflect who I was and how I wanted to work. It didn’t appeal to the types of clients I wanted to work with. I focused too much on trying to appeal to the masses and make everyone happy that I was losing myself in the process. Working with Kaye, my new brand and website are focused on expressing who I am and how I work. It truly represents ME. Kaye has helped me to break free of that “corporate” look that was generic. This experience has been freeing because I finally feel like my brand is a true reflection of myself and I don’t feel the need to apologize for it! I’m so happy with the results!

Speaker Brand Identity Design Business Cards

Brandfluency Archetype Courses

Amplify Your Brand with your Archetype

For entrepreneurs in all stages of brand-building who want to enhance their brand. Learn the emotional language of your ideal clients through your brand archetype.

  • Pick from 12 separate courses based on YOUR brand personality
  • Learn how to use your brand archetype in your business
  • Self-paced, DIY, 1.5 hours of video content with an implementation workbook

Learn more

A Few Surprising Facts About Me…

I recently lived in Naples, Italy for 3 years. (Buongiorno!) Our family has moved 6 times in the last 10 years. (Hi! Hey y’all! Aloha!) For now, we call North Carolina home. 

I’m “mama” to two amazing little ones. We’re in full-on mom mode here at the Putnam casa.

I started my first business at 16 – a photography studio. I grew it to over 6 figures in revenue. The experience taught me way more than my business degree did.
The hubs and I are total TV buffs in our downtime. Favorite shows include Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica, and Vikings.

“Official” Bio

3rd Person Style

Kaye Putnam is a psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs. Through work with hundreds of clients from international corporations to solo-entrepreneurs, she developed her signature Clarity Code™ method. She believes that online business should be more human and that all entrepreneurs have genius they can use to impact the world.

She works with students in her Brand New Brand incubation program and with clients 1-on-1. When she’s not transforming brands, she’s exploring the world with her husband and two little ones. 

Kaye Putnam Brand Strategist