Making Your Sales Strategy More Human with Hera Zee

Making Your Sales Strategy More Human with Hera Zee

Regardless of how long you’ve been in business, you may still have an aversion to sales. 

Something I often hear from entrepreneurs is how much they find asking for the sale awkward and uncomfortable, even when they’ve been doing it for a long time. 

In this episode, Hera Zee joins me to talk about making your sales strategy more human. 

Hera Zee is a Sales + Marketing Strategist for Online Entrepreneurs who want to structure their business for profit, sustainability + growth. For the past decade, Hera has been a strategist behind the scenes of thousands of businesses and has become known for her ability to find a business’ blindspots + leverage them to increase profit + sales. Her real, honest and transparent way of explaining things is a refreshing take on Marketing.

We talk about:

  • [2:50] What to do if you’re nervous about online sales

  • [4:05] The levers that go into a buying decision 

  • [6:55] What teaching yoga taught Hera about sales

  • [9:40] How Hera hears pain points, desires and what people need

  • [14:05] What Hera learned by doing 1000 free sales calls

  • [18:40] How to show up consistently and personably on social media

  • [24:50] Tips for taking space from the online world and still showing up as a brand

  • [28:15] The best ways to learn and grow

Resources mentioned in episode:

Connect with Hera here:

    Connect with Kaye here:



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