Hire Kaye & Co to Clearly Define and
Communicate Your Compelling Brand Strategy
Through a 1:1 VIP Experience


Hire Kaye & Co to Clearly Define and Communicate Your Compelling Brand Strategy Through a 1:1 VIP Intensive Session


Imagine hiring a team of branding experts to curate and craft your unique brand strategy.

Work directly with psychology-driven brand strategist Kaye Putnam (Hi! That’s me!) in this exclusive done-for-you experience. Our assignment? To get all of your ideas, uniqueness, and best messages unlocked from that brilliant brain of yours.

And now imagine having your complete brand strategy delivered as an impactful interactive website. Now you have a clear direction to move forward into the future of your choice… And you have your whole brand strategy in one cohesive place.

Sound like a dream? … Actually, all of this can be your reality with the VIP Brand Experience.

I work with entrepreneurs who are ready to clarify their brand messages and align and empower their teams to be more successful.

We clear up any confusion about what your brand stands for and how you communicate. This process takes you from unsure to unlimited.

It’s time to define your singular, powerful vision.
To move into the future.
To make the impact and revenue you’re meant to.

My 1-on-1 VIP Clients Are…


Often they’re entrepreneurs who have reached a level of success, and are ready to scale up. They have an offer they’ve sold many times before. Now it’s time for them to take the next step in their business by cleaning up, clarifying, and systemizing their brand.


Sometimes they’re in the middle of a pivot. (Pivot! Yes, we’re still saying that.;) It’s time to evolve and this process sets them up for success.


Occasionally they’re aspiring to launch a brand new brand.* They’re seeking expert guidance to increase their probability of success.

*This service is not always the best fit for early-stage entrepreneurs. Factors to consider include your previous experience in business, business model certainty, and access to resources to implement what we create for you. If you’re unsure if this is right for you, please book a Clarity Call at the bottom of this page.

If you’re seeking the answers to these kinds of questions…

What exactly makes my brand different from the competition?

What are the core messages my brand should communicate repeatedly?

Why do other brands attract a thriving community when I struggle to be heard?

How can I grow and scale without losing what’s made me successful so far?

How can I cut through all of the noise in the market and stand out?

Why don’t the creatives I hire understand my vision? (Pssst… that’s a BIG one!)

How can I equip my team to grow my brand without constant revisions?

How can we get the whole team on one page of what the brand stands for?

…I can help.

Successful businesses move quickly.

In the beginning, when you were busy creating the first offers, you put everything together as quickly as you could. (And that’s smart!) You added even more band-aid solutions and more DIY projects as you grew. Maybe you branched out into a few new products or areas. And after a while, everything can start to feel like a jumbled mess. (Franken-brand, anyone?)

There comes a time in every brand’s life when it’s crucial to systemize and scale.

Scaling can look different from brand to brand. For you, it might mean:

  • Doubling down on what is working (and cutting away the clutter)
  • Upgrading the experience people have with your brand (so you can feel confident commanding higher prices, and people will be happy to pay them!)
  • Hiring a team to execute your vision on your behalf, or
  • Growing your audience of fans and customers

No matter which of these scaling strategies you choose to focus on, you’re going to need a rock-solid brand strategy to direct and fuel the growth.

Even if you’re a solo entrepreneur, if you’re trying to be all things to all people, you stunt the progress you can make. A focused position in the market and brand message will help you grow faster.


Over the last decade (and then some), I’ve created a framework to define psychology-driven brands that attract clients and customers on
an emotional level.

The Clarity Code™ Framework flips typical brand strategy inside out and upside down.

Instead of focusing on who we think we “should be” or “need to be” to attract ideal clients and customers, we focus on our innate strengths and truth. Our potent purpose and personality naturally attract the best humans to us – without needing to resort to cheesy internet marketing techniques, bending over backward to please others, or being someone we are not.

About Kaye

Kaye Putnam is a psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs. Kaye has been working with entrepreneurs worldwide for more than ten years, helping them develop and grow their business using her signature Clarity Code™ framework.

She’s been featured in numerous popular media outlets and podcasts, including Everything is Teachable, On Brand, JUST Branding, Capitalism.com, BossBabe Societe, The Strategy Hour, PIVOT Podcast, and more.

She believes in pursuing audacious dreams, and genius lives inside every entrepreneur. When you have a clear brand, your clients love, respect, and are willing to pay premium prices for your work, and it gives you the clarity and confidence to scale your impact and income.

Kaye has assembled a team of brainy brand-builders, too. So when you work with Kaye & Co., you’re accessing the minds of pro copywriters, strategists, and designers who meet (and often exceed!) Kaye’s standards.

The VIP Brand Intensive Process

Leverage the Clarity Code™ for your brand in this rich VIP experience. Walk away with done-for-you brand standards to bring your business to the next level.

