Wait! What About the Archetypes of Your Ideal Clients?

Have you wondered about the brand archetypes of your ideal clients

If so, you’re not the only one! My brand personality quiz (brand archetype quiz) has helped over 200,000 amazing entrepreneurs identify their brand archetypes. (#CrazyPants!)

And, of course, my Brandfluency courses have helped sooooo many to further understand and leverage those archetypes – and to develop uniquely resonant brands.

So nowadays, at least once a month or so, I get an interesting question…

“Kaye, what about the brand archetypes of my ideal clients?”

They ponder questions like… Should I be trying to attract other Magicians? What language/brand colors/brand stories, etc would I use if my clients are ‘the Hero?’ What if I don’t want to work with Entertainer brands? (Wait? Who doesn’t love the entertainers…? jk 😉 

…Questions like that. ☝🏽

So, in this vlog post, I’m answering those VERY questions…

And, truth be told, for some people, my answer might be quiiiiiite SURPRISING. 😲 Hit that play button to see why… 

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Client Brand Archetypes

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