Brand New Brand Archives - Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist Brand Archetypes, Strategy, Brand Identity Design Fri, 08 Dec 2023 20:44:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brand New Brand Archives - Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist 32 32 Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand Wed, 01 May 2019 21:40:11 +0000 The post Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


A shaman, a life coach, and a nutritionist joined a Facebook group…

Sound like the start to a fantastic entrepreneurial joke? Well it’s not! 😉

Instead, it’s a fantastic example of the power of branding. And that it’s *not* limited to specific niches. All business need a strong brand strategy and identity if they want to be successful. *THAT* is why Brand New Brand was born.

I am *so* inspired by ambitious entrepreneurs with big audacious dreams. But, as much as I would *love* it, I cannot work 1-on-1 with all of them! There’s not enough time in the day and my kiddos need lovin’ too!

The Brand New Brand program is my signature brand incubation program for entrepreneurs at all stages of business. It’s for individuals that are ready to dedicate the time and energy it takes to build their best brands, but need some guidance on how to start and stay in motion.

Since Brand New Brand launched, I’ve helped more than 140 ambitious entrepreneurs build cohesive brands that align with their unique personalities and values.

Every day, I am wowed by the results of these ambitious entrepreneurs – and proud of the feedback they give my team about their experience in BNB.

This brand incubation program has been transformative for so many small business owners. I’m grateful each day that I get to be part of their brand-building process.

So it’s time again to brag on some Brand New Brand students… a few amazing geniuses who’ve worked hard and earned today’s spotlight.

Check out these awe-inspiring success stories from Brand New Brand!

Alan Fuller, Author & Shamanic Practitioner

Before enrolling in Brand New Brand, Alan was creating content and it had attracted some 1-to-1 clients. But, they weren’t his ideal clients, and he wasn’t feeling like he was serving them at his highest and best ability.

I’d been throwing random stuff at the wall hoping it would stick for my business. And every time I tried shiny new stuff, I just became more confused and overwhelmed.

My website was pretty, but it was super inconsistent. My blog posts weren’t cohesive – everything seemed so random. It was a wonder I had any clients! I needed clarity, and I could tell that BNB could help.”

Through his hard work, Alan uncovered that the content he had been creating was around a topic that wasn’t truly his passion. By digging deep into the coursework, he uncovered his own brand truths. He became confident and clear on what work he wanted to focus on – and who he truly wanted to help.

“My fear before BNB was that I would end up just another “Yes, I do this, too” kind of brand. The clarity and consistency I got from BNB is what differentiates me now from everyone else who does the same thing.”

Want the kind of certainty that Alan gained? Here’s his advice for incoming BNB students… 

“Take full advantage of the BNB student-only Facebook group. As Entrepreneurs, we sometimes isolate ourselves just to get sh*t done. The Facebook group can definitely help alleviate that sense of isolation.

…And try not to multitask when doing the course. There are golden nuggets in the videos you don’t want to miss. Branding is complicated, but BNB gives a flow to the process that makes it super-do-able. Relax into it, take your time, don’t rush it.” 

Alan produced some seriously exceptional work in the course. Here’s his moodboard. (So sensory and kinetic!) 

Since completing the course, Alan has benefited from enhanced confidence:

  • He reports that he no longer has to chase clients – the right ones gravitate to him.
  • He’s become excited again about creating an online Shamanic Journeying course he had started but almost abandoned.
  • And, he feels his entrepreneur “imposter syndrome” has subsided.

“I realized that I was born to teach what I teach,” he told us.

“Through BNB, I didn’t get an image to project to the world – I got training in letting my soul shine through my business, and that’s worth more than I can express.”

Learn about Alan Fuller’s practice.

Read Alan’s blog.

Jennifer Shearer, Certified Kids Life Coach & Founder of The Looking Glass

Jennifer was rebranding, as the focus of her business had changed. She was looking for a framework to help guide her rebrand – a step-by-step system that included a support component, too. She found Brand New Brand and – through work and admirable focus – she became one of our favorite success stories!

Before the course, Jennifer felt unclear of her plan. She also felt her growth had stagnated and she wanted to change that.

“As my brand began to grow and shift, I never really knew what to do. Plus, I felt like I was always reaching out to my existing community. To grow, I needed to reach new people and nurture them with information they needed and wanted. I just didn’t really know how – so I wasn’t growing and I felt stuck.

One of Jennifer’s most pivotal BNB moments was when she started incorporating her archetypes to define her brand.

“I had always tried to please everyone. BUT I didn’t even know who I was as a brand. When I realized I was a Magician and Caregiver it all made sense to bring it into my brand.

“Having my authentic voice is SO powerful. It’s a game changer with my new brand!”

Check out these genius excerpts from Jennifer’s brand book:

Since taking the course, Jennifer has stayed in motion. She has:

  • Designed and launched her website.
  • Started a Facebook page and an Instagram page
  • Started a webinar series to connect with and nurture new followers.
  • Created an opt-in freebie.
  • Wrote and automated emails to nurture her email list.

“My new brand is so aligned with who I am and why I do this work. I feel like I no longer look for others’ approval. I am confident that the message I am here to send will come across just as it’s meant to – and reach those that are meant to find me.”

Are you craving the kind of clarity and confidence that Jennifer gained? Here’s her advice for new BNB students:

“Take your time and do the work. There is no rush and there is also no right or wrong. Trust your intuition with the decisions you’re making. Use the momentum and don’t stop just because you’re stuck on something. Use the students Facebook group and get feedback as often as you need. That’s why we are all here!”

Visit Jennifer’s newly-launched website.

See Jennifer’s brand in action on Facebook and Instagram.

(Pssst… 📌 You can pin this article to reference later!)

Pamela Chavez, Nutritionist & Health Coach for Military Spouses. Founder of Health on the Homefront

Pamela joined Brand New Brand at a time when she was struggling to gain clarity in her business. She wasn’t confident in her choice to serve a narrow niche, and she was not sure which ideas to pursue for her brand.

“I was marketing to everyone and no one was hearing me. I was trying not to make waves and keep everyone happy. I knew I had great ideas but I wasn’t able to bring them to life.”

Pamela did rockstar-level work in BNB. (Seriously, you’ll see…) She diligently put focused effort into the course, and leveraged feedback from other students as she worked.

“I absolutely loved all that I got from BNB. The active group adds another layer of learning and networking. Many times I would get feedback from another member and I hadn’t even considered that angle or perspective. That kind of help is invaluable.”

Pamela’s brand is now crystal clear – to her and to the world. She regularly crafts stand-out messaging that cut through the noise. And, the best part? The confidence she developed and instilled into her brand book propels her forward.

“If I ever have a tough day and doubt creeps in, all I have to do is pull up my brand book and all fears subside.”

“I love that I have a complete brand book and I have used it a million times over. From hiring virtual assistants, diving in to get a plethora of ideas for blog posts, or presenting it when I changed my logo. The completed brand book showcasing all of the work I did for a cohesive brand is worth its weight in gold.”

