Crack The 6-Figure Code &
Ignite  Serious Demand For Your Brand
in the Amplify Accelerator



Tired of chasing down sales DM-by-DM, or waiting for people to magically find you?

Do you find yourself spending more and more time creating content – with ‘meh’ results to show for it?

Is it time for your brand to scale up?

If so, I’m so glad you’re here! I’m going to reveal the system I developed systemize and scale up brands. Which includes everything from creating magnetic content… to generating sales while you sleep… and ultimately giving you back the time to operate in your zone of genius.

Not to mention enjoy your life! Businesses aren’t worth the stress if they’re only a glorified job with entry-level pay. (Ouch, been there.) 

When it’s time for your brand to “grow up,” get the support you crave to make it happen.

If you want to learn…

…the absolute best and most *sustainable* way to create content consistently?


…the powerful subconscious tools to help you to cultivate the energy you need to lead and succeed?


…how to connect and convert leads to sales – like magic?

I’d like to introduce you to my new high-touch, application-only group experience called…

The Amplify Accelerator

In this advanced program, you’ll get…

The expertise & accountability of 1-on-1,
With in-depth and step-by-step curriculum,
Plus the momentum & feedback of an intimate mastermind.

*Because of the 1-on-1 component included in this program, I can only enroll a maximum of 5 incredible humans into Amplify per month.

I designed this 6-month experience for a specific entrepreneur…

… You have the basics down (You have something to sell, & you’ve sold it before.)

… You want to reach wayyy more people when you publish content. 

… Content production feels like a never-ending treadmill, and it’s a challenge to stay consistent.

… Every lead, follow-up, and sale takes time and effort from you. 

… If you’re being honest, there’s still uncertainty around your message, position, and offers. 

… You’d like to scale your business, but aren’t interested in working more hours or having less flexibility.

… You experience a yo-yo effect where you work hard and attract leads, then get busy and stop marketing. 

… You sell either services, coaching, consulting, or courses.

I also know that you’re ready to step into the next phase of your business…

The one where you activate all of the things you’ve learned and you become the leader you know you’re meant to be.

I’d like to simplify everything with you.

It’s not until you have 3 essential systems in place that you can start to scale up your revenue, without working more & more hours each week:

A system to attract leads.
A system to nurture leads.
A system to convert leads to customers.

(And then you get to deliver your genius.)

In Amplify, we’re going to go deep & detailed into each of these 3 systems. Together, we’ll set up (or upgrade) each system in YOUR business so it does the work of attracting, nurturing, and converting strangers into treasured clients. 

What You’ll Learn & Do

As I’ve been designing this container, I am constantly going back to the questions:

What are the REAL, applicable steps that I took to create my current business?
What are the steps that my mid-6 to 7-figure clients are taking to grow exponentially?

The curriculum was born from the answers to those questions. (And some of the steps may surprise you.)

Here’s everything you’ll achieve in Amplify:

Master your Inner Space

On both the conscious and subconscious level, we’ll cultivate the identity, energy, and clarity you need to lead & succeed. Learn the practices, structures, and shifts to increase your brand magnetism.

Sneak Preview: Experience subconscious alignment first-hand (with my new MindFrame recordings) to achieve your goals, learn Energy ⇄ Identity Mechanics, and leverage the latest psychological research to cement your desired identity.

Align your Outer Space

Your online expression needs to accurately speak your brand truth to be as potent as possible. Even if you have your core brand visuals set, this month will shortcut your process for attracting perfect clients.

This will look like: Assessing your current brand ecosystem, including any ‘blind spots’ in the way we present ourselves. Systemizing & delegation strategy appropriate to your level of business. Get coaching & feedback from my team designer.

Upgrade your Offer

We’ll make your signature offer more irresistible and profitable by upgrading your messaging, authority, and copywriting.

This will look like: Writing or rewriting your services / sales page. Get coaching & feedback from my team copywriter.

Make More Sales

Once we know exactly what to focus on selling, our next stage will be to create a sales mechanism to automate your sales process.

This will look like: Create a webinar or video that converts warm leads to clients while you sleep.

Solar System of Leads

After you generate leads, we’ll define your strategy to nurture them. This stage of selling requires a strategic mix of storytelling, movement-making, trust building, and calls to action. You’ll learn my Content Matrix in detail AND implement it into your business.

This will look like: Writing your email indoctrination sequence. Writing swipes and workshops to get it done faster.

Increase Brand Gravity

We’ll create your evergreen content system in detail, so you know exactly how to create, repurpose, and distribute content consistently with the least amount of effort.

This will look like: Establishing your content team, templates, and system to get maximum distribution with minimum time investment. You’ll get coaching and feedback from my team Content Manager.

We’ll have monthly coaching calls, real-time feedback/critiques, and monthly work sessions to keep you on track during the process.

Plus, you’ll get tons of templates, workflows, and spreadsheets that my own team uses on a day-to-day basis to run this entire system for MY brand.

I’ve Got A Lot Waiting For You & I Want To Highlight Two of the Best Bonuses

After being accepted into the Amplify Accelerator Program you’ll ALSO receive:

Lifetime Access To My 30-Day Brand Advantage Program

Everyone loves fast results and my 30-Day Brand Advantage Program is the container that delivers just that. You’ll be able to get into action right away with daily actions you can take to create results NOW.

TWO 1-on-1 90-Minute Quantum Quarter Strategy Sessions with Kaye

Before we begin – and then again at the mid-way point – we’ll schedule a 1-on-1 Quantum Quarter Session.

In each of the 90 – minute Intensives, my brain will be on your brand – and your brand only. We’ll plan your upcoming quarter. This includes identifying your content pillars, setting your goals, removing limiting beliefs, creating your financial plan, and aligning your subconscious with your new goals.

You’ll walk away from each session with your Quantum Quarter Strategy to implement over the following 12 weeks.

You Have Two Choices…

You can absolutely go at it alone. It can be done. I’ve done it. It’s hard, but possible. You’ll likely spend hours dissecting free content and even more time and money hiring coaches to figure out each step of the system.

Not to mention developing all of the different assets to get this up and running…

OR you could stand on my shoulders and skip hours of frustration, sweat and tears… and receive my support each step of the way.

If you want to shorten the learning curve and get everything you (and I mean everything!) you need to amplify your impact, expand your income & accelerate the growth of your business, The Amplify Accelerator is for you. I’d be honored to work closely with you to scale your impact and income.

Keep in Mind

I make every effort to accurately represent all the products and services that I sell and their potential for income. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each person’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.