Discovery Phase (~1-2 weeks)

The Discovery Phase is a crucial initial step in developing your brand strategy. After you book your Intensive with Kaye and pay your invoice, it’s time to complete the onboarding questionnaire. We ask the visionary of your brand (that’s you!) to complete an in-depth profile to set the project up for success from the start.

1-Day Workshop (3-4 hours)

You’ll meet 1-on-1 with Kaye for a 3- to 4-hour workshop that extracts all of the insight and raw material from your brain. (Rest up the night before! This process is fun – but requires lots of energy!)

Asset Analysis

Post-workshop, Kaye will ask you to provide materials from your existing brand (if you have one) and complete a visual brainstorming exercise for a proprietary analysis process to support your strategy development.

SourceBook Creation (~3-4 weeks)

Kaye and her team (including a professional copywriter and designer) distill all the brand data provided into an engaging, informative Brand SourceBook. The book will be delivered within 28 days of the intensive so that you can use it as your go-to resource for all things related to your brand strategy!

Review & Hand-Off

Once we deliver the SourceBook, you’ll have an opportunity to review it before moving into implementation mode. In this call with Kaye, she can answer any questions about how best to use your SourceBook so that everything will go smoothly from here!

Ready to elevate your brand?

Because of the energy and time dedicated to each brand, we are only available to a maximum of 3 VIP clients per month. And sometimes we’re booked out a bit, too. Act today to secure your spot.

What You Get

The Brand SourceBook™ 

We create a go-to branding hub for you that goes beyond simple standards. Our process defines your brand from the inside out. We uncover every reason your brand attracts your ideal clients and customers – even the ones you didn’t realize were a thing! The material in the SourceBook shapes, inspires, and informs all of your future brand touchpoints, from ads to emails to social. (And everything in between.)



  • Basics: What is the business, who do we serve, and how do they transform?
  • Core Question: Why does your brand exist?
  • Points of Difference: What is your position in the market compared to your competitors?
  • Cultural Context: What is changing in the world that reinforces the necessity for your brand to exist?
  • Personality: What is your brand’s unique personality? (using the brand archetype framework)
  • Point of View: What messages should your brand continually reinforce on your marketing platforms?
  • Principles: How will you craft and shape your internal brand culture?
  • Manifesto: What is your brand’s movement?
  • Credibility: Why will people believe what you say?
  • Enemies: What are the edges and pitfalls your brand must avoid?



  • Tone of Voice: How will your brand sound in written and spoken media?
  • Brand Vocabulary: What are your unique & owned intellectual property names? (If you don’t have any, we’ll help you brainstorm some ideas!)
  • Word Bank: The on-brand words to use throughout your copy and to stay away from.
  • Stories: Document your origin, results, movement, archetype stories to tell again and again.
  • Content themes (or pillars): If your brand content was a magazine, what sections would be included in it?
  • Human elements: What are the quirky and off-brand details that make you, YOU?
  • Copy Style: Get down to the nitty-gritty details so that your words are consistent from writer to writer and platform to platform



  • Moodboard: Sets the tone for all future design decisions in your brand.
  • Logos: Design is not included in this strategy service – but we’ll include them in the SourceBook if you already have a logo design.
  • Colors: What are the exact colors that represent your brand, and where you should use them.
  • Fonts: On-brand fonts that communicate your brand personality.
  • Graphic Styles: Your signature graphic styles, which can include elements like icons, photo overlays, gradients, textures, and other accents (varies by brand.)
  • Text Styles: A guide and example of which font to use where.
  • Image Do’s/Don’ts: Curated stock & brand image examples of what types of images work for you, and which to stay away from.

what past clients are saying…

My Sourcebook exceeded all expectations. It blew me away!

“Shortly after working together, I received my SourceBook. I was so nervous – I don’t think I opened the email for like 18 hours! I got up early the next morning – my family was still asleep – opened the email, and I started to cry. Tears of joy. I could not believe that something so amazing and so beautiful had been created just for me. It blew me away. It exceeded all expectations. It was just so exquisite.”

– Karen Gruber

There's nobody in the world I'd trust more than Kaye

“When it comes to being able to understand yourself from the perspective of your brand, Kaye’s ability to extract, clarify, and come back to you with something that feels right… that feels true to you… and that you’re proud to put out there… is something I’ve never seen done in my entire life.”

– Scott Oldford

I'm so pleased with Kaye's level of professionalism, patience, and kindness. It's hard to find!

“As a result of working with Kaye and her team, I’ve been showing up powerfully online, grown my list, been speaking on the East Coast & the West Coast, and have been doing my own events – it really has helped me tremendously in building my business, attracting the right clients, revenue, and helping me grow. I would recommend her and her team to anyone.”

– Angela Durant

This is for you if…


You feel like you’re poised for the next level of growth and want to create a unified path forward.