Pamela’s visibility has skyrocketed, too. She has:

  • Launched a Facebook group
  • Started a Facebook group, a Pinterest profile, and other social outposts
  • Guested on several podcasts
  • Had content featured in multiple well-respected news outlets, including Mompreneur, Food Matters, and Military Spouse Magazine
  • Launched a webinar
  • Created multiple lead magnet freebies (See her on-brand opt-in box for one below!)
  • Created regular content, including a popular blog
  • Been hired as a keynote speaker and ongoing nutrition expert for the Military Spouse Wellness Summit 2019

… and more than we can list here. (Told ya. Total rockstar!)

Ready to follow in Pamela’s footsteps? Here’s her advice for new BNB students:

“Give your all to each and every module. I really tried to dive into the mind of my ideal client when doing the exercises. Kaye explains every step and is very methodical about the process. Follow it and you will do amazing work!”


Visit Pamela’s website.

Check out the Health on the Homefront blog.

Are you ready to lay the foundation for a brand that works as hard as you do? 

If you are ready to build a strong & strategic brand from the foundation up, it’s time for Brand New Brand! 

The post Additional! Success Stories: Brand New Brand appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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More! Success Stories: Brand New Brand Tue, 24 Oct 2017 08:26:45 +0000 The post More! Success Stories: Brand New Brand appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


When I launched my Brand New Brand program for the first time back in 2015, my main goal was to help more ambitious brand builders at a lower price point, in a supportive group environment. It’s my program for those getting started and whose businesses have revenue than $100K. Often the students of the program need to build their brand from scratch.

Since then, I’ve helped more than 100 ambitious entrepreneurs build meaningful, cohesive brands that align with their core personality.

I’ve been completely floored by the incredible results and feedback I’ve gotten from my students. This brand incubation program has made such a huge difference for so many hardworking entrepreneurs, and I’m forever grateful that I get to be part of their brand-building process.

Proud is an understatement; I’m in complete AWE of my students every day. They are dedicated, talented, focused, persistent, and driven. I love carving out some of my professional time to dedicate to these amazing souls who join the BNB journey!

So I wanted to take a moment to brag on some Brand New Brand students who deserve alllll the brags. No being humble, no sitting down!

Check out these inspiring success stories from Brand New Brand!


Sarah Samuelson: Founder of Solid Ground Creative

Before enrolling in Brand New Brand, Sarah’s brand was non-existent. While she had plenty of great ideas, she struggled to build a cohesive offering and lacked the confidence to put herself out there as a professional. She hoped that BNB would help her find clarity around her brand and attract her best audience… and that’s exactly what happened!

Sarah described incorporating her brand archetype into her business as “a relief.

“I was given permission to let my brand be exactly what it was with no judgement. The need to compare now felt silly – those other brands weren’t my archetype anyway. Now, that I was no longer comparing, there was this energy that allowed my to focus and actually get stuff done.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​”

(Gorgeous, right?!)

Speaking of getting things done… Sarah found the Brand New Brand Facebook Group to be a key source of accountability and support as she reigned in her brand.

“I need accountability to keep taking those small steps forward in the process of uncovering my brand.​​​​​​​ We were all united in a common goal of clarity and that made the process feel less lonely.”

Small steps?! Not for this hustler…

In the six months since completing the Brand New Brand course, Sarah has:

  • Launched a website
  • Mastered Instagram
  • Taken on new design clients
  • AND published an ebook about creating using your menstrual cycle as a guide

“Six months ago, I had no presence. I was hiding… For someone who was hiding from the world, I would say it doesn’t get a lot more intimate than an ebook on that subject.​​​​​​​”

(Let me tell you, one eBook creator to another – it’s a thoughtful, time-consuming process. Major kudos to Sarah on launching her first of what I hope will be MANY incredible guides!)

Sarah’s advice to future BNB students?

“Get whatever support you need to clear some time and dig it – so worth it.”

Learn more about Solid Ground Creative:
Solid Ground Creative
Solid Ground Creative Instagram

(Pin for later!)

Elizabeth Barber, Owner of Devon’s Doggie Delights

While Elizabeth started with a pre-existing business, her brand lacked a clear identity. She felt that her brand messaging and aesthetic didn’t flow well, and came into the course feeling less than confident.

Luckily, an “aha moment” came quickly for Elizabeth as she learned more about her brand archetype.

“It made me realize I’m not a baker, I am a creator, and that made a huge difference. It allowed me to take great pride in my creations.”

Before long, Devon’s Doggie Delights began to take shape. Feedback and encouragement from her fellow BNB classmates upped Elizabeth’s confidence – in herself, her brand, and her work… and success followed!

Just 3 months after completing the course, her revenue has doubled! She’s also managed to significantly grow her customer base and average order amount without needing to offer specials. Just check out this recent post about her holiday sales!

These days, Elizabeth is getting lots of reviews and social media recommendations without needing to ask for them, and has even been approached by popular dog-themed Facebook groups to promote her handmade treats!

If that doesn’t blow you away, take a look at these stats…

In the 3 months since completing Brand New Brand:

  • Facebook likes have increased by 225
  • Visits to her online store are up 233%
  • Orders have doubled
  • AND revenue is up 268%

“We have grown enough that now we are able to do fundraisers and monthly donations to dog rescues around the country.”

Want to follow in Elizabeth’s footsteps? Here’s her advice for incoming BNB students…

“Give it your full effort. The effort will pay off, and you will get so much more from the course. Put in the work, really think about the assignments, and don’t just complete them to say you did.”

It certainly worked for her!

Learn more about Devon’s Doggie Delights:
Devon’s Doggie Delights
Devon’s Doggie Delights Facebook 


Coleen Stanley, Founder of CourseCoder

Before joining Brand New Brand, Coleen was an independent contractor working for university and government clients to build online courses and programs. Although she had a website, logo, and brand colors, she wasn’t confident in these choices and felt that her brand as a whole was inconsistent.

One of the most active participants in the Brand New Brand Facebook Group, Coleen truly made the most of the experience.

“I am so happy that I took the time to be active in the group because it allowed the other participants to really get familiar with my brand, so that they were able to give more valuable feedback. Also, I think you feel more obligated to give feedback to those who give feedback to you, so it pays off. And as a bonus, I also had quite a few BNB students that supported my product launches after the course.”

After completing the course, Coleen was able to make confident decisions faster – allowing her to produce incredible, consistent work that she’s proud of.

Within just a few short months, she’s made major strides with her brand, including:

  • Consistently live streaming to her Facebook group
  • Publishing a weekly newsletter
  • Launching a 4-day “Plan Your Course” challenge
  • Creating 3 lead magnets
  • AND picking up new, exciting clients!

Coleen just goes to show you that confidence and clarity can go a loooong way in your biz!

Here’s her advice for future BNB students:

“Complete the activities within the assigned time frame and participate as much as possible. And have fun discovering yourself!”

