Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand

A shaman, a life coach, and a nutritionist joined a Facebook group…

Sound like the start to a fantastic entrepreneurial joke? Well it’s not! 😉

Instead, it’s a fantastic example of the power of branding. And that it’s *not* limited to specific niches. All business need a strong brand strategy and identity if they want to be successful. *THAT* is why Brand New Brand was born.

I am *so* inspired by ambitious entrepreneurs with big audacious dreams. But, as much as I would *love* it, I cannot work 1-on-1 with all of them! There’s not enough time in the day and my kiddos need lovin’ too!

The Brand New Brand program is my signature brand incubation program for entrepreneurs at all stages of business. It’s for individuals that are ready to dedicate the time and energy it takes to build their best brands, but need some guidance on how to start and stay in motion.

Since Brand New Brand launched, I’ve helped more than 140 ambitious entrepreneurs build cohesive brands that align with their unique personalities and values.

Every day, I am wowed by the results of these ambitious entrepreneurs – and proud of the feedback they give my team about their experience in BNB.

This brand incubation program has been transformative for so many small business owners. I’m grateful each day that I get to be part of their brand-building process.

So it’s time again to brag on some Brand New Brand students… a few amazing geniuses who’ve worked hard and earned today’s spotlight.

Check out these awe-inspiring success stories from Brand New Brand!

Alan Fuller, Author & Shamanic Practitioner

Before enrolling in Brand New Brand, Alan was creating content and it had attracted some 1-to-1 clients. But, they weren’t his ideal clients, and he wasn’t feeling like he was serving them at his highest and best ability.

I’d been throwing random stuff at the wall hoping it would stick for my business. And every time I tried shiny new stuff, I just became more confused and overwhelmed.

My website was pretty, but it was super inconsistent. My blog posts weren’t cohesive – everything seemed so random. It was a wonder I had any clients! I needed clarity, and I could tell that BNB could help.”

Through his hard work, Alan uncovered that the content he had been creating was around a topic that wasn’t truly his passion. By digging deep into the coursework, he uncovered his own brand truths. He became confident and clear on what work he wanted to focus on – and who he truly wanted to help.

“My fear before BNB was that I would end up just another “Yes, I do this, too” kind of brand. The clarity and consistency I got from BNB is what differentiates me now from everyone else who does the same thing.”

Want the kind of certainty that Alan gained? Here’s his advice for incoming BNB students… 

“Take full advantage of the BNB student-only Facebook group. As Entrepreneurs, we sometimes isolate ourselves just to get sh*t done. The Facebook group can definitely help alleviate that sense of isolation.

…And try not to multitask when doing the course. There are golden nuggets in the videos you don’t want to miss. Branding is complicated, but BNB gives a flow to the process that makes it super-do-able. Relax into it, take your time, don’t rush it.” 

Alan produced some seriously exceptional work in the course. Here’s his moodboard. (So sensory and kinetic!) 

Since completing the course, Alan has benefited from enhanced confidence:

  • He reports that he no longer has to chase clients – the right ones gravitate to him.
  • He’s become excited again about creating an online Shamanic Journeying course he had started but almost abandoned.
  • And, he feels his entrepreneur “imposter syndrome” has subsided.

“I realized that I was born to teach what I teach,” he told us.

“Through BNB, I didn’t get an image to project to the world – I got training in letting my soul shine through my business, and that’s worth more than I can express.”

Learn about Alan Fuller’s practice.

Read Alan’s blog.

Jennifer Shearer, Certified Kids Life Coach & Founder of The Looking Glass

Jennifer was rebranding, as the focus of her business had changed. She was looking for a framework to help guide her rebrand – a step-by-step system that included a support component, too. She found Brand New Brand and – through work and admirable focus – she became one of our favorite success stories!

Before the course, Jennifer felt unclear of her plan. She also felt her growth had stagnated and she wanted to change that.

“As my brand began to grow and shift, I never really knew what to do. Plus, I felt like I was always reaching out to my existing community. To grow, I needed to reach new people and nurture them with information they needed and wanted. I just didn’t really know how – so I wasn’t growing and I felt stuck.

