5 Ways to Automate Your Brand (So You Can Take a Vacation!)

I love taking time off! It’s one of the best things about “being my own boss.”

At the end of 2018, I took about six weeks *completely off* from my brand –  to handle our big move (back to the states from our beloved Naples, Italy!). Since it coincided with the holidays, I also spent extra time away to connect and be present with family. (It was, as you might expect, totally amazing!)

Then, in Spring of 2019, I took an entire month off, too. This time I traveled with the Hubs and Sarah (sis-in-law) to Nepal – where we hiked to Everest base camp. (Pssst… That trip completely transformed how I think of business and branding. Whole ‘nother story! You can read all about that here.) 

These are just two examples of many… of times I took off for an extended period. And (here’s the awesome part)… I still made money in my business during these “off” periods! 

So, the reason I’m sharing this? 

Because I want this kind of freedom for you too. 

Your business is successful. You’re serving people, making an impact, and making money. But what happens when you want (or need) a break? Maybe it’s for a big life event – like a move or maternity/ paternity leave. Or maybe you just want to take a vacation!

As entrepreneurs, we face the unique challenge of assuring that the basic business functions don’t come to a halt when we step away. The ONLY way this kind of time away is possible is via a highly-intentional strategy to automate pieces of your business.

In this vlog post, I’m revealing my 5 Top Ways to Automate Your Brand…

… so you can have the freedom to step away when you want to. 

Ready to learn my strategies? Press play! 

Pssst… You can pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌

automation in your business

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