Creatives, Coaches, & Consultants…

Create a growth strategy for your brand that you can implement immediately

$297 Regular Investment

Get access now for only…

Join me for an in-depth, live workshop to build a revenue-driving strategy that will propel your success over the next 6 months. You’ll get step-by-step guidance, my content calendar template, launch checklist, 17 Core Content outlines, 4-part email conversion sequence, and much more.

We’ll work together to build an action plan with the exact steps you need to take to massively scale up your audience, impact, and sales. You’ll leave feeling empowered and ready to scale.

Kaye Putnam, Psychology-Driven Brand Strategist

This system has led to 1,000’s of students, 100’s of clients, a multiple 6-figure business – and I want to share it with you.

Have we been introduced yet? 🤓
I’m Kaye (like the letter.)

This work has helped my clients & students multiply their sales, attract dream clients, publish best-selling books, grace TEDx stages, and get featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, etc.

I approach branding from the inside-out, which means that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy.

And while having 1,000’s of ideas is a great  – it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed. Which got me thinking about how to systemize my approach to brand growth.

Because when it comes down to it, all your brand needs is 3 systems in place to increase your sales, audience, and impact. 

I created the “Clarity to Scale” workshop so you can define these 3 systems for your brand. Once you have clarity on your way forward, all you need is to implement it to see the results you desire!

Introducing the brand new…

If you sense that you’re at an inflection point… that growth is right around the corner, but you’re not sure how to get there…

This workshop will set the stage for you to take action on what matters most in order for your brand to succeed online. 

  • Get expert insight from a professional brand strategist and online entrepreneur
  • Take advantage of high ROI, hands-on training that will make the most impact for your brand
  • Create an actionable strategy for your brand that you can begin to implement immediately
  • Build momentum and scale your success!

What You’ll Get In the Workshop

Clarify your vision & Metrics

Before we take a single step, we need to create a vision on where you are going. We’ll define your benchmarks for success and future self so that you’re ready to confidently create that vision.

Choose Your Primary Offer

Get clear on where you should focus your energy. We’ll select an offer that makes strategic sense for your stage of business and current constraints.

Design Your Sales Flow

Every customer goes through a journey of discovery before they are ready to buy from you. We’ll design your simple sales funnel to take people from strangers to sales.

Nurture Your Audience

Create a systematic approach to growth and audience engagement that is sustainable and dare I say – FUN – to implement. (Even if social media isn’t your jam.)

Attract New Humans

Identify your biggest opportunities to reach new humans who need and desire what you do. Multiply your impact by focusing on the highest-leverage attraction strategies.


Q&A Support

You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback after watching the recorded class.

Get Access to the 2-hour workshop, and get the templates, outlines, checklists and much more for…


All for just $47!


Value = $27

Included at NO COST
Bonus #1:

Content Calendar Template

I’ll be providing you the template and training you on the exact marketing calendar that my team and I use. It organizes all of the 3 marketing systems into a time-based strategy.  

Schedule your content in advance to avoid burning out. Learn how to plan social media, blog posts, and email campaigns so you have a steady stream of engaging content through the rest of 2021.

Value = $27

Included at NO COST
Bonus #2:

Launch Strategy

Take your next launch to the next level with this strategic marketing calendar. It’ll help you navigate the steps for pre-launch, build hype leading up to launch day, and what to do post-launch, all while keeping track of what’s most important: getting customers excited about both buying your offer

Value = $27

Included at NO COST
Bonus #3:

17 Core Content Outlines

With thousands of pieces of content that you *could* create, there are 17 pieces that every brand should create to maximize sales and trust in the market. I’ll be giving you outlines to create each of these 17 crucial pieces of content that can be used as social media posts, emails to your list, blog posts, videos, or all of these! 

Value = $97

Included at NO COST
Bonus #4:

4-Part Email Sequence Template

After a new human joins your orbit, an email automation sequence is a high-leverage path to invite them to work with you. I’ll share my exact emails and the strategy behind them, so you can create this system for your own brand.

Imagine how amazing it will feel to wake up to people who are excited to learn more about working with you, and you haven’t had a conversation with them yet. This is relationship-building at scale!

Value = $247

Included at NO COST
Bonus #5:

30-Minute Strategy Session

For some of you, once you create your 6-month growth strategy, you’re going to want ongoing support and mentorship. And to be transparent, I’m offering this high-value workhop at this low investment because it is how I attract potential clients for my 6-month private mentorship program, called Amplify Accelerator.

So for this reason, I’m offering complimentary 30-minute strategy sessions for workshop attendees. During our 1-on-1 call, I’ll answer any questions you have about your brand strategy. And if it’s the right fit for both of us, I’ll invite you to join my Amplify Accelerator program. 

Get the clarity you need
to scale your brand’s success…

  • 2-Hour workshop with Kaye ($497 value)
  • 28-Page Workbook for active learning ($27 value)
  • BONUS #1: Content Calendar template ($27 value)
  • BONUS #2: High-Sales Launch Strategy ($27 value)
  • BONUS #3: 17 Core Content outlines ($27 value)
  • BONUS #4: 4-part email sequence ($27 value)
  • BONUS #5: 1-on-1 Strategy Session ($247 Value)

Available right now
for only…



When you sign up you’ll get…

  • 2-Hour Workshop
  • An Interactive Workbook
  • Follow-Along Examples
  • Content Calendar Template
  • 17 VIP content outlines
  • 4-piece email automation
  • High-converting launch strategy
  • And much, much more…

Get the clarity you need
to scale your brand’s success…

  • 2-Hour workshop with Kaye ($497 value)
  • 21-page Workbook for active learning ($27 value)
  • BONUS #1: Content Calendar template ($27 value)
  • BONUS #2: Engaging Launch strategy ($27 value)
  • BONUS #3: 17 Core Content outlines ($27 value)
  • BONUS #4: 4-part email sequence ($27 value)
  • BONUS #5: 1-on-1 Strategy Session ($247 Value)

Click the button below to get the workshop, content calendar template, launch checklist, 17 content templates, and all 5 of the included bonuses right now.

I make every effort to accurately represent all the products and services that I sell and their potential for income. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each person’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, skills and context.

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