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Are you ready to build a visionary, impactful, personality-led brand? 

In this vlog, we’re going to lay the groundwork and take you behind the scenes with a Brand SourceBook to show you exactly what it takes to create a brand strategy that stands out from the crowd.

We’ve talked about it before, but it’s worth repeating – – clarity and awareness of what you stand for is crucial when brining your brand to the market. Without it, you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. This will help you understand exactly what it takes to build a brand strategy that captures your unique personality and message. 

Are you ready to dive in? Let’s gooooo! 🚀

Foundation: Brand Strategy

The Foundation is probably the *most* important part of your Brand SourceBook. This section serves as the cornerstone and guiding principles for the brand’s identity, ensuring consistency and cohesion across all brand-related activities.

So, what is on the foundation page?

  • Core Idea
  • Current Goal
  • Who We Serve
  • The Result
  • Core Question
  • How They Are Different
  • Cultural Context
  • Brand Character
  • Point of View
  • Brand Principles
  • Manifesto
  • Brand Credibility
  • Brand Enemies

Curious as to what each section entails? Check out the video to get an in-depth explanation. ☝️☝️

Words: Brand Voice

The Words section of the Brand SourceBook holds significant importance in shaping the brand’s communication and establishing its unique voice. Here is a summary of the key elements within this section:

💫 Tone of Voice: The brand’s tone of voice sets the overall style and attitude of its communication. It defines how the brand sounds and the emotions it evokes when interacting with its audience.

💫 Brand Vocabulary: This includes a curated list of words that align with the brand’s identity and messaging. It establishes a consistent language that reflects the brand’s values, personality, and positioning.

💫 Words/Phrases I Use: This highlights specific words and phrases that are preferred or encouraged to be used in the brand’s communication. It ensures consistency and reinforces the brand’s unique voice across all touchpoints.

💫 Not to Use: This provides guidelines on words or phrases to avoid, ensuring that the brand’s communication remains aligned with its values and avoids any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

💫 Stories: Brand stories are powerful tools for connecting with the audience. This section outlines key narratives that reflect the brand’s values, or customer success stories. These stories help humanize the brand and foster a deeper emotional connection. 

💫 Archetype Stories: Archetypes represent universal patterns or characters that resonate with people. This section explores the brand’s archetype(s) and provides storytelling guidance that aligns with those archetypes, reinforcing the brand’s personality and appeal.

💫 Content Themes: This outlines recurring themes or topics that the brand’s content should revolve around. It ensures consistency and provides a framework for creating relevant and engaging content that aligns with the brand’s positioning and resonates with the target audience.

💫 Humanizing Topics: This suggests specific topics or areas of focus that help humanize the brand and make it relatable to the audience. It encourages the brand to share personal stories, insights, or experiences that showcase its authenticity and build trust.

💫 Phrases I Say: This section includes specific phrases or catchphrases that are associated with the brand. It helps in creating memorable taglines, slogans, or brand expressions that reinforce the brand’s identity and messaging.

💫 Style Choices: Style choices encompass elements such as grammar preferences, punctuation guidelines, sentence structure, and formatting rules. They ensure consistency in written communication and help maintain a cohesive brand voice.

Design: Brand Identity

The design section of a Brand SourceBook plays a crucial role in defining and maintaining a consistent visual identity for a brand. Here is a summary of the key elements within this section:

Moodboard: A mood board visually represents the desired look and feel of the brand. It captures the overall aesthetic, mood, and visual inspiration that align with the brand’s identity, helping guide the design direction.

Logos: The section includes the brand’s primary logo and any alternate logos.

Primary Colors: This highlights the brand’s primary color palette, specifying the exact colors, color codes, and their intended usage. Consistent color usage helps establish brand recognition and evoke specific emotions or associations.

Additional Logos/Graphics: If the brand has additional logos, graphics, or variations, this section provides guidelines on their usage, maintaining consistency while allowing for flexibility in different contexts or applications.

Accents/Textures: Accents and textures add depth and visual interest to the brand’s design. This section outlines specific accents, patterns, or textures that complement the brand’s visual identity, providing guidance on their incorporation into various design elements.

Fonts: Brand typography is essential for maintaining consistency and readability. This section specifies the brand’s preferred fonts, including primary and secondary typefaces, font sizes, and styles, ensuring a cohesive visual language across all brand materials.

