Energetic Seasons & Cycles: Making Them Work for Your Brand

I call B.S. on showing up every single day! There. I said it.

Because here’s the thing. Daily work may feel good for some entrepreneurs. But it doesn’t work for everybody. In fact, I am not the type of person who works on my business from sun up to sun down – every single day of the week.

I’ve never been that person.

And… I will admit to you (Raw moment alert! 🚨) … In the past, I’ve beat myself up about it.

(Because there are a lot of gurus and coaching out there saying you need to be online every single say – particularly in the early days of your business, right?)

But, I’ve actually found that that’s just not true. You actually don’t have to be “ON” all the time to consistently show up as your brand – and be successful in business.

So, in this week’s vlog post, I’m going to share what I know about energetic cycles and seasons as an entrepreneur – and how to make them work FOR you (and for your brand).

During the decade-plus that I’ve been in business, I’ve learned that it doesn’t PAY to work against your own energetic rhythms and burn out. So, instead, I’m always working to understand mine better – and to make them work in my favor.

Ready for a good mind-meld? 🖖🏼 So YOU can know what I know – and make the most of your energetic cycles and seasons?

Yay! Let’s do it. Press play below. 

Pssst… You can pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌

energetic seasons and cycles as an entrepreneur

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