You work with a team (or plan to in the future) who help you create brand assets and messaging. You need to direct their work – and cut waaaayyy down on revisions or disappointing deliverables.


You want to go beyond the ‘old-fashioned’ marketing paradigm of features and benefits. You want to attract customers on a gut, subconscious, and emotional level.

This is not for you if…


You can’t invest the time or resources (team, budget, experience) to implement the brand strategy after it is created for you.


You’ve never worked with a client or customer and have no idea what you’re going to sell to them or what they want and need.


You’re in business to make money at all costs – and you have no interest in being authentic or contributing positively to the world.

How will you use the SourceBook?

★ When you onboard a new team member or contractor
★ To refresh your focus before being interviewed on a podcast
★ To handoff to a designer to create visual assets for your brand
★ When you work with a copywriter to write your social media, email, or blog content
★ To keep yourself on track whenever ‘shiny object syndrome’ rears its head

And because this is an interactive, web-based resource, you’ll be able to edit and shape the SourceBook whenever you create new intellectual property, discover a new standard to include on the words or design pages, or if anything else changes in your business.

Defining your brand strategy is…


Your brand touches *everything* else that you do. When you improve your brand, everything else works better.


You’ll minimize revisions, double-work, & guessing. You’ll also have a streamlined resource for communication.


The standards we document in your SourceBook won’t be changing next month or even next year. This hard-working asset will guide your growth for a long time to come.

Book Your VIP Brand Experience

Click the button below for the payment option of your choice. After booking, you'll have immediate access to a portal (in Teachable) where you’ll be able to access the discovery work. I can’t wait to support you in your brand-building!

Payment Plan

$3875 x2
paid 30 days apart

+VAT / Tax where applicable


(save $250)

+VAT / Tax where applicable


What happens after I book?

You’ll get immediate access to a portal (in Teachable) where you’ll be able to schedule your Intensive Workshop and access the discovery work. Please complete the pre-work at least 48 hours before your workshop. On the day of your workshop, Kaye will meet you on Zoom and lead the session. All you need to do is sleep well, fuel your energy, and be ready to talk!

How long does this take?

From the Discovery Phase to SourceBook delivery, the entire process typically takes four weeks from start to finish. We are generally booking VIP Intensives 2-4 weeks out. The main workshop is for 3-4 hours, and the SourceBook is generally revealed within 21 days. We’ll schedule a call for any tweaks or revisions (usually within the same week that we deliver the SourceBook, depending on your schedule.)

Are you designing a logo/website/graphics for me?

We’ll help you set the standards for your brand visuals, including a mood board, color selection, font selection, and stock image curation. We are not creating final assets such as logos, Instagram graphics, or web pages. You have the freedom to work with your choice of designer after the SourceBook is complete, with the confidence that you’ll be able to guide their work effectively.

Am I ready for a VIP Intensive?

In almost all cases, people who get the highest return on investment of this work have already created (at least) their first offer and have sold it a few times. This gives you powerful insight into your process, clients, and goals. If this doesn’t describe you, I have other products and programs that are a better fit for your stage of business, like Brand New Brand.

Will this work for my type of business?

I work primarily with coaches, consultants, creatives, and course creators. However, my client roster includes a trucking company, software-as-a-service brands, physical products (eCommerce), influencers, and traditional service-based brands. If your brand sells to humans, this process works.

What if I don’t like what you create?

This has never happened. 🙂 For a few reasons: first, I’ve been doing this work for nearly a decade and have honed my process to extract a powerful brand from the humans I have the honor to work with. Second: you aren’t going to be surprised by what I deliver. Your brand is a reflection of YOU—your vision, your personality, your beliefs, etc. I’m not picking a brand for you out of thin air – I’m crafting one based on everything true about you.

How does this compare to your courses and programs?

In Brand New Brand, I walk you through defining your brand standards. This is the done-for-you version of that course. My other courses complement this process and do not overlap – Brandfluency gives you a deep dive into your top archetypes. Convert with a Quiz is about lead generation. The Brand Advantage is about creating results and momentum through daily action-taking. My Amplify Accelerator mentorship program once your brand is established, where you focus on *being* your brand.

book today!

VIP Brand Experience

Click the button below for the payment option of your choice. After booking, you'll have immediate access to a portal (in Teachable) where you’ll be able to access the discovery work. I can’t wait to support you in your brand-building!

Payment Plan

$3875 x2
paid 30 days apart

+VAT / Tax where applicable


(save $250)

+VAT / Tax where applicable

Schedule a Clarity Call

After reading this page, do you have a question or two that you’d like me to answer? Schedule a Clarity Call, and we can connect over zoom to see if this done-for-you service is a good fit for your brand.

© 2022 Kaye & Co, LLC. All Rights Reserved.