Headlines: Headlines play a vital role in grabbing attention and conveying key messages. This part provides guidelines for headline styles, formats, lengths, and recommended practices to maintain consistency and effectiveness in headline usage.

Image Style: This outlines the desired style and characteristics of images that align with the brand’s visual identity.

Image Don’ts: This section highlights specific image types or styles to avoid to maintain brand consistency and prevent visual inconsistencies or misrepresentations. It helps guide designers and content creators in selecting appropriate imagery that aligns with the brand’s image guidelines.


So there you have it! You are the visionary of your brand. Do some self-reflection, or work with experts like me to document and define your brand’s north star.

& if you’re interested in having your own SourceBook, we offer a done-for-you service.

Let me know — what questions do you have? I’d love to answer them!


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Revolutionize Your Content Game with ChatGPT: The Ultimate Guide Thu, 04 May 2023 15:19:03 +0000 The post Revolutionize Your Content Game with ChatGPT: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Get ready to enter the exciting world of AI with me!  I’m thrilled to bring you even more magical brand outputs using powerful tools like ChatGPT. 🤖

In this week’s vlog, I’ll be sharing my expert tips on how to seamlessly incorporate AI into your brand strategy, resulting in superior results and optimized content that truly speaks to your brand voice.

Learn the secrets to inputting the perfect description of your brand voice, ensuring that every piece of content generated by AI aligns perfectly with your brand’s values and goals.🎯

So, buckle up and join me on this cutting-edge journey, as we explore the limitless potential of AI and brand strategy together!

Decide What to Create

In this video.. I want to talk about AI and branding, but I need to make sure it’s aligned with my unique perspective and personality. Starting with Instagram as my platform, and using  my trusty visibility cards for inspiration, I pulled out the prompt “How can I relate to my ideal client’s fears?”

Breaking down the content production process into stages gives me more control, and AI can help us ideate and come up with great ideas.

Brainstorm Titles

OK — so we now know what we want to create. Now, let’s have ChatGPT assist us with brainstorming titles. 

AI prompt used: “I want to write an IG caption that empathizes with entrepreneurs fears about using AI for their brand. Please brainstorm a list of possible titles.”

There were soo many great responses, however, pick a title that sounds like something you would normally write. What is your perspective? What is your opinion? 

Have Something to Say

Need more in-depth responses? Ask ChatGPT to assist you!

AI prompt used: “what unique perspectives could I communicate about AI-empowered entrepreneurs: Building Bravery for the Future.”

Again… soo many great ideas. Use yourself and your perspective as your decision making factor. What aligns more with your brand, voice, opinion, etc.? 

Generate an Outline

Now that we have our title and perspective. Next, we want to think about an outline.

AI prompt used: “Write an outline for a post about AI-empowered entrepreneurs: building bravery for the future about how AI is simply a tool to augment human genius, not something to be feared or avoided.”

If the generated outline is long, feel free to only use the sections that have the ‘bulk’ of the content. Typically, we don’t need an intro/outro for an Instagram post. 

Paste Brand Content

🔮 This is where the magic happens.

I tell ChatGPT what to write PLUS include several different on-brand examples.

AI prompt used: “Write an IG caption titled: AI-empowered Entrepreneurs: Building Bravery for the Future. + include general outline + brand voice + other foundational brand elements.”

(Check out the video to get more detailed and visual instruction. ⬆️)

Make Revisions


Need to make some edits? You can edit the original prompt to narrow down what content you’re hoping to create. Continue to tweak it until you are satisfied with the output.

Remember, garbage in = garbage out!

More Tips
✔️Clarify the objective: It’s important to be clear about the objective of the content you want to create. This will help ChatGPT understand what type of content to generate and ensure that the output is relevant and on-topic.
✔️Refine the prompt: The prompt should be clear and specific so that ChatGPT knows exactly what you’re looking for. Avoid using vague language or overly broad topics, as this can lead to irrelevant or low-quality output.
✔️Provide examples: Providing examples of the type of content you’re looking for can be helpful in guiding ChatGPT’s output. You can include examples of tone, style, format, and any other specific details that are important to you.
✔️Be mindful of the quality of input: The quality of input you provide to ChatGPT will impact the quality of output you receive. Make sure to provide clear and accurate information, and avoid using incomplete or incorrect information.

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How to Create a Brand Voice & Messaging Guide (+ Examples!) Thu, 01 Dec 2022 17:50:15 +0000 The post How to Create a Brand Voice & Messaging Guide (+ Examples!) appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Do you want your brand to be remembered?

