How I Generate Daily Course Sales: My 3-Part System

So, want to know something pretty amazing?

I sell courses almost every. single. day. 😲

(Pinch me!)

Yup, even when I’m not working, I’m often getting pinged with notifications that someone bought one of my courses.

As you can imagine, it’s an amazing feeling. Knowing that I make consistent income for my brand with my courses? It’s great.

Even better yet, students can invest and access the help I offer – on their own schedules and exactly when they need it. (<— This feels incredible, too!)

So, because I’ve reached this level in business, a lot of people want to know…

What does is *actually take* to generate daily course sales? 

…What do you need in place to see those magical “You sold a course” 💸 notifications pop up – EVERY DARN DAY?

Well… If you’d asked me back in 2012, I would have said… “I dunno yet.” (And maybe I would have added, “Ask me again in 2021.” 🤣🤣🤣 )

My point is… It took some time (and some hard / smart work!) to get here. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and I’ve landed on specific *systems* that drive those daily course sales – on autopilot.

🎥 So, in this week’s vlog post, I’m sharing those systems I have in place that make aaaaaalll of this happen. (And they are *totally* systems that can make this happen for YOU, too.)

Ready to watch and learn?

Daily course sales, here YOU come!

Pssst… You can pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌

How I'm Generating Daily Course Sales - My 3-Part System

Pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌



1 Comment

  1. Sheridan Hotung-Pickeral

    Thanks for this succinct video. I provide therapy for kids who have language disorders like dyslexia. I really connected with you when you said, one-to-one is not scaleable – I have this problem and am looking to find a way to offer my services (advice/knowledge) through copywriting.

    I do have a website as well, which shows my SPEC portfolio. The emphasis, however is not on education, but rather retail.

    I’m not 100 percent how to pursue additional income.


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