The Science of Persuasion with Richard Shotton

The Science of Persuasion

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Richard Shotton, a behavioral science expert who knows a thing or two about marketing. He gave us some incredible insights into how to apply behavioral science to branding and consumer behavior. 

One of the coolest things we learned was that embracing imperfections in your branding can actually make you more relatable and endearing to your customers. Plus, leveraging behavioral biases can give you a short-term boost while also building trust with your audience. Win-win!

Richard is the founder of Astroten, helping brands like Google and Barclays apply behavioral science. He authored “The Choice Factory,” a best-selling book on marketing biases. His contributions have earned him honors from the IPA and affiliations with Churchill College, Cambridge University. His newest book, “Illusion of Choice,” is out now. 

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