3 Ways That I Get Support as an Entrepreneur

✨Are you looking for ways to support your business and receive the help you need?

 They say it takes a village to raise kids…
& if that’s the case… it takes a city🏙️ to raise a business… & you should never have to do everything alone.

It’s no secret that having support from others is essential when it comes to achieving success as an entrepreneur. Having the **right** people in your corner can provide guidance, inspiration, and even motivation when things get tough.

That’s why I’ve put together this vlog to share with you my top three magical ways of building a successful entrepreneur support system.


Paid Support

Investing in entrepreneur support can be one of the most rewarding investments you can make for your business.

Through programs, group mentorship, and masterminds ((such as the Brand Clarity Collective)), entrepreneurs gain access to a community of like-minded individuals who are willing and eager to provide support  – all available at any time just by raising a ✋hand!

For those looking for more individualized support, there’s an app called Sphere Coaching which offers subscriptions so you can schedule regular sessions with experienced experts from various disciplines.

External Audit

Look outside of your business to your wider life. Often we get stressed about things that have nothing to do with our business, and then we get frustrated that our business isn’t performing the way that we want it to.

So, take an audit of those ‘other’ places. Where can you get help in your home? How can you create clear boundaries between work and rest?

I learned this lesson when we lived in Italy. I speak Italian about as well as a 4 year old. There was SO many things that I could not do by myself and I’m glad I was able to flex that ‘asking for support’ muscle. 💪

Self Support

To be the best version of ourselves, we need to make sure we’re providing our bodies with what it needs. We should get plenty of rest and nourishment but there are other ways too – like diving into some self-reflective practices such as journaling, meditating or even hypnosis! Taking a few minutes each day for these can help us stay in tune with our wellbeing. 

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It all starts with understanding that you can’t do it all alone. From paid support to external audits and internal reflection – these strategies can all help entrepreneurs keep moving forward. Don’t know where to support? Watch the vlog for more information. 💜💫




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