The Psychology of Story for Your Brand with Troy Campbell

The Psychology of Story for Your Brand with Troy Campbell

In this episode, Troy Campbell joins me to talk about the psychology behind using storytelling for your brand.

How do you craft the most engaging story? What are the components of a story that help make it memorable?

Troy uses a scientific mind, artistic heart approach to help people create and learn amazing things. He is a behavioral scientist (PhD, Duke University), former marketing professor (University of Oregon), former art, film, and psychology scholar (UC Irvine), professional designer and researcher (Netflix Insights, Disney Imagineering, UnitedHealth), and the chief scientist at On Your Feet.

We talk about:

  • [2:00] Why Troy approaches his work from a psychology perspective

  • [5:00] The distance between the discovery and the design

  • [8:40] Aligning your brand with the people you’re trying to sell to

  • [18:15] Why ‘story’ matters

  • [22:30] The flaw in the ‘hero’s journey’

  • [23:50] The Destiny narrative

  • [31:30] Honing in on emotion 

  • [37:25] How to lean on science to be more creative 

  • [40:15] The institute of Academics 

  • [47:45] How to implement the information shared today

Connect with Troy here:

Connect with Kaye here:



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