The 5 C’s for Writing Your Website’s About Page

Quick survey: Which do you DREAD most? 😳

1. Going to the dentist.

2. Doing your taxes. 

3. Writing your website’s ‘About Me’ page.

It’s the About Page, right? …. I knew it! 

Yep. When it comes to building your brand platform, the asset that is universally known to be the hardest – and most uncomfortable? It’s the About page. 

Why is it so dang hard? Well, it’s a perfect storm of pressure, really.   🌊🌊🌊 ⛵️ 😳  

Here’s what I mean: 

Pressure factor 1: You’re emotionally wrapped up in writing it. 

When crafting this page, you’re in this vulnerable-feeling mental headspace where you want to be liked. You want to connect with the right people. You want those people to see you as knowledgeable, expert, and the singular choice for them. 

And, by gosh… you just want them to want to spend time with you! (It’s like the 8th grade cafeteria table all over again. Ugh.)

BUT… you don’t want to sound like a self-absorbed nincompoop. Or a “blah” corporate robot. Or an unapproachable ruler on a pedestal. (Unless that’s your thing! 😉)

And meanwhile, there’s…

Pressure Factor 2: The stakes are high!

The About Page is one of the most important pages on your website. If you haven’t done so recently – can I ask you to go check your website analytics?

(I’ll wait… go ahead. Cue the elevator music… Let’s go with “Girl from Ipanema…”)

You’re back? Cool… I bet that you found your About Page is one of the most trafficked pages on your entire site. How did I know? Well, it’s like that for most small business owners. 

Website visitors are checking out your About page. A lot. 

Remember, people want to buy from other people. They want to connect with the people behind the business. They want to see if they like you, and if they trust you – and if they want to work with (or buy from) you. The About Page gives that personal context that people are craving from businesses. 

So if you do yours really well, it can mean that you convert many more visitors to paying clients. But if you don’t do it well…  you’re missing out on a key opportunity to connect and earn. 

So, yeah. 

Big high-PRESSURE perfect storm! 🌊 😨

So, what’s an entrepreneur to do? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Well, dear Reader… if you know me, you know I don’t introduce a quandry, without also introducing the formula to solve it. And today is no different! 

So, in this article, I’m sharing my 5-step framework for writing your About Page. It’s my 5 C’s framework – the one I use with VIP clients. And it not only connects with your ideal audience – but converts them into clients and customers. 

If you’d like to watch a video with this content, it’s embedded below. If you’re more of a reader, then onward! 

Okay, ready? Without further ado… The 5 C’s for Writing Your Website’s About Page… 

High-pressure system moving out. Clear C’s   🌊  ahead!  😉

Step 1:  Context 

Pop quiz! True or false: Your website’s About Page is about you. 

Okay, it’s sort of a trick question… 

Technically, yes – it’s about you. But, an effective About Page is really about you in relation to them (the visitor). It’s about you – in the context of the visitor’s life and experience. 

The very first thing that she’s wondering when she lands there is this: 

Am I in the right place? 

Is this for me? Is this person going to help me? Does this person have the solution that I need? – to the problem I have? 

And you need to answer that question immediately – before she will continue reading. So you first need to focus on connecting with your ideal client, and on showing her that you know who she is, you understand her, and you can help her. 

This might be as simple as something like this: 

I’m a brand strategist for entrepreneurs who want to build more human brands that connect with ideal clients on an emotional level. And I can help you do that, so you can shorten the sales cycle and make more impact – and more money. 

(Paraphrasing here! If you want to visit my actual About Page, it’s here.)

Or like something like this super-simple About Page headline, from jewelry brand Gorjana:

Jewelry with intention. 

Gorjana offers jewelry that you’ll live in, love always and layer every day.

Notice how they are telling you what they create – but in the context of how, why, and when you would enjoy it. 

Or, it might be on-brand for you to dive a little deeper – first – into your ideal client’s lived experience, describing her problems and desires in more intricate detail. And, then (only then!) you’d move on to an introduction of what you do to solve and serve. 

(Karen Gruber of the Inspired Mama has a killer about page that follows this model. Check it out here.

Jami Kirkbride, a student of my Brand New Brand course, also uses this method with grace and impact. Check hers out here.)  

However you approach this first C – Context – the goal here is to open your About Page by tapping in to your reader’s self-interest.

Pin this article to reference later! 📌

Pin this article to reference later! 📌

Step 2:  Credo

The second C – of the five step framework – is to share your Credo. 

This is where you get to shine! 🌟🌟🌟

And, it’s where you get to segment your ideal clients. You’ll help them self-identify as people who are the right fit – and repel the ones that you don’t want to work with.

So what’s your credo? Simply put, it’s what you believe. It’s those opinions and points of view that make you human, compelling, and the singular choice for those with whom those opinions resonate. (Doesn’t mean they agree – just that they resonate!) 

Your credo is your opportunity to connect your brand to something that goes waaaaaay deeper than just the product or service that you’re selling. Leveraging it connects on a very human, emotional, and psychological level – so this is a very powerful tactic to use toward the top of your page. 

Other words for “credo” (although they don’t start with ‘c’… but I’ll let them be here in this article… 🤣)? You might call this your “I believe” statements. You might use the term “manifesto.” Regardless of the diction here, this is your unique point of view in the market. 

To develop and articulate your credo, I recommend starting with two exercises:

1) The “I Believe…” exercise, in which you list many statements that describe your unique beliefs about the world. This exercise is deceptively simple… but so impactful; and

2) The “Change that you want to see in the world” exercise, in which you reflect upon and document those aspects of the world you’ve been called to improve. (Again, sounds simple, but packs a punch!) 

Want some help? Detailed instructions for these two exercises – and three others! – are available to Y-O-U in this article!

