Create a High-Converting Quiz that Grows Your Audience, List, and Sales

With Psychology-Driven Brand Strategist Kaye Putnam

It’s finally here!
The step-by-step course to build a quiz like mine…




Leads Generated


Revenue in the last 12 months alone

Quizzes are brand-building conversion machines.

They generate leads, increase subscribers, and build your audience in a way that feels fun and natural for you and your audience.

I’ve crafted a proven, repeatable process for creating, testing, and launching a quiz that converts. And for the first time ever – I’m going to spill the alllll of my secrets for how to implement this powerful lead generation strategy in YOUR brand.

Quizzes are an inexpensive and interactive way to build an engaged audience that will buy more of what you’re offering.

You’ve probably seen quizzes all over the internet (Buzzfeed, anyone?).

However, where some quizzes are just for fun –
Others are generating real revenue for their creators.
(And more importantly, changing the lives of those who take it!)

So what’s different between a quiz that is just for fun – vs one that’s changing lives and driving sales?

 Exactly everything, my dear Watson. Let me explain…

Have you been trying #allthethings to grow your list?

  • Creating ‘content upgrades’ that never get downloaded…
  • Dancing awkwardly on IG Reels that never see the light of day…
  • Throwing dollars at FB ads that don’t end up converting…
  • Or even just planning, wishing, and hoping that people discover you – but not getting into action?

(Been there, got the T-shirt.) 

If you’ve been thinking to yourself:
There HAS GOT to be a better way!
… I have great news.

There is. And it’s a lead-generating Quiz! 

I stumbled on the concept of a lead generation quiz early in my brand-building life (maybe you’ve taken mine?), and it continues to out-perform every other lead generation strategy I’ve tried. (And I’ve tried them all!)

My quiz wasn’t always so successful, though. I had to tweak, adjust, and perfect the experience, funnel, and follow up to achieve the results that I get today. 

(But your learning curve will be shorter – because I’m here to share everything I learned with you.)

Even for smart entrepreneurs who’ve hopped on the ‘quiz train’, too many of the quizzes aren’t working to the fullest potential because they’ve been stifled by a common error.

When quiz strategies fall flat, it’s almost always in one of these 5 crucial places:


Creating the WRONG TYPE of quiz. There are 5 types, and only 3 of them work if you’re marketing to a cold audience. (AKA trying to *grow* your audience and reach new humans.)


Speeding through the TOPIC SELECTION and creating something that is easy/obvious instead of highly strategic and valuable.


The QUESTIONS & LOGIC of the quiz are irrelevant or predictable, leaving users disengaged with their outcome. 


The post-quiz experience isn’t optimized to generate LEADS & SALES. It’s not enough to get people to take our quiz – it needs to guide people towards one of our offers.  


There is no ongoing MARKETING SYSTEM to promote the quiz. People take it, forget it, and move on with their life. (Womp, womp.)

If you have a quiz somewhere collecting dust – this is a NO JUDGEMENT zone! 

I was making many of these errors myself in early versions of my quiz. I’ve had to optimize and upgrade my quiz dramatically over the years. I just had the advantage of early momentum to use as a testing ground. I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned with you – so you see success with your quiz FASTER!

Will a quiz work for your industry?

Short answer: yes, yes, and yes! Long answer: I’ve seen quizzes work for:




Course Creators






Virtual Assistants








Health Experts


eCommerce Brands




Social Media Experts


Online Course with Kaye Putnam


Build your own lead-generating quiz to grow your audience, list, and sales!

The Course Experience

Behind-the-Scenes Details

I’ll be taking you into the dashboards of my quiz software, email campaigns, and paid ads to show you *exactly* how I have everything set up. I’m not leaving out any details. You get to see it all.

Focused Curriculum

This curriculum & course experience are highly-focused. I’m teaching you one thing, and one thing completely: how to build a high-converting quiz funnel for your brand. If you want to upgrade to get 1-on-1 support you can, but I wanted the investment for this program to be accessible to everyone who wants in.

Lifetime Reference

Come back to the curriculum, source files, examples, and resources whenever you need to create more quizzes, optimize your quiz, or to create more promotional material.

Here’s what you’ll get inside:

In-depth lessons to walk you through each and every step of the process.

Swipe files, examples, and mad-lib-style exercises to make this sooo easy for you

• Comprehensive 80+ page workbook to implement what you learn

The Curriculum


SO MANY people get this first critical step wrong – and then set out in the wrong direction. (Thankfully, you won’t!) There are different types of quizzes for different business goals – so let’s make sure the quiz you create is aligned with what your brand needs. 


