The 6 Stories Your Brand Needs to be Telling

The 6 Stories Your Brand Needs to be Telling

Have you heard recently that you need to tell stories in your branding? I bet you have 😉 It’s bordering on being the next “shiny marketing tactic” that everyone needs. Telling stories in your branding may be essential, but it can also be really difficult. Not everyone...
How to Build Demand Around Your Brand

How to Build Demand Around Your Brand

In any given week, how many sales emails do you get from companies you’ve never heard of, toting solutions to problems you may not even have? If you’re anything like me, it’s A LOT. (Praise be unto the spam folder.) The frustrating thing about sales pitches is that...
Why Brand Visibility Matters

Why Brand Visibility Matters

What is brand visibility? Big and small brands alike buy TV and radio ads, sponsor little league teams, buy billboards, write blogs, and post on their Facebook pages. They are on an ever-ending quest to “get their name out there.” Many of these actions don’t have a...