One of Jennifer’s most pivotal BNB moments was when she started incorporating her archetypes to define her brand.

“I had always tried to please everyone. BUT I didn’t even know who I was as a brand. When I realized I was a Magician and Caregiver it all made sense to bring it into my brand.

“Having my authentic voice is SO powerful. It’s a game changer with my new brand!”

Check out these genius excerpts from Jennifer’s brand book:

Since taking the course, Jennifer has stayed in motion. She has:

  • Designed and launched her website.
  • Started a Facebook page and an Instagram page
  • Started a webinar series to connect with and nurture new followers.
  • Created an opt-in freebie.
  • Wrote and automated emails to nurture her email list.

“My new brand is so aligned with who I am and why I do this work. I feel like I no longer look for others’ approval. I am confident that the message I am here to send will come across just as it’s meant to – and reach those that are meant to find me.”

Are you craving the kind of clarity and confidence that Jennifer gained? Here’s her advice for new BNB students:

“Take your time and do the work. There is no rush and there is also no right or wrong. Trust your intuition with the decisions you’re making. Use the momentum and don’t stop just because you’re stuck on something. Use the students Facebook group and get feedback as often as you need. That’s why we are all here!”

Visit Jennifer’s newly-launched website.

See Jennifer’s brand in action on Facebook and Instagram.

(Pssst… 📌 You can pin this article to reference later!)

Pamela Chavez, Nutritionist & Health Coach for Military Spouses. Founder of Health on the Homefront

Pamela joined Brand New Brand at a time when she was struggling to gain clarity in her business. She wasn’t confident in her choice to serve a narrow niche, and she was not sure which ideas to pursue for her brand.

“I was marketing to everyone and no one was hearing me. I was trying not to make waves and keep everyone happy. I knew I had great ideas but I wasn’t able to bring them to life.”

Pamela did rockstar-level work in BNB. (Seriously, you’ll see…) She diligently put focused effort into the course, and leveraged feedback from other students as she worked.

“I absolutely loved all that I got from BNB. The active group adds another layer of learning and networking. Many times I would get feedback from another member and I hadn’t even considered that angle or perspective. That kind of help is invaluable.”

Pamela’s brand is now crystal clear – to her and to the world. She regularly crafts stand-out messaging that cut through the noise. And, the best part? The confidence she developed and instilled into her brand book propels her forward.

“If I ever have a tough day and doubt creeps in, all I have to do is pull up my brand book and all fears subside.”

“I love that I have a complete brand book and I have used it a million times over. From hiring virtual assistants, diving in to get a plethora of ideas for blog posts, or presenting it when I changed my logo. The completed brand book showcasing all of the work I did for a cohesive brand is worth its weight in gold.”

Pamela’s visibility has skyrocketed, too. She has:

  • Launched a Facebook group
  • Started a Facebook group, a Pinterest profile, and other social outposts
  • Guested on several podcasts
  • Had content featured in multiple well-respected news outlets, including Mompreneur, Food Matters, and Military Spouse Magazine
  • Launched a webinar
  • Created multiple lead magnet freebies (See her on-brand opt-in box for one below!)
  • Created regular content, including a popular blog
  • Been hired as a keynote speaker and ongoing nutrition expert for the Military Spouse Wellness Summit 2019

… and more than we can list here. (Told ya. Total rockstar!)

Ready to follow in Pamela’s footsteps? Here’s her advice for new BNB students:

“Give your all to each and every module. I really tried to dive into the mind of my ideal client when doing the exercises. Kaye explains every step and is very methodical about the process. Follow it and you will do amazing work!”


Visit Pamela’s website.

Check out the Health on the Homefront blog.

Are you ready to lay the foundation for a brand that works as hard as you do? 

If you are ready to build a strong & strategic brand from the foundation up, it’s time for Brand New Brand! 




  1. Talent Brand Scorecard

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    Keep up the good work.

  2. Melo

    Great post! Really enjoyed reading it. Thank for sharing.


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