Stop going it alone and staying stuck

Build a Psychology-Driven Brand to Attract the Right Humans (Finally!)

Get everything you need to start & scale a successful brand with access to the best in branding education.

After teaching thousands of entrepreneurs to build brands, I know one thing:

Entrepreneurs are a smart bunch.
And you’re a smart human.

And if only more people knew the real value you have to offer, you’d have more than enough clients, students, or customers.

You’re not alone in feeling lost, confused, or frustrated with how to stand out online. The barriers to entry are low, which is amazing! But it also means there’s a lot of noise and competition. How do you break through and be seen by the people who need to hear from you?

Does this sound familiar? 

  • You know your brand could better represent who you really are. 
  • You want more of the right people to notice you and pay attention.
  • You’d like a few more sales so you can breathe a little easier. 
  • You’ve been trying “all the things” when it comes to marketing, but you’re not seeing the results that you want.

So how do you access powerful brand clarity… ?

The answer is simple, but not always easy: be yourself. (I wish I had $5 every time someone told me this.) However, it’s really hard to see yourself clearly. Outside forces and influences cloud your true identity.

You need a system and tools to guide the reflection process. And having trusted advisors to reflect back your innate gifts and genius really helps, too. Once you build a brand based on your innate advantages, business gets easier.

I know this because I’ve seen it happen time and again with my students and clients. It’s not magic; it’s psychology. And it’s something I’m passionate about helping people with.

Allow me to introduce my most transformational offer yet:

The definitive branding program that provides access to all of our best courses.

Imagine what you could achieve with this kind of access and support.

When you’re clear about who you are, what you stand for, and the value you bring, everything else falls into place – your messaging, visuals, website, social media, marketing strategy… all of it!

When you have a strong personal brand, people are naturally attracted to you. They want to work with you, buy from you, and be a part of what you’re doing.

With the Brand Clarity Collective, you can finally break through barriers that have been holding you back. We’ll help you build a brand that is both authentic and aspirational – one that will make your customers fall in love with you.

Let’s time travel together

In the not-so-distant future, see yourself:

Proudly sharing your brand & the content you create

Promoting your brand in a way that makes YOU light up

Feeling 1,000% YOU in everything you do

Magnetizing ideal clients to your brand, instead of chasing them down

Posting & being visible consistently with a cohesive strategy across different platforms

Feeling in control of your results and schedule

Normalizing new levels of business results by being in community with like-minded and driven entrepreneurs

Knowing that no matter what comes up, you have a place to ask questions, be seen, and understood

Connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs about joint ventures and collaborations

The 3 Business Growth Phases
the Brand Clarity Collective Is Made For

Initial Velocity

You have a pretty good idea of what you want to sell, and now you’re making foundational decisions about how to show up in the world to make sales beyond your family and friends.

Increasing Momentum

You’ve seen some initial success, but you feel like you’re working nonstop to make everything happen. It’s time to make more sales AND find some time to take a break every once and a while.

Innovate & Scale

You’ve been successful by all outward metrics, but are still feeling dissatisfied with the business you’ve built. It’s time to reimagine your impact and step into your next level.

You’re a perfect fit for the Collective if:

You’re running an online business as a creative, coach, consultant, course creator, or brand-driven eCommerce store.

You value learning. You’re also excited to implement what you learn to grow your brand and business.

You believe that you have control and agency over the results that you create in life and business.

Since buying the program last night, I literally just listened to EVERY video in the Magician.

“I smiled. I laughed. I got teary. THIS is exactly what I needed! Honestly, this may actually be THE missing piece for me.

You have validated everything I have felt for 5 years! and kept feeling wrong, because nobody understood me or my clients. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Brandfluency program – which is included in the Collective!

This experience* stands head and shoulders over any other online group/ mastermind/ program I’ve joined

“Truth is, this approach speaks to me, energizes me, clarifies me, and magnetizes me. I realize now why I never got as far as I wanted with any of it because I kept trying to fit into what I was taught “would work” vs transforming my brand into the best incarnation it could be, so it could attract my ideal clients organically. It revolutionized my business model. I am inspired, clear, and empowered to go forth and conquer!


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Brand New Brand program – which is included in the Collective!

Exactly what I needed!

“This was the most supportive kick in the ass I could’ve hoped for. Commit to your future for 30 days. It’s the best gift you can give your future self.”