Granted, I can’t tell you *exactly* what your quiz should be, but I can get darn close! You’ll access several brainstorming exercises and frameworks to help you land on the  topic that’s right for you – the one that grows your brand, audience, and revenue! 


The process of taking the quiz should be equal parts fun, enlightening, and an introduction to your unique brand. We’ll design the quiz experience to keep people on the edge of their seats the whole time – and clamoring to get their hands on the results!


Once the quiz is completed, the most important aspects of the strategy come into play. I’ll teach you the structure to convert! This is how we transform mere quiz takers into paying clients & students.


The greatest quiz in the world won’t grow your business if you don’t promote it. Thankfully, quizzes come with some of the lowest ad and promotional costs you can find. I’ll share my best channels, techniques, and messaging tricks

Quizzes get results like…


In a matter of one month, we generated over 1k new leads, making this easily my best opt-in ever.”


“My mailing list has grown by over 4,000 since implementing my quiz. And many of those leads have brought in sales/signups for my lower ticket programs – which then funnels those leads to my high ticket programs down the line.”


“By simply being visible on my website, [my quiz] brings in about 15+ leads per day.”

If your quiz can generate even one new client, or if my ad strategy can save you a dollar or two per lead – this course will rapidly pay for itself. Enroll today to get the best pricing & access to the bonus coaching calls! 

Click the button below for the support level you’d like. The link will direct you to sign into Teachable and check out on that site. I can’t wait to support you in your quiz-building!

Quiz Course

Get instant access:
Only $497

+VAT / Tax where applicable

Upgrade to VIP

Course + Three 90-min 1-on-1 Sessions with Kaye
Only $1997

+VAT / Tax where applicable

upgrade your experience

What’s Included in VIP

If you’d like personal & customized support building your quiz, the VIP upgrade is for you. In addition to the full course experience, you’ll get three 90-minute 1-on-1 sessions with Kaye. I’ll design each session for your specific situation. If you’re starting from scratch, we’ll cover:

  • Session 1: Building the Best Quiz for Your Brand
  • Session 2: Designing Your High-Converting Quiz Funnel
  • Session 3: Bringing Your Quiz to the Masses with a Powerful Promotion Plan


What does it cost to implement the quiz strategy?

I’m going to teach the course using the technology stack that I use. This includes TryInteract (quiz software) and ActiveCampaign (my email marketing platform.) I also pay for ads on Facebook/Instagram and Pinterest to promote my quiz. If you’re starting from scratch, currently TryInteract is $29/month for the Lite Plan, Active Campaign is $15/month for their Lite Plan, and ad cost can be scaled up or down (or avoided completely) depending on your goals and budget. 

You don’t need to use the same technology that I do. To get the best results from this strategy, you need a quiz software that can collect email leads and connect to your email software. Your email software needs to be able to deliver automated emails. If you choose not to use ads, you’ll need somewhere else to promote your quiz! … Whether that’s on your social media, to other people’s audiences, or in person! Of course, I’ll teach aaaaaalllll of the juicy promotion strategies in the course!

What kind of support will I get?

I wanted to keep the base price of the course as low as possible and give you flexibility to get what you want.

The curriculum was designed to walk you through each step of this process and answer (in advance!) all of the questions my coaching clients have been asking me about quizzes over the years. I’m taking care to give you everything you need to implement this strategy right in the curriculum. 

To get personalized support, you have options! If you want in-depth 1-on-1 support, there is the opportunity to upgrade to the VIP level.

Do I need to be a tech whiz to set this up?

Nope! While there are a few moving pieces to create and integrate, I’ll walk you through how everything works together. Technology is getting easier and easier to use, and we get to leverage amazing pre-built systems to grow our business. Woot!

How much time will this take to create?

I’ve divided the action steps into a single week of effort if you want to cruise through and get launched ASAP. For those with more time/energy constraints or who want to spend more time developing the intellectual property behind the quiz, take as long as you need! You’ll have lifetime access to the curriculum. 

Is there a guarantee?

Because I’m revealing *everything* that is growing my list & sales each month, there are no refunds available for this program. My team and I are here to assist if you have any questions or concerns before or after investing in your quiz strategy.

enroll today!

Convert with a Quiz

Click the button below for the support level you’d like. The link will direct you to sign into Teachable and check out on that site. I can’t wait to support you in your quiz-building!

Quiz Course

Get Instant Access
Only $497

+VAT / Tax where applicable

Upgrade to VIP

Course + Three 90-min 1-on-1 Sessions with Kaye
Only $1997

+VAT / Tax where applicable

© 2022 Kaye & Co, LLC. All Rights Reserved.