The Power of Pinterest with Jana Osofsky

The Power of Pinterest with Jana Osofsky

In this episode, Jana Osofsky joins me to discuss the power of Pinterest.

We talk about the key pillars of Pinterest success, how to do keyword research, how to design Pinterest graphics and the different types of pins you can create, the challenge most entrepreneurs face with Pinterest and best practices to us the platform to its fullest potential.

Jana O. is a marketing expert and Pinterest educator for coaches, influencers, and other online experts. She teaches methods for using Pinterest for audience growth and lead generation.She’s on a mission to spread the word: When set up properly, Pinterest can attract raving fans and perfect-fit clients – with a small investment of time each month.

We talk about:

  • [3:10] What Jana loves about Pinterest

  • [7:50] Key pillars of Pinterest success

  • [11:00] How to do keyword research on Pinterest

  • [12:35] What stops a scroll on Pinterest in terms of graphics

  • [15:20] The types of content to bring onto Pinterest

  • [19:15] Common mistakes entrepreneurs make with Pinterest

  • [25:45] Jana’s strategy for learning

  • [26:20] One piece of knowledge Jana wants every entrepreneur to know

Connect with Jana here:

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