Telling Great Stories to Build Your Brand


Humans love stories.  

We bond over mutual experiences and enjoy sharing those experiences with each other.

We love telling stories, reading stories, and hearing stories.

(This #truth is what makes Hollywood a multi-billion dollar business!) 👨🏻 👵🏽 🦸🏻 🧟 🧜🏼

We love hearing how good trumps evil. Or watching how a hero overcomes impossible obstacles. We yearn to hear about people falling in love. We relate to strangers sharing how they’ve grown and learned from their mistakes.

It’s also true that we are biologically WIRED to respond to stories. Yep, multiple studies (#NerdAlert) back it up… We respond to stories like we’re really there. We get emotional over them – whether fact or fiction!

And here’s the thing: We can leverage this psychological phenomenon to connect our audiences more strongly to us – and to spur action.   

(And we must!)

It doesn’t matter what you sell, who your ideal client is, or what industry you’re in… Telling stories creates stronger relationships with your audience – the types of deep, emotional relationships that magnetically pull them in and keep them invested. 

Yes… Stories + Personality = Your Best Brand.

So, in this week’s video lesson 🎥 – Telling Great Brand Stories – I’m equipping you with some knowledge – so you can author amazing stories for your brand.  

Push play to learn! 

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Brand Strategy of Story Telling

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