More! Success Stories: Brand New Brand

When I launched my Brand New Brand program for the first time back in 2015, my main goal was to help more ambitious brand builders at a lower price point, in a supportive group environment. It’s my program for those getting started and whose businesses have revenue than $100K. Often the students of the program need to build their brand from scratch.

Since then, I’ve helped more than 100 ambitious entrepreneurs build meaningful, cohesive brands that align with their core personality.

I’ve been completely floored by the incredible results and feedback I’ve gotten from my students. This brand incubation program has made such a huge difference for so many hardworking entrepreneurs, and I’m forever grateful that I get to be part of their brand-building process.

Proud is an understatement; I’m in complete AWE of my students every day. They are dedicated, talented, focused, persistent, and driven. I love carving out some of my professional time to dedicate to these amazing souls who join the BNB journey!

So I wanted to take a moment to brag on some Brand New Brand students who deserve alllll the brags. No being humble, no sitting down!

Check out these inspiring success stories from Brand New Brand!


Sarah Samuelson: Founder of Solid Ground Creative

Before enrolling in Brand New Brand, Sarah’s brand was non-existent. While she had plenty of great ideas, she struggled to build a cohesive offering and lacked the confidence to put herself out there as a professional. She hoped that BNB would help her find clarity around her brand and attract her best audience… and that’s exactly what happened!

Sarah described incorporating her brand archetype into her business as “a relief.

“I was given permission to let my brand be exactly what it was with no judgement. The need to compare now felt silly – those other brands weren’t my archetype anyway. Now, that I was no longer comparing, there was this energy that allowed my to focus and actually get stuff done.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​”

(Gorgeous, right?!)

Speaking of getting things done… Sarah found the Brand New Brand Facebook Group to be a key source of accountability and support as she reigned in her brand.

“I need accountability to keep taking those small steps forward in the process of uncovering my brand.​​​​​​​ We were all united in a common goal of clarity and that made the process feel less lonely.”

Small steps?! Not for this hustler…

In the six months since completing the Brand New Brand course, Sarah has:

  • Launched a website
  • Mastered Instagram
  • Taken on new design clients
  • AND published an ebook about creating using your menstrual cycle as a guide

“Six months ago, I had no presence. I was hiding… For someone who was hiding from the world, I would say it doesn’t get a lot more intimate than an ebook on that subject.​​​​​​​”

(Let me tell you, one eBook creator to another – it’s a thoughtful, time-consuming process. Major kudos to Sarah on launching her first of what I hope will be MANY incredible guides!)

Sarah’s advice to future BNB students?

“Get whatever support you need to clear some time and dig it – so worth it.”

Learn more about Solid Ground Creative:
Solid Ground Creative
Solid Ground Creative Instagram

(Pin for later!)

Elizabeth Barber, Owner of Devon’s Doggie Delights

While Elizabeth started with a pre-existing business, her brand lacked a clear identity. She felt that her brand messaging and aesthetic didn’t flow well, and came into the course feeling less than confident.

Luckily, an “aha moment” came quickly for Elizabeth as she learned more about her brand archetype.

“It made me realize I’m not a baker, I am a creator, and that made a huge difference. It allowed me to take great pride in my creations.”

Before long, Devon’s Doggie Delights began to take shape. Feedback and encouragement from her fellow BNB classmates upped Elizabeth’s confidence – in herself, her brand, and her work… and success followed!

Just 3 months after completing the course, her revenue has doubled! She’s also managed to significantly grow her customer base and average order amount without needing to offer specials. Just check out this recent post about her holiday sales!

These days, Elizabeth is getting lots of reviews and social media recommendations without needing to ask for them, and has even been approached by popular dog-themed Facebook groups to promote her handmade treats!

If that doesn’t blow you away, take a look at these stats…

In the 3 months since completing Brand New Brand:

  • Facebook likes have increased by 225
  • Visits to her online store are up 233%
  • Orders have doubled
  • AND revenue is up 268%

“We have grown enough that now we are able to do fundraisers and monthly donations to dog rescues around the country.”