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s program called the Brand Advantage – which is included in the Collective!

This challenge was mindblowing

“I did some branding workshops before but for the first time I got tools: worksheets and videos that really worked! It changed my perspective of how to look at branding. And the way Kaye organized it was simply perfect.”


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Clarity Week program – which is included in the Collective!

Kaye’s course was perfect to get me on track

“I was ready to take my life and career coaching practice to the next level when I found Kaye’s course. I was planning to launch a website and I wanted it to truly represent me and the unique work I do. Kaye’s course was perfect to get me on track (and I continue to use my brand book to keep me there). When I launched my website, I got two clients in the first week. Since then, I’ve had a steady flow of clients.”


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Brand New Brand program – which is included in the Collective!

The Best Branding Challenge!

“This is the best branding challenge I’ve ever participated in. Kaye brings new insights and fresh ways to look at things. Loved every minute of it. Thank you Kaye!”


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Clarity Week program – which is included in the Collective!

I went through both archetypes and gosh, you nailed them!

“I kind of already knew what my archetypes were but these courses became a huge validation for me. I wasn’t sure how to move forward with my brand, content, and voice, and after going through Maverick, everything just fit like puzzle pieces in my psyche. So, thank you!”


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Brandfluency program – which is included in the Collective!

What is the Brand Clarity Collective?

It’s the ‘master key’ that opens all brand-building doors.

We’re bringing the best in branding together in one place. I’m combining all of my best brand-building curricula with a community to support every step you take. When you multiply power of mentorship with a mastermind community, the possibilities are exponential.

Transform the Way You Brand

Know exactly what steps to take by leveraging the Clarity Code™ Framework.

The Clarity Code flips typical brand strategy inside out and upside down. Instead of focusing on who we think we “should be” or “need to be” to attract ideal clients, we focus on our innate strengths and truth. 

From this place of deep clarity and confidence, we are able to repel wrong-fit clients and attract an audience that is excited to buy.

The Clarity Code process walks you step-by-step through the 4 pillars of a psychology-driven brand so that you can create a brand that feels good, makes you money, and attracts your ideal clients & customers.

The curriculum will help you answer:


Who are you, and how will you express that in the world?


Once you have a basic idea of what to sell, how will you make it a no-brainer to buy?


How can you build your audience, attract leads, and increase sales?


How can you increase your capacity for success?

What’s Included?

You’ll get an all-access pass to the best frameworks and processes to first BUILD your brand and then BE your brand online. Beyond the curriculum, you’re tapping into a mastermind of fellow brand-builders and entrepreneurs.

Library of Premium Courses:

Get ALL 12 Archetype Courses: Unlock your brand’s potential and attract more ideal clients on an emotional level with your brand archetype

The Brandfluency courses (one for each archetype!) are the shortcut to incorporating your archetype into your brand. You’ll get 100s of on-brand examples, archetype-specific insight, and swipe-able ideas for your brand.

$3,564 purchased separately

Build a brand step-by-step that represents you and your personality

This is my signature brand incubation program. I’ll guide you through the exact process I use with my $10K-30K+ 1-on-1 clients, so you can build a psychology-driven brand that will help you attract amazing clients (for a whole lot less!)

$997 purchased separately

Create a high-converting quiz that grows your audience, list, and sales 

Learn my proven, repeatable process for creating, testing, and launching a quiz that converts. I’m spilling alllll my secrets for how to implement this powerful lead generation strategy in YOUR brand.

$497 purchased separately

Increase demand for your brand so you can charge what you want, work with ideal clients, and build trust faster

In this 5-day course, you’ll learn my Clarity Code™ framework to craft your psychology-driven brand strategy from end-to-end. You’ll get my entire system that I only teach in parts in my suite of courses and services.

$97 purchased separately

Create brand clarity, momentum, and results quicker than you ever thought possible in this 30-day brand-expanding sprint

This is the “learning by BEING” experience designed to create results in 30 days. Once you have the brand clarity, visibility systems, and psychological conditions set – you’ll never want to stop growing.

Not available separately, previously $997.

Plus a lot more!

Brand Book Template

My exclusive Brand Book template for you to use for your brand in both PowerPoint and Keynote that you’ll update after each lesson.