Most brands don’t put enough thought into their messaging, and it’s one of the biggest opportunities for them to stand out. But it’s not just about saying something different. It’s also about how you say it.

This video will inspire you to create powerful messages that attract more customers and clients to your business. It’s not as hard as you think, and I’m going to show you how in this video. Watch now and learn how to create a powerful brand messaging guide for your business!

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4 Brand Strategy Ideas to Uplevel Your Brand & Make More Sales Tue, 10 May 2022 12:12:00 +0000 The post 4 Brand Strategy Ideas to Uplevel Your Brand & Make More Sales appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Have you noticed? Business is getting more and more human.

It’s true! Consumers don’t want to be treated like ‘just another number’ and people are making their purchasing decisions on a more emotional level.

As much as 95% of our decision-making (including our buying decisions!) is made on a subconscious level. And most of our subconscious processing happens emotionally. So we want to make sure that we’re building a personal connection with our ideal clients. 

And we need our brands to be personality-packed! Ho-hum just isn’t cutting it anymore. 

So in this week’s vlog post, I’ve got four impactful brand strategy ideas that will take your brand from “ho-hum” to “Oh heeeeyyyyyy there!”

These ideas are the ones that will make the *biggest* difference – for your business and for your bottom line (ahem, like… how much money you make 😉

And yes… Idea #1 of 4 is going to be all about infusing *personality* into our brands. I’ll be talking about how we can adopt a particular brand personality – by choosing and using two brand archetypes.

So if you’re ready to elevate your brand beyond the status quo, press play on the video post below. Some of the biggest brands in the world are using these ideas… and yet they are also accessible to us as entrepreneurs who are running smaller businesses, too! 

Grab something to take notes with – and let’s spend 11 minutes learning.  🎥 

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Brand Strategy Ideas

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Naming a Business? Use These Tools to Find the Perfect Brand Name Sat, 16 Apr 2022 11:44:00 +0000 The post Naming a Business? Use These Tools to Find the Perfect Brand Name appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Naming a business tools and resources ahead! But first, a question…

“What’s in a name?” 🌹 When Juliet asked this of Romeo, I wonder if she thought – for even a second – of ALL of us future entrepreneurs? And the P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E we would now forever feel around what names mean.

(Thanks a lot, Jules. 🤣🤣🤣)

I jest. But, seriously… Star-crossed lovers aside…

Finding juuuuust the right name for your brand? It’s such an important decision – and one that can feel H-A-R-D!

And even after you’ve given your business the perfect name, you may struggle with coming up with on-brand names for your service packages, programs, newsletters, what you call your followers, and/or other elements of your business.

But I’ve got your back, Genius! As a brand strategist, you’d better believe I have slew of “naming a business” tricks up my sleeve… 
🎩 🐇

I shared some of them on Youtube a couple of years back and that video became my MOST POPULAR video to date. (It’s been watched more than 85K times!)

So… In this week’s vlog post (
 It’s a sequel of sorts!), I’m sharing some more of my most *secret* and most effective *TOOLS*, tricks, and resources for naming a business… OR a thing in your business.

Finding that perfect on-brand name is about to get waaaayyyyy easier – and more fun. 

The 15-minute training is below. Lean back and learn about my fave business naming tools!

PS – Links mentioned: My signature program, Brand New Brand:

My “Naming a Business” Spreadsheet: (VIEW ONLY: Make a copy.)

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Naming a Business Tools

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The Best Branding Books: My Favorites for Inspiration & Learning Tue, 18 Jan 2022 03:34:12 +0000 The post The Best Branding Books: My Favorites for Inspiration & Learning appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


People know I’m a bookworm. 🤓 And people know I’m a brand strategist. So, it follows that I’m frequently asked about what I believe are the best branding books.

Yep… Aspiring brand strategists, my fellow entrepreneurs, and even students who are studying marketing, brand psychology, and brand strategy… They all want a peek at my jam-packed book shelf!   

So in this post, I’m excited to play a little ‘show and tell’ – and share many of my favorite branding books. BUT here’s the thing… my list may surprise you a bit. (More on that below!)

As per usual, you can read to get all my recommendations, or you can press play on the accompanying video below – if you prefer to consume content in that way. 

