Naming a Business? Use These Tools to Find the Perfect Brand Name

Naming a business tools and resources ahead! But first, a question…

“What’s in a name?” 🌹 When Juliet asked this of Romeo, I wonder if she thought – for even a second – of ALL of us future entrepreneurs? And the P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E we would now forever feel around what names mean.

(Thanks a lot, Jules. 🤣🤣🤣)

I jest. But, seriously… Star-crossed lovers aside…

Finding juuuuust the right name for your brand? It’s such an important decision – and one that can feel H-A-R-D!

And even after you’ve given your business the perfect name, you may struggle with coming up with on-brand names for your service packages, programs, newsletters, what you call your followers, and/or other elements of your business.

But I’ve got your back, Genius! As a brand strategist, you’d better believe I have slew of “naming a business” tricks up my sleeve… 
🎩 🐇

I shared some of them on Youtube a couple of years back and that video became my MOST POPULAR video to date. (It’s been watched more than 85K times!)

So… In this week’s vlog post (
 It’s a sequel of sorts!), I’m sharing some more of my most *secret* and most effective *TOOLS*, tricks, and resources for naming a business… OR a thing in your business.

Finding that perfect on-brand name is about to get waaaayyyyy easier – and more fun. 

The 15-minute training is below. Lean back and learn about my fave business naming tools!

PS – Links mentioned: My signature program, Brand New Brand:

My “Naming a Business” Spreadsheet: (VIEW ONLY: Make a copy.)

Pssst… You can pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌

Naming a Business Tools

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