Step 3:  Credibility

So, in Steps 1 and 2, we’ve established for the visitor that he is indeed in the right place, and he’s thinking, “Ooooo, I like this person. I feel connected to her ideas and what she stands for… BUT…” 

So the third C is Credibility. Because the next thing he’s thinking is… “Okay, do I believe this person? Is this actually believable?”

He might even be shifting into a “This sounds way too good to be true” frame of mind. As humans, we’re wired to protect ourselves, and to be a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle skeptical – especially when we’re considering an investment. 

And that’s where credibility comes in. This is where you call in the more tangible qualifications – and your results. I know for some people, it’s not natural or totally comfortable to list all of the reasons why you’re awesome… but you are awesome. And it’s so, so, so, SO important at this point that you do. 😉

Here are some ideas about how to weave that credibility factor into your About Me page: 

(Note: You do NOT need to incorporate all of these! They are just some ideas to consider! And this list is by no means exhaustive.)

Highlight your formal credentials. Certifications, licenses, degrees, trainings you’ve successfully completed… This is where you can include those. 

List or spotlight publications you’ve appeared in or written for. It’s very effective to use logos on this page – to represent when you were published in any mainstream (think Forbes, HuffPost, Psychology Today)  or industry pubs (think trade journals, niche magazines or websites, etc.). 

Include logos of past clients. Brag a little about other clients you’ve worked with – ideally those to whom your ideal client can relate.

Leverage testimonials and social proof. You can format testimonial excerpts and add headshots. You can embed testimonial videos. (Sooo impactful!) You can also screenshot praise you receive on social media or in your messages. (This last one can be especially convincing and trust-building!)

Share statistics and / or specific results. Talk about the number of clients you’ve helped, how many years’ experience you have, the size of your book of business, or the like. If you have case studies with impressive numbers, use ‘em! 

The goal here – after you’ve connected with your visitor on the emotional level – is to back it up with logic. Make it easy for your ideal client to silence the natural skepticism – and feel great about buying.

Step 4:  Call to action

The fourth C is one that soooooo many people miss – a Call to action. (And they’re missing out on conversions because of it!) 

It’s so important that I’m going to go ahead and say this:

If you don’t take anything else away from this article, make sure that you implement this.  👇👇

Your About Page needs to have a call to action.

Yes, you need to tell people what to do next. After you’ve done all this work of connecting with your visitor, conveying your uniqueness, demonstrating your genius… tell her what to do next! 

So, should she now grab a free resources and sign up for your email list? Should she go check out your services page? 

Should she book a discovery call with you? 

What do you want her to do next? 

And, Pro Tip —–> It’s critical that you make it just one thing. A confused mind doesn’t buy – and, similarly, a confused mind doesn’t act. (She’ll just navigate away.) So, don’t offer several different paths. This is NOT a choose your own adventure book! Serve up the call to action that is the most high-priority or high-converting – at this time – for you and your business. Just one! 

(Don’t try to sneak in two! I’m watching you. 👀.) 

Step 5:  Charm 

Step number five is last – and this is not a mistake! (More on that below.)

It’s Charm – and you now (finally!) get to sprinkle in some humanizing elements. These are those non-work-related details that make you interesting. Yay! 

It’s finally time to tell your visitor where you live… about your addiction to green tea and twix bars… how much your world revolves around your chihuahua Carlotta… because now your visitor cares and thinks it’s cute, interesting, or memorable. 

Because you’ve done the heavy lifting. You’ve connected with your visitor emotionally, you’ve made it about him and how you can help him, you’ve demonstrated you are credible, and you’ve been clear about next steps. 

So go ahead. (And, yes, you can include a glamour shot of Carlotta.) 

But don’t go crazy. So many people get this one wrong – in the sense that they include some charm, but they include it waaaaayyyyy too early – at or toward the top of the page. 

Imagine if you landed on my About Page, and it basically says, 

Hi, I’m Kaye, I’m a brand strategist living in North Carolina, I have two kids, I love to travel, and I love to eat food. Spaghetti and pizza, in particular, because I used to live in Italy. And gelato.  

Womp womp.  Because, truly… None of that matters until the first four C’s have been established, right? 

(Mark my words! If you start with this stuff out of the gate, you’ll be seeing a bounce rate that’s reallllllly high. As in, a bad bounce rate. Where people come to your page and immediately leave. You know what I mean. 🤪)

So think of the charm as icing on the cake – not the cake itself. 

So, my Genius reader, there you have it – my 5 C’s framework for writing an About Page that connects and converts. You now have a sure-fire blueprint to follow for this (previously arduous) task! 

I’ll go let your dentist and your tax preparer know that they’ve been promoted to the top of your “I don’t wanna” list. 😉

You go get started on writing – or revising – your About Page! 😍 

When you have your first draft, jump into my Facebook community to share it and ask for feedback from our ranks. The In Demand Brand Mastermind is a group chock-full of other genius entrepreneurs like you who are building amazing brands. See you there! 

Oh, one more thing… If you’re looking for some more “About Me” page inspiration, check out those of some genius entrepreneurs who we REALLY LIKE:

Here are some we’ve had a hand in creating and inspiring… 

About Karen Gruber, the Inspired Mama: 

About Angela Durant of the Be Brilliant Movement:

About Jami Kirkbride of Parenting with Personality:

About Alexander Cosmetic Surgery: 

About Dr. Katie Henry: 

About Scott Oldford of The R.O.I. Method and the 6 Pillar Framework:

About Conroy Creative Counsel:

And here are some that we just noticed are awesome: 

About Sunny Lenarduzzi, Social Media Rockstar and Youtube expert: 

About Lexi D’Angelo, Founder of the Integrative AlchemyTM:

About Cinthia Pacheco of Digital Bloom IQ:

About Kelsey of Pinegate Road: 




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