Oh, and one more thing before we dive in… You can also click on my Brand Book Kit link right here – for a visual listing and links to some of the favorites that I’m sharing below. 

📚 Preface: Sometimes the best branding books aren’t really branding books. 

Sounds rather funny, right? Let me explain:

I have read a lot of branding books in my day. But I haven’t read a new one in awhile! (Really.) Here’s why: It’s very important for me that when I’m creating course material, the knowledge I’m imparting to people is coming from my own brain, from my own experience, from my own experiments – like the work that I’ve done directly with my brand strategy and development clients.

I DON’T want to just regurgitate what other brand strategists are saying. THAT would be soooooo off-brand for me, as the Sage archetype

So I haven’t actually read a book that’s strictly “a branding book” in a really, really long time. (Like, I’d say a few years.)

Now, why am I telling you all this? Well, it’s all to preface 😉 (see what I did there?) this article. Because, it’s not just a list of some of my very favorite “branding books.” 

Actually, it’s a list of books that have *informed* my brand strategy work. And some of them are in fact about branding – and even have “brand” in the title. But many of them are not really about branding, per se. 

Make sense? Cool. Let’s proceed. 

Without further ado, I present to you… my all star line up. 📚📚📚📚📚📚  Let’s start with… 

The Brand Flip

I love all of Marty Neumeier’s books – but this one is particularly brilliant. It’s all about how consumers are now shaping the brands that they love. 

So instead of branding being an exclusively top down process – or simply an expression or activity of the business – consumers are shaping the conversation. The book posits that “customers now run companies” – and digs into how brand-builders can profit from this ‘flip!’

Marty is amazing and I really love these short, digestible, highly-quotable branding books. As I mentioned above, I don’t actually read a lot of ‘strictly branding’ books – but this one really captured my curiosity – and continues to do so. 

The Hero & The Outlaw

If you’ve been in my orbit for any length of time, you know that I’m ob-SESSED with brand archetypes. (And that’s saying it lightly!) 

You may know, dear reader 😉, that I created a brand personality quiz to help entrepreneurs uncover their innate advantages. That quiz has been taken more than 200,000 times over the years. (Crazypants!) And the Brand Archetypes* – and this book are the basis for the quiz. 

For the quiz and accompanying materials, I changed some of the archetype names to make them more applicable to brands. For example, I called the ‘Destroyer’ the ‘Maverick. Instead of the ‘Everyman,’ we have the Girl or Guy Next Door. I did this because I wanted to emphasize the positive attributes of each ‘type.

So, yeah. This book is pretty important to me. 

(*I believe that brands must tap into personality and emotion. I believe they must play a role in people’s lives that goes beyond the product or service – to avoid being just a commodity. That’s how we create affinity. That’s how we command a powerful position in the market – and higher prices. If you agree… you may want to snag a copy of this book!)

Okay next up is another archetype fave… 

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Best Branding Books vertical

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Awakening The Heroes Within

While The Hero & The Outlaw is more focused on branding with the archetypes, Carol S. Pearson’s Awakening the Heroes Within is uber-interesting, simply from a human perspective. 

It dives even deeper into each of the twelve ‘types. So if you’re fascinated by them like me, it’s a great read. (I went back and read this a couple of years ago and enjoyed it a lot!)

Brain Surfing: The Top Marketing Strategy Minds in the World

This book by Heather LeFevre is sooooooo underrated! I don’t see it acknowledged or referenced in many places, but it’s a gem. The author’s experience is more in the big agency world, whereas I tend to work with entrepreneurs and small to medium business owners – but it still holds an important place on my shelf. Here’s why… 

She took a sabbatical and traveled to marketing agencies across the globe, learning from the best minds in marketing. And she documented her learnings in this book. It does an incredible job presenting so many different frameworks – and how people are thinking about building brands. 

I love, love, love, love this book. Have I mentioned that? 😉 Okay, next up is…

The Positive Trait Thesaurus

This one, authored by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi, is a resource for fiction writers who are writing compelling characters. 

It helps me dive into thinking about brands as if they’re human… and how they might act and what traits are related to other traits. (Nerd alert 🚨, I know…!) 

So for example, let’s say I want a brand to be passionate. (Lover archetype!) Here’s an example of what this book offers:

“Possible causes of feeling passionate are… feeling things on a deep, emotional level, being in touch with one’s emotions, being deeply loyal to a person, relationship, ideal, organization, believing on a moral level, that one should stand up for what’s right…” et cetera.