Learn more about Course Coder:
Course Coder
Course Coder Facebook


Lisa Robbin Young: Author, Musician, Creative Coach at Creative Freedom

Unlike many of my Brand New Brand students, Lisa came into the experience feeling relatively confident in her brand, Creative Freedom. However, with a rebrand on the horizon, she wanted to learn how to transition elements without alarming her audience – making group feedback extremely important.

For Lisa, Brand New Brand brought clarity to her brand – not only for herself and her audience, but for her entire team.

“Hands down, the Brand Bible is the best thing that comes from the course. You have an at-a-glance guide to everything that makes your business come alive in the hearts and minds of your best audience. Plus, it’s a great training tool for your team. I passed a copy of my completed Brand Bible to my designer and my VA so that they had crystal clarity on the mission, message, and motivations of my company.”

Since completing Brand New Brand, Creative Freedom has rebranded with market clarity. Now, it’s easy for visitors to understand what her brand stands for and if her work is a good fit for them. Ultimately, this has saved her time and helped her hone in on her best clients and customers.

“I wasn’t the fastest moving student in class, but I stuck with it and the reward was a cohesive, compelling brand that I’m proud to share with the world.”

Her advice for incoming students?

“Be patient with yourself and trust the process. Each step is there for a reason, and Kaye does a phenomenal job of moving you from vague concepts and a hodgepodge of images to something that really speaks to who you are and what your business is all about.”

Learn more about Lisa Robbin Young:
Lisa Robbin Young
Lisa Robbin Young Facebook


Isn’t it time you bring your brand into the light?

If you are just getting started, bringing in less than $100K a year with your business, and need to build their brand from the foundation up – this program is for you!  Within you will uncover my step-by-step process – the one that I use with my one-on-one clients.


Brand New Brand is calling you home!

Do you have an idea for a brand that you’re bursting at the seams to start?
Do you want to grow your brand past your first $100K?
Do you need to better identify who you are to your ideal clients?
Do you need more clarity and confidence in your brand?

If the answer is yes, join Brand New Brand and get ready to transform your business! I’d love to welcome to you the family.

Plus, with the been-there-done-that tips from our past students, you’ve got a running start!

I hope to see you there.

Want more? Read about FOUR more rockin’ entrepreneurs and the brands they created in Brand New Brand here.

The post More! Success Stories: Brand New Brand appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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Success Stories: Brand New Brand Results Thu, 11 May 2017 06:00:58 +0000 The post Success Stories: Brand New Brand Results appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Two years ago, I started developing an idea for a group branding course. I wanted to be able to help entry-level entrepreneurs with revenue less than $100K to launch their brands. I wanted to give them access to my step-by-step process at a lower price point than that of my one-on-one services. 

(And ‘selfish’ note: I was 20 weeks pregnant, so maternity leave was looming! I needed a way to be of value even when I was sleep-deprived and not sitting at my computer.)

After hours of brainstorming, feedback from potential students, and lots of content creation, my idea transformed into an online course.

In October 2015, I launched this course for the first time. I named it Brand New Brand. It walks students through the process of launching a brand, step-by-step. I provided the structure, content, and advice. But it’s not just me – students share their opinions and feedback. The energy & output of the group was better than I could have imagined.

Now… back to the current day, more than 65+ entrepreneurs have enrolled in my Brand New Brand course.

I am beyond excited for my next round of students to discover their true message and develop their brands during the five-week course. That excitement inspired some course reflection. I’ve been reminiscing about previous students. Entrepreneurs that enrolled in my course and the extraordinary brands they developed. Proud doesn’t begin to express how I feel for all of my Brand New Brand students. They took action. They invested time and money into their transformation. They transformed ideas into brands. These brands show true personalities that speak to their ideal clients’ souls.

So, what better way to show how proud I am… than to dedicate some time to public client love.  

Today, I’m highlighting 4 past Brand New Brand students and their stellar brands. They’ve demonstrated what can be accomplished when you take action and invest in your brand development.

Dr. Shari Miller – Orthopedic Physical Therapist & Founder of Athletity: Physical Therapy + Performance Lab

While everyone has a different starting point and unique journey that leads them to Brand New Brand, some people come into the course with a bit of a head start. In Shari’s case, she had years of experience as a physical therapist and needed to translate that experience into building her practice.

“Before joining BNB, I had the concept of who I wanted to serve, how it would look, and the personality I wanted to convey. I was intimidated by choosing a brand name, colors, logos, and visuals that all communicated the same message. It all felt overwhelming… Kaye’s method helped me expedite the process.”

I often hear that making design decisions for a brand is the most difficult step in brand development. With millions of colors in the world – how do you limit your brand to a few hex codes? And what about a brand name? How do you combine creative, informative, and straightforward? My answer? Archetypes. Identifying your archetype is *so* powerful because it permits you to narrow down your choices. Shari specifically had this revelation in Brand New Brand.

“When it came to incorporating my archetype into my brand message, I was thankful to have a guide of what to include and not to include. Being able to keep everything in the Hero / Girl Next Door archetype kept me on track to project a clear message.”

Speaking of staying “on track”…

Since completing Brand New Brand less than 6 months ago, Shari has:

✓ Launched a website
✓ Created 2 opt-ins
✓ Created 2 landing pages
✓ Launched email marketing campaigns
✓ Launched her Facebook page (and gained more than 80 followers)
✓ Launched her 1st challenge

I get exhausted looking at that list! She was armed for success because she had a clear brand with her mission, vision, and values defined.

“The BNB course made this very easy because I knew what I stood for and how to communicate it. I now feel my brand is clear, defined, and reflects who I am… It is truly my own brand.”

Shari’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

Spend extra days before it starts on the foundational work. Watch videos twice on topics you feel are your weak areas….watch once, work through worksheets, walk away for a bit, then watch again to see if there’s anything you can refine.

Learn more about Athletitiy:
Athletity Facebook

Deborah Woods: National Certified Counselor & Founder at Magnetic Moms

When you’re building a brand, it’s never too soon (or too late) to ask for help. Many entrepreneurs who enroll in my Brand New Brand course have a decent head start in the direction of their brand. But it’s also beneficial to people who are just starting – like Deborah Woods. Before signing up for Brand New Brand, Deborah was the first to admit that she had no idea how to create a brand.

“As a long time therapist, marketing has always been a dirty word in professional circles. Ethical training courses warn of the danger of violating ethics in an attempt to market. As a result, I spent years depending on word of mouth which proved inadequate.”

To say Deborah was active in the BNB Facebook Group would be an understatement. She was an integral member of Brand New Brand – providing insightful and thoughtful advice to her fellow entrepreneurs. Her engagement paid off tenfold. She received similar insightful feedback from others on every step of the way – from her brand position to her logos and colors.

“Participating in the Facebook group allowed me to share my efforts and get the feedback I needed to course correct when I was off track and to celebrate and expand when I was on track. Giving feedback to others allowed me to try out my new found learning and test my thoughts. Participating in the Facebook group was essential to my implementation of the coursework to develop my brand new brand.”

