Success Stories: Brand New Brand Results

Two years ago, I started developing an idea for a group branding course. I wanted to be able to help entry-level entrepreneurs with revenue less than $100K to launch their brands. I wanted to give them access to my step-by-step process at a lower price point than that of my one-on-one services. 

(And ‘selfish’ note: I was 20 weeks pregnant, so maternity leave was looming! I needed a way to be of value even when I was sleep-deprived and not sitting at my computer.)

After hours of brainstorming, feedback from potential students, and lots of content creation, my idea transformed into an online course.

In October 2015, I launched this course for the first time. I named it Brand New Brand. It walks students through the process of launching a brand, step-by-step. I provided the structure, content, and advice. But it’s not just me – students share their opinions and feedback. The energy & output of the group was better than I could have imagined.

Now… back to the current day, more than 65+ entrepreneurs have enrolled in my Brand New Brand course.

I am beyond excited for my next round of students to discover their true message and develop their brands during the five-week course. That excitement inspired some course reflection. I’ve been reminiscing about previous students. Entrepreneurs that enrolled in my course and the extraordinary brands they developed. Proud doesn’t begin to express how I feel for all of my Brand New Brand students. They took action. They invested time and money into their transformation. They transformed ideas into brands. These brands show true personalities that speak to their ideal clients’ souls.

So, what better way to show how proud I am… than to dedicate some time to public client love.  

Today, I’m highlighting 4 past Brand New Brand students and their stellar brands. They’ve demonstrated what can be accomplished when you take action and invest in your brand development.

Dr. Shari Miller – Orthopedic Physical Therapist & Founder of Athletity: Physical Therapy + Performance Lab

While everyone has a different starting point and unique journey that leads them to Brand New Brand, some people come into the course with a bit of a head start. In Shari’s case, she had years of experience as a physical therapist and needed to translate that experience into building her practice.

“Before joining BNB, I had the concept of who I wanted to serve, how it would look, and the personality I wanted to convey. I was intimidated by choosing a brand name, colors, logos, and visuals that all communicated the same message. It all felt overwhelming… Kaye’s method helped me expedite the process.”

I often hear that making design decisions for a brand is the most difficult step in brand development. With millions of colors in the world – how do you limit your brand to a few hex codes? And what about a brand name? How do you combine creative, informative, and straightforward? My answer? Archetypes. Identifying your archetype is *so* powerful because it permits you to narrow down your choices. Shari specifically had this revelation in Brand New Brand.

“When it came to incorporating my archetype into my brand message, I was thankful to have a guide of what to include and not to include. Being able to keep everything in the Hero / Girl Next Door archetype kept me on track to project a clear message.”

Speaking of staying “on track”…

Since completing Brand New Brand less than 6 months ago, Shari has:

✓ Launched a website
✓ Created 2 opt-ins
✓ Created 2 landing pages
✓ Launched email marketing campaigns
✓ Launched her Facebook page (and gained more than 80 followers)
✓ Launched her 1st challenge

I get exhausted looking at that list! She was armed for success because she had a clear brand with her mission, vision, and values defined.

“The BNB course made this very easy because I knew what I stood for and how to communicate it. I now feel my brand is clear, defined, and reflects who I am… It is truly my own brand.”

Shari’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

Spend extra days before it starts on the foundational work. Watch videos twice on topics you feel are your weak areas….watch once, work through worksheets, walk away for a bit, then watch again to see if there’s anything you can refine.

Learn more about Athletitiy:
Athletity Facebook

Deborah Woods: National Certified Counselor & Founder at Magnetic Moms

When you’re building a brand, it’s never too soon (or too late) to ask for help. Many entrepreneurs who enroll in my Brand New Brand course have a decent head start in the direction of their brand. But it’s also beneficial to people who are just starting – like Deborah Woods. Before signing up for Brand New Brand, Deborah was the first to admit that she had no idea how to create a brand.

“As a long time therapist, marketing has always been a dirty word in professional circles. Ethical training courses warn of the danger of violating ethics in an attempt to market. As a result, I spent years depending on word of mouth which proved inadequate.”

To say Deborah was active in the BNB Facebook Group would be an understatement. She was an integral member of Brand New Brand – providing insightful and thoughtful advice to her fellow entrepreneurs. Her engagement paid off tenfold. She received similar insightful feedback from others on every step of the way – from her brand position to her logos and colors.

“Participating in the Facebook group allowed me to share my efforts and get the feedback I needed to course correct when I was off track and to celebrate and expand when I was on track. Giving feedback to others allowed me to try out my new found learning and test my thoughts. Participating in the Facebook group was essential to my implementation of the coursework to develop my brand new brand.”

By relying on others in the group, she could workshop her brand with real-time feedback. So what started as a logo she was unhappy with was able to morph into a color scheme, logo, and tagline she was proud of. She used that logic to stay on brand with any content and messaging she published for Magnetic Moms.

“After doing the course I realize that there’s a lot more to do AND I have a clear sense of what is and isn’t My BRAND. That makes all the difference. Now I can eliminate all the clutter and easily see the things I want to reject. I can now focus my efforts and communicate a clear message.”

