Instagram Lessons for the Girl/Guy Next Door Archetype Brand

Big Brand Girl/Guy Next Door Inspiration

Girl & Guy Next Door Archetype brands are all about creating a relatable, friendly relationship with their customers. They remind us to be humble and that our dreams are possible through hard work and a good attitude.

Pabst Blue Ribbon has had a fascinating revival in the last few years, and I’m digging what they are doing on Instagram. When I took this screenshot, they were fully embracing the Americana theme. I love that the images aren’t super polished (they don’t need to be for this archetype). The crumpled up hat, a case of beer on the concrete, and other PBR memorabilia is pictured almost exactly as you’d find it in real life.

John Deere has a long heritage in the USA, and they’re proud to tap into their humble roots on their Instagram feed. I especially love that they incorporate the photos of the little kiddos on the farm. For their brand, that sense of family and everyday life is important to show visually. You also get a sense that they created their brand for the individual farmer – the little guy – not the conglomerate farming corporations. We get this sense through the image choices they make. Curation is key to a strong brand.

Entrepreneur Girl/Guy Next Door Archetypes to Follow

Tumble Weed shows us a grittier example of the Girl/Guy Next Door Archetype brand (there’s a bit of Maverick mixed in there, too.) Notice the earthy color palette and natural backgrounds for the product photos. I can’t get enough of the photo of the dog – he’s got a ton of personality in that face. So much love.

Flourish Collaborative is a fantastic branding studio. The places they are showing up to me as a Girl Next Door Archetype brand is their choice to be very REAL in the quote images. I love “Panics are part of the process” and their chat about having a typo in an email. The natural green/brown color palette works well with this archetype: it’s approachable and friendly.

Tips for Showing Your Girl/Guy Next Door Brand on Instagram

  • Natural color palettes work well for this archetype. Choose colors that are inviting, inclusive, friendly, and approachable.
  • Be sure to show some “real” aspects of your brand. Life isn’t perfect, and your ideal clients are looking for someone who’s willing to admit that.

Also, if you aren’t sure what your brand’s archetype is, take my brand personality quiz. It’s been taken over 100,000 times by entrepreneurs who are working to understand and define their brand.



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