By relying on others in the group, she could workshop her brand with real-time feedback. So what started as a logo she was unhappy with was able to morph into a color scheme, logo, and tagline she was proud of. She used that logic to stay on brand with any content and messaging she published for Magnetic Moms.

“After doing the course I realize that there’s a lot more to do AND I have a clear sense of what is and isn’t My BRAND. That makes all the difference. Now I can eliminate all the clutter and easily see the things I want to reject. I can now focus my efforts and communicate a clear message.”

And design gorgeous website pages as a result…

Since completing Brand New Brand, Deborah has continued to develop  Magnetic Mom’s message. She’s been publishing more on social media (including her first live video!) and she’s been honing her public speaking skills using her inner-brand archetype.

“I returned to Toastmasters to incorporate what I’ve learned in developing my brand into my speaking efforts. I gave my first speech back and hit it out of the park! My hero archetype guided my selection of the story I shared and the message I wanted to convey. It reminded me of my strength and my ability to do hard things. I’m upleveling my speaking skills again and loving it!”

Deborah’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

Do the assignments. Let yourself struggle. Don’t be afraid to fail. Every effort counts. Participate. Show up. Ask questions. Share your ideas. Go all in. Don’t hold back. Learn all you can.

Learn more about Magnetic Moms:
Magnetic Moms Facebook

(Pin to read later!)

Rob Hock of Robert Hock Wedding Photography:

Before enrolling in Brand New Brand, Rob was experiencing something ALL of us have been through at one point or another. He was seconding guessing himself. The BNB course exists for many reasons. One of the main reasons is to give you the experience and confidence to KNOW what your brand is and WHY it exists.

“I felt my brand was not a true reflection of myself. I loved the concept of looking at branding through archetypes and Kaye’s course was the only branding course that focused on it in detail and depth… She is truly an expert in this area of study!”

Rob didn’t think he had a “brand” before he started the course. He had designed his wedding photography website in a way that was visually appealing. But he needed to further his understanding of what branding actually is. As a Lover Archetype, shooting weddings is a natural fit. Through Brand New Brand, he learned how to portray his personality and uniqueness to potential clients.

“People told me my branding could be better but nobody offered me a systematic way to explore how to improve it… Kaye’s course completely changed that.”

Rob discovered his brand’s voice by exploring what he himself sounded like when interacting with his customers. The course taught him to explore the motivations and desires of his Lover Archetype. Rob invested the time and effort to get the most out of the BNB course and it truly paid off!

“Since completing the course, I have received numerous compliments on my new brand and feel it 100% reflects my personality.”

Rob’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

It took a significant time commitment for me to do this course properly (10h per week), more than I expected. It was an incredible course though, especially through the Facebook group and conversations we had there.

Learn more about Robert Hock Wedding Photography:
Robert Hock Instagram

Mara Spruit: Creator of Mara Spruit Jewelry

Some things are best done alone. Building your brand is not one of them. My Brand New Brand course provides an atmosphere that’s conducive to success. Your brand is your story and if you cannot tell your story, then you cannot explain your brand. By joining a community of likeminded individuals – like Mara – you get to share your ideas and get relevant feedback. You get to discover what your story is. This is what Mara says about her brand before enrolling in Brand New Brand:

“There was no brand… I had only an idea and the need to be creative.”

Mara dove head first into the community. She submerged herself in the program and provided valuable feedback to her classmates. She took full advantage of the private BNB Facebook group. Mara cultivated relationships and grew her network in ways she could have never imagined.

“The BNB course was encouraging. It made me feel like I was doing the right thing. It gave me wonderful feedback and helped me with many difficult decisions but, most of all, it was stimulating. I love that my fellow students and I are still in touch and show our ongoing, growing brands.”

After a mere 30 days, Mara had completed her brand book. She built the foundation of her brand’s story.  She used her Maverick / Creator Archetypes to channel her own voice, tone, and (as Mara says) her “inner Jack Sparrow”. Mara stayed true to herself and her dream while creating her visuals and messaging. Her brand began to represent what she represents. Choosing to see the beauty in life, maintaining open-mindedness, and being one of a kind.

“My brand is a reality now. It’s still in an ongoing process and that’s fine. The foundation (beliefs and ideas) of my brand are clear and strong now. I have my brand book to fall back on and that makes me feel very confident. I LOVE what I do now… this is ALL mine and I know the rest will follow.”

My favorite part of Mara’s story is that she isn’t letting what she doesn’t have hold her back. Mara’s still working on creating her website and her first full jewelry line.  She’s also actively building her community and brand on social media.  She already has a group of interested people to launch to as soon as her line is ready. I’m so proud of her for staying in action!

Mara’s Wisdom for New Brand New Brand Students:

Take your time. Building the foundation to your brand is key and isn’t necessarily something you write down in one night. Sleep on it, buy a black book and keep it close… you never know when the brilliant ideas pop up. Give the BNB course everything you have because it’s so much fun when you see your brand come to life.

Follow Mara’s work:
Mara Spruit Instagram
Mara Spruit Pinterest

It’s your turn.

Brand New Brand live class begins in *four* days.  Is it time for you to take action?

  • Do you have an idea for a brand that you’re bursting to start?
  • Do you have an established brand that needs a stronger message?
  • Do you need to better identify who you are to your ideal clients?
  • Do you need more clarity and confidence in your brand?

Yes? Then learn more about Brand New Brand.  I’d love to welcome to you the family.  Plus, you’re already ahead of the game with stellar advice from rockstar students.

Hope to see you on the other side!

The post Success Stories: Brand New Brand Results appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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How to Build a Strong Brand from the Start Tue, 21 Mar 2017 15:44:17 +0000 The post How to Build a Strong Brand from the Start appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


You’ve made the decision. You’re jumping in head first…. grabbing the bull by the horns… sprinting towards the finish line.

You’re starting your own business.

Your finish line is having a rockin’ brand launched with adoring clients and customers eager to work with you.

When you’re first launching a new business, you’ll get a lot of advice. Your parents may tell you to be careful. Your fellow entrepreneur may tell you to invest in a coach or consultant. A blogger might tell you to have months of valuable content written before you launch. Your best friend may want to see your pretty website and logo. Even your hairdresser may have advice on how much work it’ll be starting out.

Here’s some good news – my advice will be a lot less complicated and less expensive than what others give you. I always recommend finding a way to do more *impactful* work in less time. I’m also 100% behind testing the waters before making any major investments in your brand.

I’m here to say it’s ok to launch without having everything figured out.
(In fact, it’s required. I still don’t have most things figured out. Just more than yesterday.)

Want the Masterclass in defining your brand? Enroll Here! (It’s my free premium training!)

Without further ado… here are some of my top nuggets of wisdom about building a strong brand from the start.

When in doubt, go simple.