Want to follow in Elizabeth’s footsteps? Here’s her advice for incoming BNB students…

“Give it your full effort. The effort will pay off, and you will get so much more from the course. Put in the work, really think about the assignments, and don’t just complete them to say you did.”

It certainly worked for her!

Learn more about Devon’s Doggie Delights:
Devon’s Doggie Delights
Devon’s Doggie Delights Facebook 


Coleen Stanley, Founder of CourseCoder

Before joining Brand New Brand, Coleen was an independent contractor working for university and government clients to build online courses and programs. Although she had a website, logo, and brand colors, she wasn’t confident in these choices and felt that her brand as a whole was inconsistent.

One of the most active participants in the Brand New Brand Facebook Group, Coleen truly made the most of the experience.

“I am so happy that I took the time to be active in the group because it allowed the other participants to really get familiar with my brand, so that they were able to give more valuable feedback. Also, I think you feel more obligated to give feedback to those who give feedback to you, so it pays off. And as a bonus, I also had quite a few BNB students that supported my product launches after the course.”

After completing the course, Coleen was able to make confident decisions faster – allowing her to produce incredible, consistent work that she’s proud of.

Within just a few short months, she’s made major strides with her brand, including:

  • Consistently live streaming to her Facebook group
  • Publishing a weekly newsletter
  • Launching a 4-day “Plan Your Course” challenge
  • Creating 3 lead magnets
  • AND picking up new, exciting clients!

Coleen just goes to show you that confidence and clarity can go a loooong way in your biz!

Here’s her advice for future BNB students:

“Complete the activities within the assigned time frame and participate as much as possible. And have fun discovering yourself!”

Learn more about Course Coder:
Course Coder
Course Coder Facebook


Lisa Robbin Young: Author, Musician, Creative Coach at Creative Freedom

Unlike many of my Brand New Brand students, Lisa came into the experience feeling relatively confident in her brand, Creative Freedom. However, with a rebrand on the horizon, she wanted to learn how to transition elements without alarming her audience – making group feedback extremely important.

For Lisa, Brand New Brand brought clarity to her brand – not only for herself and her audience, but for her entire team.

“Hands down, the Brand Bible is the best thing that comes from the course. You have an at-a-glance guide to everything that makes your business come alive in the hearts and minds of your best audience. Plus, it’s a great training tool for your team. I passed a copy of my completed Brand Bible to my designer and my VA so that they had crystal clarity on the mission, message, and motivations of my company.”

Since completing Brand New Brand, Creative Freedom has rebranded with market clarity. Now, it’s easy for visitors to understand what her brand stands for and if her work is a good fit for them. Ultimately, this has saved her time and helped her hone in on her best clients and customers.

“I wasn’t the fastest moving student in class, but I stuck with it and the reward was a cohesive, compelling brand that I’m proud to share with the world.”

Her advice for incoming students?

“Be patient with yourself and trust the process. Each step is there for a reason, and Kaye does a phenomenal job of moving you from vague concepts and a hodgepodge of images to something that really speaks to who you are and what your business is all about.”

Learn more about Lisa Robbin Young:
Lisa Robbin Young
Lisa Robbin Young Facebook


Isn’t it time you bring your brand into the light?

If you are just getting started, bringing in less than $100K a year with your business, and need to build their brand from the foundation up – this program is for you!  Within you will uncover my step-by-step process – the one that I use with my one-on-one clients.


Brand New Brand is calling you home!

Do you have an idea for a brand that you’re bursting at the seams to start?
Do you want to grow your brand past your first $100K?
Do you need to better identify who you are to your ideal clients?
Do you need more clarity and confidence in your brand?

If the answer is yes, join Brand New Brand and get ready to transform your business! I’d love to welcome to you the family.

Plus, with the been-there-done-that tips from our past students, you’ve got a running start!

I hope to see you there.

Want more? Read about FOUR more rockin’ entrepreneurs and the brands they created in Brand New Brand here.




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