Instagram Lessons for Caregiver Archetype Brands

Big Brand Caregiver Archetype Inspiration

The Caregiver Archetype brand is most easily thought of in a maternal way – in the way that a mother cares for her children, as Johnson’s Baby shows here. Each of the images with babies include their parents caring for them in some way. The colors used are softer and easier on the eyes than we’ve seen from other archetypes.

Mantra Band demonstrates a less-obvious approach to the Caregiver Archetype brand. They also have an Explorer Archetype element to them – shown in the various locations that their bracelets are worn. They imprint each of their bangles with an uplifting and positive message. The message they are spreading is one of SELF care and self-love.

Entrepreneur Caregiver Archetypes to Follow

Kailee is a multi-passionate entrepreneur (she’s a hair stylist, blogger, designer, etc.) with a strong Caregiver Archetype brand. Her love for her kiddos and family emanates from each photograph and product she creates. As with Johnson & Johnson above, her color palette is warm and bright, but not in-your-face or overwhelming. Her work is just beautiful.

I love Melissa’s feed as an example of the Caregiver Archetype brand. She calls herself the Chief Encouragement Officer, which is just perfect. Her “caregiver” comes through in her love and support for her community. I also love that she showcases her relationships with some of these women with the group photos on her feed. Lovely.

Tips for Showing Your Caregiver Brand on Instagram

  • Create a welcoming and calming color palette for your feed. Give your viewers the feeling of being cared for when they view your photos.
  • Showcase the people or idea that you care about deeply. Whether this is your family, community, or self-love, make sure your values are coming through loud & clear.

Also, if you aren’t sure what your brand’s archetype is, take my brand personality quiz. Over 100,000 entrepreneurs who are working to understand and define their brand have taken the brand personality quiz.



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