In the corporate world, when you are starting a brand spankin’ new position, no one expects you to have ALL the answers. What they do expect is for you to have the background to understand the basics and to catch on fast. The same goes for launching your brand. What you need to remember is that while your brand may be new – the value you provide is what’s most important. Next, your unique story and background will set you apart from the competition.

That’s what you need to focus on when you brand starting out. Don’t get too caught up in the minutiae of a perfectly colored logo. Case in point: successful brands everywhere (Nordstrom, Vogue, Canon…) use simple text for their logos.

Focus on providing something valuable. Focus on telling your story. The key to attracting your best clients is communicating who YOU are, what YOU believe, and the value YOU bring. The right clients will self-select you based on that information. Lucky for you, your ideal clients have a lot in common with you. We naturally want to serve people like ourselves. Those who share similar values with us or who are working through a challenge that we have faced before. So, don’t overthink it. Be you and find your people.

Bonus tip #1: Focus on doing what you can, with what you have right now.

In the beginning, the chicken and the egg scenario happens a lot. You want to have a website, but you don’t have your products photographed yet. You want to create a bunch of new inventory, but you need capital you don’t have. Or with a service business, you need a portfolio but haven’t had clients yet. This is totally normal.

If you can’t put a site up yet, use social media for now. Or a simple landing page. If you need clients, work with some (carefully chosen) beta clients in return for feedback. If you can’t afford a designer (common!) use or templates in the beginning. Get and stay in motion.

Bonus tip #2: Use this first opportunity to experiment and play. Do the best you can with what you have now.

Remember when I said a blogger would tell you to have tons of content ready to publish? Don’t delay launching because your content isn’t perfectly written. Or likewise, if your design, products, etc. aren’t perfect. No matter how “perfect” they are, you’ll dramatically improve over the next months and years. When you launch, you’ll have the attention of the smallest group of people you probably ever will.

Content-wise: For the first few months, focus on topics you know and care about. Develop your brand voice and engage your (future) audience. It’s especially helpful to write evergreen content when you’re first getting started. That way, if you don’t have the audience yet, the content will still be relevant and searchable when you do. Think about it like stockpiling wood for winter. Create now when you have time, so you can cash in when you’re crazy-busy with clients later.

Speaking of your people – define what you’ll be selling to them.

If you’ve already decided to launch a business, this may seem like a simple question. You’ll be selling copywriting services, motivational speaking, fitness coaching… underwater basket-weaving classes. (?!) Now, dig a little deeper. Take time to decide what need within your niche that you are solving for people. Let’s use copywriting as an example. A potential client may be looking for someone to write a sales page for their website. What if they don’t realize that you, as a copywriter, provide this service? You need to define your offer so that this potential client actually understands that they are your ideal client and they need you.

Also, look at the product or service you’d like to provide and decide if it can make you money. Take emotion out of the picture for a minute (the only time you’ll ever hear me say this) and look at facts. Does your ideal client know they need what you offer? Do they value what you’re offering? And if the answer is yes, can they afford what you want to charge? I’m not writing any of this to dissuade you from your dream business. There are successful businesses that have used marketing & branding to create desire in their clients. (Look at any high end fashion designer.) But it takes a lot of time and even more money. Be aware of possible challenges so you can make educated decisions about your brand.

Validate your idea (with help from real people)

You’ve now decided what products or services you want to provide. You may have even decided who your target audience will be.

(This next bit is *really* important.)

Be ready to change, evolve and adapt.

It’s time to get out in the world and start working with clients. At a minimum, you need to talk to real people. Remember that you may need to tweak your plans once you’re applying them to real life clients. You may realize you don’t enjoy working with the clients you’re attracting. Or you may realize you need to charge more for your signature service. So start working with clients as early as possible. Validate decisions you’ve made. Embrace the fact that while you’ve had tons of good ideas, only a few will turn into the golden ones that’ll stand the test of time.

Bonus tip #3: Whether you decide to start selling to strangers, or to test out on friends and family, remember to show you care about their feedback.

Try beta testing some of your ideas before you sell them full price. If you’re beta testing, see if you can get a few fellow entrepreneurs to participate. Rather than depending on you, yourself, and, well… you (this doesn’t work as well as “me, myself, and I”), call in reinforcements! Use the beta tests, interviews, and surveys to make the decisions I spoke of above. You’ll prove to prospective clients how much you care. Added bonus, you’ll be networking with other like minded entrepreneurs. All while finalizing major decisions about your brand. This will be a great first step towards building credibility with your audience.

Make updates as you grow.

NOBODY starts out perfect, with it all figured out. If you don’t believe me, visit your favorite famous YouTube channel. Go alllll the way back to their very first upload. You’ll notice a pretty stark difference between their early videos versus where they’re at now. This is because we all learn and grow over time. If you waited until you knew everything, you’d never start.

My advice? Start before you’re ready. Get the ball rolling. The great thing about launching your own brand is that it’s easy to go back and make edits down the road, if you choose to. Maybe after you’ve been at it for a year or two, you’ll decide you want a professionally designed logo. Or maybe you’ll decide you only want to use certain types of photos in your published content. Great news – this is all editable – brought to you by the gods of WordPress (or whatever platform you’re using).

Bonus Tip #4: Take advantage of the hundreds of thousands of templates out there to make your brand beautiful.

If you can get a template that communicates your brand message for $30 from Creative Market, why wouldn’t you? Save the custom design for the most important projects or for those where you can’t find a good template to fit your needs. Or for when you have a bigger budget (like my 1-on-1 clients). As a newbie, embrace templates and do your best. The key to making templates work for you is to first decide what your brand message and visual style are. Then, look for that specifically so you aren’t tempted by all the other styles available. Find the one that’s as close to what you want as possible, and take it the final 10-20% to match your brand.

Define your brand personality

Time for my favorite subject – brand archetypes. Why are they important? Deciding on your brand archetype will make your message, vision, values, content, and design fall into place. It’s the answer to the question most people don’t know to ask about their brand.

How do you want your brand to show up in the world?

Do you want to send a renegade message…
That defies society’s norms and calls to others who challenge the status quo?
Or do you want to create a brand that’s better defined as a community…
That welcomes people from all walks of life into a safe and friendly environment?

By defining your archetype, these questions are easily answered. You’ll identify with a timeless archetype (or blend) and learn how to incorporate into your brand. You’ll shape your content, presence, and tone with one unified message.

Bonus Tip #5: Take my Brand Personality Quiz

Do you know which archetype you identify with most? Many people don’t – even when they have been running their business for years. To get started defining your brand archetype – take my Brand Personality Quiz. Once you know your brand archetype, your options are limitless. And don’t forget to check out my information pages and blog articles dedicated to each archetype.

Pull inspiration from a variety of sources

When you are shifting from consumer to business owner, it’s time to pay closer attention to your own experiences with different companies. Do you have a favorite restaurant? Clothing brand? What makes them so special to you? How can you incorporate those themes or ideas into your own industry?

Also, look at your seemingly unrelated interests. Could you incorporate your love of hiking into your business in an interesting way? Pay attention to what are you drawn to visually in every area of life (art, interior design, vehicles, travel.) Consider how you can use those to inform visual brand decisions.

