Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand

Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand

A shaman, a life coach, and a nutritionist joined a Facebook group… Sound like the start to a fantastic entrepreneurial joke? Well it’s not! 😉 Instead, it’s a fantastic example of the power of branding. And that it’s *not* limited to specific niches. All business need...
How to Ensure Brand Consistency While You Scale

How to Ensure Brand Consistency While You Scale

In the beginning, when you’re running the show all alone, building your business is a lot like wearing a million different hats when you’ve never really considered yourself much of a hat person. You’re the boss, the content creator, the customer service provider, the...
Unlocking Big Brand Genius: ADAY

Unlocking Big Brand Genius: ADAY

Last year, when we developed the 12 Brandfluency courses, Kaye and I researched fitness brands to find one that represents each of the twelve archetypes. This was the perfect exercise to show how very different brands actually sell very similar products. Think about...