And design gorgeous website pages as a result…

Since completing Brand New Brand, Deborah has continued to develop  Magnetic Mom’s message. She’s been publishing more on social media (including her first live video!) and she’s been honing her public speaking skills using her inner-brand archetype.

“I returned to Toastmasters to incorporate what I’ve learned in developing my brand into my speaking efforts. I gave my first speech back and hit it out of the park! My hero archetype guided my selection of the story I shared and the message I wanted to convey. It reminded me of my strength and my ability to do hard things. I’m upleveling my speaking skills again and loving it!”

Deborah’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

Do the assignments. Let yourself struggle. Don’t be afraid to fail. Every effort counts. Participate. Show up. Ask questions. Share your ideas. Go all in. Don’t hold back. Learn all you can.

Learn more about Magnetic Moms:
Magnetic Moms Facebook

(Pin to read later!)

Rob Hock of Robert Hock Wedding Photography:

Before enrolling in Brand New Brand, Rob was experiencing something ALL of us have been through at one point or another. He was seconding guessing himself. The BNB course exists for many reasons. One of the main reasons is to give you the experience and confidence to KNOW what your brand is and WHY it exists.

“I felt my brand was not a true reflection of myself. I loved the concept of looking at branding through archetypes and Kaye’s course was the only branding course that focused on it in detail and depth… She is truly an expert in this area of study!”

Rob didn’t think he had a “brand” before he started the course. He had designed his wedding photography website in a way that was visually appealing. But he needed to further his understanding of what branding actually is. As a Lover Archetype, shooting weddings is a natural fit. Through Brand New Brand, he learned how to portray his personality and uniqueness to potential clients.

“People told me my branding could be better but nobody offered me a systematic way to explore how to improve it… Kaye’s course completely changed that.”

Rob discovered his brand’s voice by exploring what he himself sounded like when interacting with his customers. The course taught him to explore the motivations and desires of his Lover Archetype. Rob invested the time and effort to get the most out of the BNB course and it truly paid off!

“Since completing the course, I have received numerous compliments on my new brand and feel it 100% reflects my personality.”

Rob’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

It took a significant time commitment for me to do this course properly (10h per week), more than I expected. It was an incredible course though, especially through the Facebook group and conversations we had there.

Learn more about Robert Hock Wedding Photography:
Robert Hock Instagram

Mara Spruit: Creator of Mara Spruit Jewelry

Some things are best done alone. Building your brand is not one of them. My Brand New Brand course provides an atmosphere that’s conducive to success. Your brand is your story and if you cannot tell your story, then you cannot explain your brand. By joining a community of likeminded individuals – like Mara – you get to share your ideas and get relevant feedback. You get to discover what your story is. This is what Mara says about her brand before enrolling in Brand New Brand:

“There was no brand… I had only an idea and the need to be creative.”

Mara dove head first into the community. She submerged herself in the program and provided valuable feedback to her classmates. She took full advantage of the private BNB Facebook group. Mara cultivated relationships and grew her network in ways she could have never imagined.

“The BNB course was encouraging. It made me feel like I was doing the right thing. It gave me wonderful feedback and helped me with many difficult decisions but, most of all, it was stimulating. I love that my fellow students and I are still in touch and show our ongoing, growing brands.”

After a mere 30 days, Mara had completed her brand book. She built the foundation of her brand’s story.  She used her Maverick / Creator Archetypes to channel her own voice, tone, and (as Mara says) her “inner Jack Sparrow”. Mara stayed true to herself and her dream while creating her visuals and messaging. Her brand began to represent what she represents. Choosing to see the beauty in life, maintaining open-mindedness, and being one of a kind.

“My brand is a reality now. It’s still in an ongoing process and that’s fine. The foundation (beliefs and ideas) of my brand are clear and strong now. I have my brand book to fall back on and that makes me feel very confident. I LOVE what I do now… this is ALL mine and I know the rest will follow.”

My favorite part of Mara’s story is that she isn’t letting what she doesn’t have hold her back. Mara’s still working on creating her website and her first full jewelry line.  She’s also actively building her community and brand on social media.  She already has a group of interested people to launch to as soon as her line is ready. I’m so proud of her for staying in action!

Mara’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

Take your time. Building the foundation to your brand is key and isn’t necessarily something you write down in one night. Sleep on it, buy a black book and keep it close… you never know when the brilliant ideas pop up. Give the BNB course everything you have because it’s so much fun when you see your brand come to life.

Follow Mara’s work:
Mara Spruit Instagram
Mara Spruit Pinterest

It’s your turn.

Brand New Brand live class begins in *four* days.  Is it time for you to take action?

  • Do you have an idea for a brand that you’re bursting to start?
  • Do you have an established brand that needs a stronger message?
  • Do you need to better identify who you are to your ideal clients?
  • Do you need more clarity and confidence in your brand?

Yes? Then learn more about Brand New Brand.  I’d love to welcome to you the family.  Plus, you’re already ahead of the game with stellar advice from rockstar students.

Hope to see you on the other side!




  1. More! Success Stories: Brand New Brand - Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist - […] Want more? Read about FOUR more rockin’ entrepreneurs and the brands they created in Brand New Brand here. […]

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