When you are starting out, it’s tempting to emulate the leaders of your industry. This works to a point, but it’s more important to create a brand that accurately represents your strengths and personality. Following others (especially only in your industry) will never create the results you want. It’s the echo-chamber effect. People pay attention to the person creating the echo, not everybody that follows.

Bonus tip #6: Pinterest is still my favorite tool for collecting visual inspiration into a central place – use it!

Create a board that represents your brand and pin everything you can find. Include designs, art, photography, lifestyle images, inspirational quotes, etc. Once you have a collection of images, you can start to see common threads. You might see a color scheme emerge. Or brand messaging.

Bootstrap with online courses, self-education, and group programs.

If you’re feeling stuck, uninspired, or just straight up LOST – never fear! There are TONS of amazing resources out there to help you. A simple Google search will provide you with the tools you need to teach yourself. Take e-courses on sites like Skillshare or from your favorite entrepreneur. Read books and articles.

Or best yet, find group programs. Many experts (myself included) offer courses to teach material offered to 1-1 clients in a live group environment. Full transparency here – the expert offering the course loves it just as much as those purchasing it. In this environment, the expert can provide more value to their clients in less time. But the win for you? You get expert knowledge and real-time feedback at a lower cost. Plus you have the added benefit of a new community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

These days, there’s SO much life-saving material out there on the web. Whether it’s free or a small investment, it’ll be worth your time researching to find the best fit for you.

Collect Credibility

As you’re beginning to establish your business, it’s *especially* important to focus on building trust. People don’t know you yet. You haven’t built a reputation. It’s crucial that you share with your audience who you are, what you do, why you’re exceptional, and how you can help them. You business will thrive on your ability to create strong, emotional connections with your audience.

Bonus Tip #7: Challenge yourself to write a list of 100 reasons why someone should hire you.

You have more to offer than you think. Think about your past jobs, education, and people you’ve helped. Also, think about all of the benefits and life changes your future client gets from working with you. Consider all the ways they save time and money. Think about all the pain/frustration you alleviate for them. When you’re done with this exercise, you’ll have a master list of all the reasons someone would be crazy not to hire you! You can use this list to help write your website and as a shot of confidence whenever you need one.

Surround Yourself with Other “Crazy” Entrepreneurs

Even as entrepreneurship gets more popular, it’s still an uncommon path. You may not know many business owners in your personal life. Your family might think you are off your rocker. Your friends might not understand why you turn down an invitation to go out to work on your business. All totally normal.

Focus on finding your “cohort” of entrepreneur friends. Find inspirational stories of those who are farther ahead of you. Be intentional about the messages you consume. Be intentional about the people you surround yourself with. If your goal is to create a 7-figure business, find others that have. If you want to build a media empire through a blog, find successful bloggers and others with the same dream. Don’t limit your success by refusing to invest in relationships.

If you’ve ever noticed that entrepreneurs read a disproportionate amount of self-help and personal development material, it’s because this path demands a lot from you. You’ll be asked to stretch way outside of your comfort zone. You’ll be more visible. You’ll need to be a leader.

Bonus Tip #8: Investing in a group program gives you a bonus…networking!

Remember when I mentioned group programs above? Investing in one is a great way to meet other like-minded entrepreneurs. You can also seek out masterminds and paid communities that ensure you are around other people who are serious about investing in their own success. The investment can feel steep at first, but it puts you in proximity of people who are on the same path as you. Those relationships can be invaluable.

In Summary

When you’re starting a new business, *designing* your brand shouldn’t be at the top of your priority list. Figuring out what you do should be. Getting into action. Testing your theories. Working and talking with real, live human beings.

If you’re starting a blog, writing lots of content is the most important part.
Starting a podcast? Record lots of episodes.
Going to be consulting? Host free workshops first, like my client Fleur Larsen did.

Once you establish the basics and you have the consistency and grit to keep going, THEN work on design.

So what next?

It’s too easy to get hung up on the little details when launching a brand. Remember that delaying your launch delays you from serving your clients and customers. They are out there, wanting your help. Now. Ready or not. So, allow yourself to take a risk and tighten up later. This is your time to explore!

Speaking of exploring… the BEST way to fully understand and define your brand is by taking the psychology-first approach to branding. I teach this process in my Brand New Brand program.This is my program for entrepreneurs who are just getting started, and need to build their brand from scratch. It’s for those dreamers and do-ers who are at less than $100K in revenue, and who want the step-by-step process that I use with my more established one-on-one clients. If you’re ready to begin, join Brand New Brand and start to uncover your brand’s *true* potential.

Want more FREE training? Enroll in the Define Your Brand Masterclass to build your 1-page brand plan, right there on the spot!

The post How to Build a Strong Brand from the Start appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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In Spite of My Constraints Fri, 30 Oct 2015 14:47:11 +0000 Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing what has been happening behind-the-scenes as I’ve been creating my first digital course, Brand New Brand. If you missed the previous installments, you can catch up on them here, here, and here. As my deadline is rapidly counting down (I’m opening the course up for students next […]

The post In Spite of My Constraints appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing what has been happening behind-the-scenes as I’ve been creating my first digital course, Brand New Brand. If you missed the previous installments, you can catch up on them here, here, and here.

As my deadline is rapidly counting down (I’m opening the course up for students next Wednesday!), I’ve been reflecting on my timing and circumstances that have surrounded this project.

In spite of my constraints, this course is going to be ready next week.

Now, THAT is empowering to say.

I feel like I’m back in college staring at a list of four term papers that are 15 pages each with two weeks left to complete them. It seems impossible before you start. It’s almost magical when you wrap up that last one. (Even in spite of the recent memory of pulling all-nighters laced with copious amounts of caffeine and Hot and Ready pizzas.)

Instead of term papers, I’m wrapping up the content for 20 video lessons that’ll walk you through all of the major decisions to building a brand that is authentic to you and attracts your ideal clients. Sound like something you need? Learn more about Brand New Brand!

Here’s been the reality of my constraints…

Time is Short

I announced publicly that I was going to be embarking on this journey when I was just finishing up the first trimester of my pregnancy. I’m now in my 34th week. Nature’s countdown has certainly kept me into action. I only have so many hours each day. I only have so many days before the baby arrives. The baby is kickboxing in my stomach as I type this, reminding me, “I’m coming…!”

I’m a One-Woman Show

I recently transitioned away from being a part of a bigger team at an agency, so I’m back to executing all of the work on my own. I’ve had to build my audience, complete client work, get myself ‘back out there,’ AND create all of the moving parts of this course in the last few months. (I can’t wait to hire my first team members!)

This Isn’t My Only Priority

Have I mentioned that we’re moving to Italy in January? (Yes, 6 weeks after the bambino is due.) We own a house here in Hawaii that we need to sell before we leave. I also have a three-year-old and a hubby who deserve some of my time and attention as well. On top of all of that, I still needed to pay my bills, so normal client work continued, too.

