What is a Brand Strategist? A Peek Behind the Curtain!

When defining your business’s brand, do you ever feel like you’re trying to read a label – but from inside a bottle? 🧐

The reason I ask is…

I’m often asked, “Kaye, what does a brand strategist / consultant really do?”
🤔 🤔 🤔

So, you know that sense that you’re soooooooo close (maybe too close; like inside the bottle!) to your own beliefs, talents, outcomes, and more?

(And maybe – juuuuuust maybe – you even have a few hang ups? 😬 🤭 😏 about articulating your own value, results, deliverables..?

➡️ THAT is the kind of heady stuff a brand strategist helps you with! ⬅️

But when someone asks me what I do, they really want me to get specific…

So, in this video, I’m going to pull back the curtain and just lay it all out for you. I’ll be describing *exactly* what I do for and with my clients – and what I teach students to do for their own brands.

So, whether you are an entrepreneur looking to understand the role a brand strategist can play in your world…

… or whether you’re interested in working as a brand strategist yourself (#yay!)…  you’ll find answers in this 🎥: What does a brand strategist do?


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