Mentorship Programs: 5 Ways Investing in One Pays Off for Entrepreneurs

Have you ever noticed that the people you spend time with influence what you believe to be possible?

When I joined a CrossFit gym last year, I was able to go regularly for awhile. And it was INCREDIBLE! (Covid, of course, changed my workouts – but I can’t wait to get back to the group there when it’s safe.)

There were so many positives about it. But in particular, being there and seeing what the other *women* could lift 😲 was amazing.

It s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d my idea of what is possible. It helped me see that I was unintentionally limiting what I thought I could lift and do. And I was able to push myself to go so much farther than I would have otherwise – because I was around those incredibly talented athletes.

And guess what?

The same thing happened in the entrepreneur mentorship program I joined, too.

Some of my peers in that program are waaaayyy beyond me in business. They’re routinely making $100,000 a month – and even $200,000 a month.

I’m on my way there, now. (To those six figure months!)…
But ONLY because I’m now aware 🧠 that it’s possible.

So here’s the lesson: When you’re around the right humans, it normalizes success.

Seeing my peers normalize those types of results? It helps me think bigger. Helps me think at whole new level about what’s possible for myself and my brand and my business.

And that kind of expansion is just one of a slew of reasons why joining an entrepreneur mentorship program gives real ROI (return on your investment!).

So in this week’s vlog entry, I’m talking about
5 Ways Investing in a Mentorship Pays Off – Big Time! I’ll share:

🤓 exactly why I invest in mentorship programs (the 5 reasons!)
🤓 what types of benefits I’ve seen – both concrete and less tangible; and (most importantly!) 👇
🤓 why YOU might consider joining one… if you are serious about growing your brand this year.

Ready to learn and expand? Press play below! 

Oh, and… If you’re seeking the expertise and accountability of a 1-on-1 brand-expanding mentorship (with and in-depth and step-by-step curriculum, plus the momentum and feedback of an intimate mastermind)… You might consider applying for the mentorship I helm. Click here to learn about my Amplify Accelerator program. 

Pssst… You can pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌

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