Tech Hurdles Galore

This is a post for another day, but let’s just say everything that could have gone wrong technology-wise this week, has. I suppose that I should have expected it, since I’m in the middle of something new and scary.


To be fair, I absolutely couldn’t have done this on my own — I’m not going to pretend for a second that I’m superwoman. My husband has talked me off a ledge a few times. My mastermind sisters have been a constant source of love and support. My mentors and peer-tors have talked me through tough decisions. I’ve bought courses to fill in my knowledge gaps. I’ve invested in software to make this process more efficient.

But still, having that little spark that knows that I powered through in spite of everything going on makes me proud.

#SISU <- (for my Finnish friends)

I’m not sure that it’s worth asking myself, “What if?” at this point. If I didn’t have the constraints that I do now, I’m sure that the course could have been made larger, I could have reached more people, and I could promote it more effectively. That will all come later. Once we get settled in Italy, I’m sure that I’ll be able to answer those questions and take action then.

For now, I’m happy with how far I’ve come.

What could YOU do in spite of your constraints?

Could you launch that business on the side that you’ve been thinking about while you continue to work your day job?

Could you hustle to get more clients so you can afford to invest in your business?

Could you build your course, product, or brand?

(I’m betting on YES.)

If you’re building a business, bet on yourself and sign up for Brand New Brand.

The post In Spite of My Constraints appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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Fighting Resistance: Public Launch Experiment Part 3 Thu, 08 Oct 2015 19:16:49 +0000 I almost didn’t write this post. I’ve been facing major RESISTANCE and avoiding my Brand New Brand course creation like the plague. My thought was, “Week 3 update?! What update??” As I was playing out this conversation in my head, I realized that not having an impressive update was exactly why I needed to write […]

The post Fighting Resistance: Public Launch Experiment Part 3 appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

I almost didn’t write this post.

I’ve been facing major RESISTANCE and avoiding my Brand New Brand course creation like the plague. My thought was, “Week 3 update?! What update??” As I was playing out this conversation in my head, I realized that not having an impressive update was exactly why I needed to write this post.

My Current State of Avoiding the Really Important Work

Have you ever faced resistance on a big project?

Tell me that I’m not the only one that sits at the edge of I know this is the most important thing for me to working on… but busy work feels better.

My rational brain knows what I should be doing right now. It’s rallying HARD for me to get the work done that matters (the darn course.)

  • A course will allow me to help more people (it’ll be more affordable to those just starting out and much cheaper than 1-on-1 work with me.)
  • It’ll allow people to work with me even when I’m not physically available to be on Skype or blocking off 8+ hours on a client project. For example, when I give birth and need to take care of a newborn wiggly for a few months.
  • It’s big ‘leverage point’ work. If I put in the hours now, I’ll be able to continue to build and leverage this work for years to come.

My lizard, fear-based brain has halted all progress this week.

  • What if NO ONE even looks at the sales page, much less buys the course? Why bother writing it.
  • Maybe I’ll just go into labor early, and I won’t have to deliver on what I committed to.
  • I have so much client work that I can’t block off a 4-hour consecutive block for it. I might as well not do anything.
  • I’m pregnant! No one would blame me if I just took it easy for the next few months…


Can someone knock some sense into me? I’m making myself sick with my nonsense.

The next steps for launching this thing are BIG.

Write the sales page.
Create slides & record the actual course content.
Translate everything I do with my one-on-one clients into a DIY format.
Bring together all of my notes from the last two years into digestible pieces.
Download my brain into this course.

Save this article for later – Pin it now:

Overcome Your Launch Resistance (or Upper Limit Problem)

If you’ve ever faced the big bear of resistance (or perhaps an upper limit problem or two), I hope my action plan will help you:

Identify items on my “to do” list that are too ambiguous and break em down.

Right now, I have a step on there that says “Create course.” Ha. If only it were that easy. I’m going to search and destroy any other similar items into their smaller parts. For example, “Create Course” is being broken up into:

  • Design slide template
  • Design worksheet template
  • Outline full course
  • Outline full script
  • Identify exercises to include for each section
  • etc., etc.,

Schedule it or it won’t happen.

Once I have tasks that are doable in an hour or two block, they are going on my calendar. I’m not sure who first said it, but if it’s not scheduled it doesn’t exist. This hyper-scheduling is going to include some self-love time, my existing client work, and other blocks for maintenance tasks (like social media), so I’m realistic with what I can accomplish each week.

Find some accountability buddies.

I am totally grateful and lucky that I’ve made some amazing business buddies. Right now, I’m also a part of a mastermind. I’m asking those ladies to hold me accountable to my new outlines and deadlines. I’m also writing this post to loop YOU into my accountability tribe. Finding a way to be publicly accountable makes the thing you are avoiding much less avoidable.

Edit “must do” items that are “would like to do” items.

I have three weeks of daily periscopes on my to-do list that lead up to the free webinar and the course launch. While this would be nice and I DO need to be more visible in the weeks leading up to the launch, it’s not necessary TO LAUNCH. So that “to do” item is going to be adjusted to make more room in my schedule.

Assess your other priorities.

I haven’t been sitting here on my thumbs avoiding the course – I’ve been busy with paid client work, which is freaking fantastic. I love & adore my clients and have been able to produce some great work lately. However, I kept adding more and more value to my 1-day package until it took me ~3 days of work, which wasn’t sustainable at the current volume or pricing. I’ve completely reformatted the way people can work with me 1-on-1 with a new schedule and investment so that I have the space to do my best work. I’m also reassessing all of my “volunteer” and “favors” that I spend time working on to make sure they fit my current goals (and timeline!)

OK, Your Turn

What are your strategies to getting the really important (but not urgent) work done? Have you ever faced resistance in launching something new?

Comment below!

If you haven’t read them yet, catch up with my Launch Experiment updates from Week 1 and Week 2.

The post Fighting Resistance: Public Launch Experiment Part 3 appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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Public Launch Experiment Part 2 Mon, 21 Sep 2015 09:50:55 +0000 Last week I announced that I’m embarking on a very public 12-week launch experiment. These 12 weeks happen to coincide with the last 12 weeks before I take a break TO HAVE A BABY. (I am fully aware that I may be crazy.) If you want to read and watch the full story, make sure […]

The post Public Launch Experiment Part 2 appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

Last week I announced that I’m embarking on a very public 12-week launch experiment. These 12 weeks happen to coincide with the last 12 weeks before I take a break TO HAVE A BABY. (I am fully aware that I may be crazy.) If you want to read and watch the full story, make sure you check out the first post in the series.

I’m so excited to update you on all of the progress. I made some major changes to my strategy. I’ll be sharing what and why below…

See all the pretty check marks! Getting ‘er done.

As soon as I’m done with this blog post, I’ll be adding a check next to Week 2, part C. Woot!

Survey Results

Wow, guys. I am SO blown away by the response to my survey. If you were one of the 119 people who shared their thoughts, needs, and challenges with me related to branding… THANK YOU!