Clarity to scale workshop

Create your system to build your audience, generate more leads, and sell more with this premium workshop.

content calendar template

Tons of templates and tools are included in the resource section, including the content calendar I use in my own brand.

Brand Portrait guide

Maximize the impact and quality of professional brand portraits with this 18-page guide.

create cashflow

90-minute workshop to help you identify opportunities to generate cash quickly, and also how to create sustainable sales generation in your brand.

Uncertain to unstoppable workshop

During times of tension and unease, we need to adjust our brand tone and messaging. This workshop helps you adjust to changing times.

Enroll in the Brand Clarity Collective and receive:

All 12 Brand Archetype Courses

Brand New Brand Curriculum

Convert with a Quiz Curriculum

Clarity Week Curriculum

Brand Advantage Curriculum 



Clarity to Scale Workshop


Create Cashflow Workshop


Quantum Quarter Workshop

When does all-inclusive come at such a delightfully manageable price?
Now. That’s when.

Everything you get:

Brand New Brand … $997 value
12x Brandfluency Archetype Courses … $3,564 value
Brand Advantage Curriculum … $997 value
Clarity Week Curriculum … $297 value
Clarity to Scale Workshop … $297 value
Create Cashflow Workshop … $297 value
Quantum Quarter Workshop … $297 value
Guest Expert Workshops … $997 value

 … $7,743+ curriculum value


enroll today!

Brand Clarity Collective

The button below will direct you to sign into Teachable and check out. I can’t wait to support you in your brand-building!

Monthly Membership

6 Monthly Payments
After month 6 and you keep lifetime access to the curriculum.


+VAT / Tax where applicable

This experience* revolutionized my business model. I am inspired, clear, and empowered to go forth and conquer!

“It stands head and shoulders over any other online group/ mastermind/ program I’ve joined. I learned branding was much more than the package I dressed my business up in. I really didn’t get that before. Truth is this approach speaks to me, energizes me, clarifies me, and magnetizes me. I realize now why I never got as far as I wanted with any of it because I kept trying to fit into what I was taught “would work” vs transforming my brand into the best incarnation it could be, so it could attract my ideal clients organically.”


*This testimonial is for Kaye’s Brand New Brand program – which is included in the Collective!

Meet Your Educator & Mentor

Kaye Putnam

If we haven’t been officially introduced, I’m happy that you found my corner of the internet. I’m the psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs.

Really, the reason I do what I do is because I believe that entrepreneurs change the world. I know it sounds cheesy, but I see it every day. The impacts that we make ripple out in infinite directions to our family, friends, customers, and community.

Especially at a time when the world is increasingly complex and so many of our systems are under tension – entrepreneurs get things done. We don’t wait for permission to go out and help people.

  • Health and wellness practitioners help people feel better.
  • Educators and mentors teach people who want to learn.
  • Coaches facilitate meaningful transformations.
  • Ecommerce brands give people choices beyond the big box stores.

If I can help more of you brilliant entrepreneurs package up that genius and get it out into the world, I’m working on my purpose.


Do I need all 12 archetype courses?

To build a single brand, no. The magic is choosing your top 2-3 archetypes to focus on – and building your brand by blending those. Having access to all 12, however, will support you in the decision-making process. You can compare and contrast. You can explore.

Plus, you may find that you don’t resonate with one archetype as much as you thought when you start going through the course. Or maybe over time, your brand evolves. Having access to all 12 makes it easy to pivot.

If you work with clients in any creative or coaching capacity, having all 12 means that you can apply the insights from the courses to the work you do for your clients. (Pssst… This is an incredible value! Do the math!;)

What if I’ve purchased one of your courses already?

The Collective gives you access to our entire course library at a highly discounted investment – to unlock the answers to any branding questions you have.

If you’ve purchased courses from Kaye in the past, don’t worry; You’ll still have access! But consider joining the collective to uplevel your experience and results!

Is there a guarantee?

Because we are granting full access to all of our best curricula and support in this mastermind X mentorship experience, refunds are not available during the first six months. After the initial six months, you can cancel at any time, but keep lifetime access to the courses!

enroll today!

Brand Clarity Collective

The button below will direct you to sign into Teachable and check out. I can’t wait to support you in your brand-building!

Monthly Membership

6 Monthly Payments
After month 6 and you keep lifetime access to the curriculum.


+VAT / Tax where applicable

© Kaye & Co, LLC. All Rights Reserved.