Instagram Lessons for the Magician Archetype Brand

Preface: Are you the Magician? Or, what’s your Brand’s Archetype?

Before we dive into the Magician IG inspo, I want to be sure you’re in the right place, Genius!

Because, there are 12 brand archetypes! (The Magician is just one of the twelve.)

(TL;DR: Archetypes are the universally recognized figures that stand for certain basic human motivations and emotions. As humans, we want to connect with people – not products or services. So, when a brand takes on a primary character archetype, people recognize it – they get it. When people understand your brand, they can begin to like and trust you, which leads to sales.)

So if you know you’re the Magician, read on! … But if you’re not sure which ‘type is yours, start by taking my Brand Archetype Quiz: 

(It’s quick and fun, and you’ll be in great company! It’s been taken more than 200,000 times by entrepreneurs around the globe!)

Want to know your brand's archetype?

Okay, now onto the Instagram intel…

Big Brand Magician Archetype Inspiration

Magician Archetype brands can be really interesting, because they can take on many different forms. It’s a main strength of the brand type – the ability to mold and influence the world around them in new and progressive ways.

In this “big brand” example, Tesla shows off its Magician Archetype brand in visually exploring its advanced technology. Notice Tesla’s brand description – it speaks of innovation and changing the world.

Entrepreneur Magician Archetypes to Follow

To contrast the technology example above, I picked two Magician Archetype entrepreneurs who are as far away from that world as possible.

Stella’s artwork certainly has an “otherworldly” feel to it. I love how she combines her work with the mind-stretching landscapes of the desert. I’m inspired to look at the world in a different way when I see her work, which is a mainstay of the Magician Archetype.

Nisha balances the Magician and Lover archetypes, but is showing her Magician side here strongly. I love that she uses a diagram to explain her “Artistry of Freedom” concept. Using diagrams and symbols are a strong Magician technique to communicate your views to the world. Her incredible sky photo in the top right is perfect for demonstrating the feeling of “awe” and possibility we get when working with a Magician Archetype.

Tips for Showing Your Magician Brand on Instagram

  • Curate the visual experience of your viewer so they are transported to a different place – to your world.
  • Incorporate imagery of technology, symbolism, and other “magic” as it applies to your brand.
  • Stretch your imagination! Magicians show up in many different ways. What is the best way to express your vision for the future?

Remember, if you aren’t sure what your brand’s archetype is, take the Brand Personality Quiz. It’s been taken over 100,000 times by entrepreneurs who are working to understand and define their brand.

Want to know your brand's archetype?




  1. Tammy Coin

    Hi Kaye,

    I’m loving your work! I clicked on the link for free brand workbook and email list in the “Instagram Lessons for the Magician” and the links are broken.

    Could you redirect to the right links?


  2. Sarah Putnam

    Thanks for pointing this out Tammy! I’ve updated the paragraph you mentioned and you can still sign up for the free Brand Psychology Workbook in the right column of this post. Enjoy!

  3. Ellie Moreing

    I’m absolutely IN LOVE with this blog!!! Just wanted to leave a message of appreciating and thank you for your hard work and inspirational posts 🙏🏻💕

  4. Nissi

    I love your work too! It has helped me achieve brand clarity. Thank you!


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