Believe it or not, the results were the exact opposite of what I was expecting. (You’re keeping me on my toes!)

The first question I asked you related to the overall direction of the workshop/course. I wanted to use this question to determine the course positioning in relation to other options available online. I was also hoping for insight for naming it. Before hearing from almost 120 of you, I had planned to do something along the lines of helping people bring their existing brand to the next level. Nearly all of my one-on-one clients fall into this category: they’ve been in business for a year or two and want to get a more professional and authentic brand.

However, the survey told me that you want me to show you how to launch a NEW brand.

This was my first major strategy shift. You spoke loud and clear and I’m listening!

Next, I asked about the specific content that people wanted to learn. Before the survey, I thought marketing automation would be a big draw because I love setting up systems that work while I’m away. Wrong again! (This is why ASKING is so powerful.)

These answers will be built directly into the content of the workshop and course. Interestingly, the most vague answers were the most enticing to respondents. I think this tells me that you are simply a bit overwhelmed with the idea of branding. I’ll be making the steps that I teach incredibly simple and specific to help combat this feeling.

Lastly, I asked about overall business goals. These answers are great copywriting inspiration because they tell me what kind of results you are looking for. I wasn’t surprised about the top answer here (the desire to make an impact) because that’s one of my top values as well. This confirmed to me that my brand is doing its job. It’s attracting my ideal clients!

I also asked some open-ended questions. (Side note: If you use a survey to get to know your audience better, be sure to include both multiple choice and open-ended questions.) The multiple choice questions allowed me to test a few of my assumptions in a concrete way. The paragraph questions allowed me to hear in your voice what you’re up against. I filled out pages and pages in my brand journal with phrases and keywords from these responses. I’ll be building the input directly into the workshop and paid course so you get exactly what you’re hungry for.

Introducing… Brand New Brand

After collecting and analyzing the survey results, I got to work branding the brand course. (So meta.)

The name took a bit of brainstorming. Here were the discarded options:

  • New Brand Build
  • New Brand Plan
  • A Brand Launch
  • The Brand Launch
  • My Brand Launch
  • My Brand Planner
  • New Brand Planner

I was trying to convey the step-by-step nature of the course, which is what people told me they wanted in the survey. However, all of those names were quite the mouthful. A few of them were discarded because they are already trademarked.

I settled on Brand New Brand because it conveys the positioning (it’s a course about launching a NEW brand) and it’s fun to say. I was also able to secure for $0.99 so that’s a bonus!

I designed a new logo for the course:

The logo uses colors and fonts from my existing brand to keep consistency throughout all of my products and services. The geometric shape behind the words is symbolic, which is a great fit for a Magician Archetype Brand (which I am). There are four sections of the triangle that correspond to the first four steps to building a brand from scratch that I’ll teach through the course.

Next, I got to work writing and designing the landing page for the introduction webinar. I’ll be making some tweaks to this over the next few weeks before I start promoting it, but it’s really taking shape.

I decided to use ClickFunnels (affiliate link) to build and host the whole sales funnel from landing page to course delivery. It isn’t cheap at $97/month, but the capabilities were soooo much better than their competitor who most people use (LeadPages).

A Format Change

Originally, I was going to host four live webinars and then package them up into a paid product. However, that meant that I’d be hosting the fourth webinar in my 37th week of pregnancy and needing to package and edit everything in weeks 38 and 39. I had a heart to heart with my mastermind group and with their smart suggestions and support, I’m scaling that back so I don’t go into labor live on a webinar.

On a personal note, the baby is already measuring big and I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes again (I had it last pregnancy) so I needed to remind myself that babies work on their own schedule, not mine.

I’ll be hosting a free training webinar on October 21 and the paid course (which goes into WAY more depth and step-by-step training) will be available to purchase immediately after.

It feels much more sane. And that’s a good thing.

Thinking About Pricing

I haven’t decided how to price the course yet. Eventually, I’d like it to be a $700-800 course but I won’t have the time to build out a course that feels right for that level in the time I have left. What I do know so far is that whatever I offer it at will be the lowest price it’ll ever be. I want this to be my signature course. Essentially, it’ll replace all of my under-$1K one-on-one work so I can spend more time focusing on the one-on-one clients I do work with.

Final Thoughts for This Week

  1. If you’ve never done an audience survey before, doooo iiiiittt. The replies I got from mine will help me make so many future decisions.
  2. Start your own brand journal and use it to record snippets of conversations, phrases, words, and metaphors that your ideal clients use. You can start to collect these from in-person conversations, surveys, Facebook groups, and wherever else your ideal clients are communicating.

My mastermind group made me aware that my brain organizes projects like these very intuitively and that it might be valuable to let others in on my thought process. So…


What do you think of this radical transparency? You dig it? Let me know in the comments if you find it interesting/valuable!

The post Public Launch Experiment Part 2 appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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A Public Launch Experiment Thu, 10 Sep 2015 10:53:17 +0000 12 weeks. That’s all you have. 12 weeks to work on your business and get things in order before you have to completely step away from it. Would you… Focus on revenue? Create a bunch of content? Lay low and wrap up loose ends? Run a last-minute special? Hustle to book new clients? Build a […]

The post A Public Launch Experiment appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

12 weeks.

That’s all you have. 12 weeks to work on your business and get things in order before you have to completely step away from it.

Would you…

  • Focus on revenue?
  • Create a bunch of content?
  • Lay low and wrap up loose ends?
  • Run a last-minute special?
  • Hustle to book new clients?
  • Build a new product?

Really, what would you do?

This is the question that I’ve been agonizing over for the last few weeks.

See, in 12 short weeks, (and hopefully not sooner) I’ll be shuttering the shop for an undetermined amount of time because… I’m having a baby! On top of that, we may be moving just six weeks later. Possibly to a new country. We don’t have any official news yet or any real way to plan because, The Military. But there’s a good chance it could happen.

I have 12 business-weeks left before it all begins.

I’m creating my very first digital product in a very public launch experiment. This is a huge deal for me because everything I have done so far has been in a 1-to-1 service-based capacity. I’ve always traded my time & talent for money as my business model. But now I’ve got to switch things up.

Since caring for a newborn at all hours of the night and day is going to change my available time drastically, I knew it was time for a big change. Creating this product will allow people to “work with me” even when I’m not physically there.

So, what about this “public experiment”?

I’m putting it all on the line: I’m going to involve you in the creation process.

I want to validate the market and make sure I’m creating something valuable. To do that, I published a survey for anyone reading my blog post to fill out.

After that, if you’re on my email list, I’ll invite you to attend the workshops for free, give feedback, and ask questions. (Awesome, right?)

There you have it! This is my very public accountability post to get it all done in the little time I have left. (I don’t mean to sound so morbid, but you know…)

I want you on the journey with me. Will you join me on this crazy ride?

Go read Part 2 of the journey… 

The post A Public Launch Experiment appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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