Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand

Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand

A shaman, a life coach, and a nutritionist joined a Facebook group… Sound like the start to a fantastic entrepreneurial joke? Well it’s not! 😉 Instead, it’s a fantastic example of the power of branding. And that it’s *not* limited to specific niches. All business need...
How to Build a Strong Brand from the Start

How to Build a Strong Brand from the Start

You’ve made the decision. You’re jumping in head first…. grabbing the bull by the horns… sprinting towards the finish line. You’re starting your own business. Your finish line is having a rockin’ brand launched with adoring clients and customers eager to work with...
In Spite of My Constraints

In Spite of My Constraints

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing what has been happening behind-the-scenes as I’ve been creating my first digital course, Brand New Brand. If you missed the previous installments, you can catch up on them here, here, and here. As my deadline is rapidly...