Get Ready to Launch with this Step-by-Step Planning Guide

Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed by the thought of planning and executing a whole launch?

😬 Nervous that you’ll put a ton of effort into it, only for it to flop?

Let’s break down the process of launching into easy steps so you can plan your next launch with confidence. 👇👇

Know the Needs of Your Audience

When it comes to creating a marketing campaign, the first and most important step is, to begin with a strong understanding of your target audiences’ needs.

This can spark creative ideas and help you create more effective messaging that resonates with your potential customers. Take the time to know your audience in-depth, what problems they face, and how your product or service can help them.

With this understanding and vision, you’re ready to motivate and encourage your customers – to buy💸 your product or services.

Deciding What to Launch

When deciding on the best event to center your launch around, allow yourself to tap into your imagination, and don’t let any limitations hold you back. You could host a..

✅  Free call
✅  Masterclass
✅ Engaging challenge

Get creative and create something that will not only help others in achieving their goals but also something that you’ll love to participate in if you were in their shoes.

Think of ways you can support your community in the most empowering way—it’s an opportunity for everyone involved to grow, learn, and share incredible experiences together.

To make sure your launch plan is successful, think of it like a roadmap 🚗🗺️: you have to map out each step so that you end up in the right place when all is said and done.

Goal Setting

Start by setting a goal – what do you want to accomplish with this launch? Then break down that big goal into smaller milestones or tasks that will help you move forward. Make sure these are realistic and attainable, otherwise, you’ll be setting yourself up for disappointment. Know that some of your ‘wish list’ of tasks will likely get thrown out at the last minute if you run out of time or energy.

✨ Know which tasks are ‘must-do’s’ and which are ‘awesome if I have time.’


Next, create an effective timeline for your launch. I like to use the metaphor of planting a garden – if you want vegetables in two months, you have to plant the seeds and water them now. Put deadlines in place for each stage of your launch plan, from idea to execution. Plan ⏮️backward⏮️ from your launch start date, and make sure you have enough time (given your other commitments & energy levels) to complete everything you need to launch. This might include things like landing pages, event content, promotional content, emails, and more.

Excite Your Audience

As you gear up for this big launch, get your audience excited from the beginning. Use your pre-launch content to tantalize them and get them wanting more. It’s like a 🔥sexy movie trailer for an upcoming cinematic blockbuster: get creative, draw out anticipation and curiosity, and use visuals and stories to bring your message home.

Encourage fans to follow along on this journey with you – provide insights about what’s coming soon and how it will help improve their lives or businesses. Most importantly, give them a taste of the incredible journey that awaits them when you finally launch!

💪 It’s an empowering feeling knowing that excitement is building far before the actual launch date, so make sure to prime your audience properly! 💜


Make sure you are prepared to handle unexpected obstacles. Have Plan B’s ready – if something isn’t working, what will you do? Make sure everyone on your team is informed so they can help as needed. This might include having ideas for increasing the energy mid-launch if you see sales slowing, or being willing to add additional content to answer FAQ you’re getting from your audience about your offer. Also be sure to test, test, and test all of your key technology – landing pages, links, webinar software, etc.

Who to Invite

When inviting people to participate, it’s essential to consider both warm and cold audiences. This means utilizing your existing mailing list, social media followers, and any other established relationships, as well as investing in some cold promotion such as advertising or paid reach. Reach out and invite everyone; from those you already have a relationship with to strangers who may be hearing about your product for the first time – take this incredible opportunity to spread the word and empower as many people as possible!


After you launch, it’s important to remember to give yourself a rest period. You have worked hard and devoted so much energy to this launch process – it’s only normal that you are feeling tired and stretched thin. This makes it even more necessary for you to take the time to replenish your energy levels and take care of yourself.

Use the rest period that you have allocated yourself to reflect on all of your hard work, 🙌🎉celebrate your successes, and look ahead with excitement about what comes next: serving your new students or clients. Make sure that no matter how hard you’ve worked, you always make time for yourself. Your wellness is essential in accomplishing big goals like a successful launch!

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These simple steps will set you up for success when launching your business. So let go of the overwhelm and get ready for takeoff – because it’s time to make an impact! 🚀

Are you working on your next launch? What will it be? I would love to know!




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