A Public Launch Experiment

12 weeks.

That’s all you have. 12 weeks to work on your business and get things in order before you have to completely step away from it.

Would you…

  • Focus on revenue?
  • Create a bunch of content?
  • Lay low and wrap up loose ends?
  • Run a last-minute special?
  • Hustle to book new clients?
  • Build a new product?

Really, what would you do?

This is the question that I’ve been agonizing over for the last few weeks.

See, in 12 short weeks, (and hopefully not sooner) I’ll be shuttering the shop for an undetermined amount of time because… I’m having a baby! On top of that, we may be moving just six weeks later. Possibly to a new country. We don’t have any official news yet or any real way to plan because, The Military. But there’s a good chance it could happen.

I have 12 business-weeks left before it all begins.

I’m creating my very first digital product in a very public launch experiment. This is a huge deal for me because everything I have done so far has been in a 1-to-1 service-based capacity. I’ve always traded my time & talent for money as my business model. But now I’ve got to switch things up.

Since caring for a newborn at all hours of the night and day is going to change my available time drastically, I knew it was time for a big change. Creating this product will allow people to “work with me” even when I’m not physically there.

So, what about this “public experiment”?

I’m putting it all on the line: I’m going to involve you in the creation process.

I want to validate the market and make sure I’m creating something valuable. To do that, I published a survey for anyone reading my blog post to fill out.

After that, if you’re on my email list, I’ll invite you to attend the workshops for free, give feedback, and ask questions. (Awesome, right?)

There you have it! This is my very public accountability post to get it all done in the little time I have left. (I don’t mean to sound so morbid, but you know…)

I want you on the journey with me. Will you join me on this crazy ride?

Go read Part 2 of the journey… 




  1. In Spite of My Constraints - Kaye Putnam - […] digital course, Brand New Brand. If you missed the previous installments, you can catch up on them here, here,…
  2. Fighting Resistance: Public Launch Experiment Part 3 - Kaye Putnam - […] you haven’t read them yet, catch up with my Launch Experiment updates from Week 1 and Week […]
  3. Public Launch Experiment Part 2 - Kaye Putnam - […] that I may be crazy.) If you want to read and watch the full story, make sure you check…

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