Quantum Quarter

How to Finally Quit the Start & Stop Cycle and Achieve Your Wildest Goals in Your Own Way


YOU are the X-factor that determines if your business thrives or fizzles.

You can make an outsized impact on your revenue and results by shifting the way you work with your brain.

But I’ve been hearing from a lot of entrepreneurs…

… That they don’t know where to focus their energy.

… Or that they are continually frustrated with themselves when they put a beautiful plan to paper but can’t find the motivation or focus on making it happen.

… Or they feel jaded by productivity experts giving them advice that simply doesn’t work with their unique brain, rhythms, or family life.

That’s why I’m hosting:

The Quantum Quarter System: How to Finally Quit the Start & Stop Cycle and Achieve Your Wildest Goals in Your Own Way

What’s In the Workshop?

I’ll share the exact framework I used to generate my first $50K revenue month, lost 20lbs, and feel more energetic than ever. (And maintain results over time…)

The good news is that you don’t have to hustle yourself to death or work an extra 6 hours per day. All you need is the right framework and some simple tools to help you change how you work with your brain to reach your goals.


Science & Psychology of Bending Reality

Many people fail to manifest their goals because they don’t understand the science and psychology behind it. If you want to be successful, you need to learn how to structure your life and business in a way that makes success inevitable. 


Unlock the Powerful ETA Framework

The ETA Framework can help you get (and stay) in alignment to finally achieve your goals. Learn to work with your brain instead of against it, and start to see what is possible.


Energetic Customization

It’s important to remember that every brain, body, and vision is different and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to realizing your goals. During the Quantum Quarter Workshop, I’ll help you customize your plan to work for YOU.


Interactive Planning Template

With our interactive planning template, you will have all the tools you need to create success. Register now and open yourself up to limitless possibilities!

Quantum Quarter


Register now and open yourself up to limitless possibilities.

Hello beautiful human, I’m Kaye

I help entrepreneurs define their innate advantages to attract more clients & customers online.

My Clarity Code™ process reveals your most powerful brand truth to attract your ideal clients on an unconscious, psychological level. The “E” in Clarity Code stands for Energy, which is what we focus on creating during our Quantum Quarter. I’ve seen first-hand the power of this process, and I can’t wait to see the results you create for yourself.


Over the last 15+ years (I started my first business at 16!) I’ve worked with thousands of brands. Today, I work with online entrepreneurs who are ready to lead the market, help more clients, and be more of themselves in their brands.

Ready to shift your reality
over the next 90 days?

Quantum Quarter Workshop

And, genius, this event is for you if… 

🤩 If you’re NEW to business, this is your chance to set a solid foundation for the next 90 days with support from me. 

🤓 If you’re a BRAND-BUILDING NERD (and I love nerds, so this is my highest compliment!), you’ll be in your element, envisioning the next phase of your growth and evolution.

Either way, for sure don’t miss it, because it’s going to be INCREDIBLE!

Quantum Quarter


Register now and open yourself up to limitless possibilities.

© 2023 Kaye Putnam