And then the book also informs my understanding of associated behaviors. (Psssst…I love this so much for shaping compelling, on-brand Origin Stories.)

So here’s one associated behavior for example… Expressing a wide range of emotions. So maybe we have some really emotional, heart-string-tugging, marketing videos – or brand-building videos using big, excited gestures. Or the brand’s spokesperson could communicate this brand attribute by displaying these behaviors… You get the idea! 

Another example of a behavior associated with passionate… Intense loyalty. So, having a cause perhaps – one that you’re deeply in love with and to which you are exceedingly loyal… this would be on-brand. 

I’m fascinated just writing this… There’s so much gold in this “Positive Trait Thesaurus.” (Maybe THIS is my favorite! 😉 So hard to choose… Good thing I don’t have to!) 

Symbols: A Handbook for Seeing

Okay. Now, leaning more into the visual side of things… I love books like this one about symbols and their meanings. This one by Mark Fox and Angie Wang is so gorgeous and useful. 

(And, BONUS! It looks sooooo good in my brand photography and on my Youtube video set! 🤣)

“Symbols, A Handbook For Seeing” brings us back to what Carl Jung calls the “collective unconscious.” He noted that humans often will perceive the meaning of symbols on a very gut and primal level. Often this is based on the context we have continually seen that symbol show up in – in art, literature, television and other media… Even in the regular, everyday lives and functions we see those objects perform. 

An outstretched hand may represent connection and cooperation. A crown may represent order or luxury – or both. A certain type of flower (or a bud) may represent innocence… where another flower represents something entirely different, right? 

To use the content of this book (and others like it), you can search in it for the meaning that you want to convey – and then use symbols that are associated with that meaning. 

Alternatively, maybe you already have a symbol that you’d like to use in your brand (a wheel, for example?) – and you can look up the meaning to make sure it’s in alignment with your overall brand story. (If it’s not, maybe you need to change your story. Or maybe you need to change the icon. The goal is to align them.) 

The Book Of Beautiful Questions

I also love books with reflection questions – like this one by Warren Berger. You know… the ones that go deep, and help us know ourselves better. (This one is described as “The Powerful Questions That Will Help You Decide, Create, Connect, and Lead.”) 

Coaches and consultants often use these types of questions to uncover things with clients, too. 

In fact, the main reason I love this book is that when I’m working with one-on-one clients, I want to dive deeeeeeep into my client’s psyche. (Because my consulting work includes in-depth interviews in which I facilitate a process that extracts the genius of the client, so we can get it out of her brain and into the world. (And into the hands of her team, via the brand sourcebook we create for her.)

So my process relies on powerful questions to go into all of the nooks and crannies… to figure out what makes the client and the brand tick… to understand why the vision is what it is… and to identify what emotional stories we can tell. 

A few examples of the types of questions you’ll find within are… 

  • What positive result do I hope will come out of this work? 
  • What is motivating this urge to do this work? 
  • What do I struggle with on a day to day basis? 

And there’s a lot more where that came from in this book. It is part of a series. There’s a few others that are like it. And I love them all.  

The Power Of Moments

Okay, you now know that – when it comes to books that inform my branding work – I’m nerding out on both branding books – and books about human nature, psychology, character, etc.

I also love books that are about neuroscience. This one, “The Power Of Moments” is just such a book. And it is an excellent read about why certain experiences have extraordinary impact on us.

It’s about how defining moments in life… well… they define us! It digs deep into the reasons why humans tend to remember the best or worst moments and experiences, and how those are etched into our lives and define our viewpoints. 

As a brand-builder, if you know what makes a moment meaningful, you have the opportunity to design those moments – and add them into your brand experiences. So good. 🤓


This last one (for today, anyway!) is one that’s more directly related to brand building. This crazypants-good read by Jonah Berger is about how and why things catch on in our culture. 

What makes things go viral? Or become the new thing everyone is talking about at the water cooler? 

As brand-builders, we’re always seeking to build demand. This book is a deep look at just that – and about what we can do to make *our things* “catch on” – like the newest ‘it bag’ or ‘it device.’ Reading this will help you build that kind of demand.

📚 Epilogue

So there you have it… some of the tomes that have earned (many times over) their respective spots on my office bookshelf! 

Clearly, I love me some books that further develop my brand-building acumen. And perhaps now what I shared above (in the preface; about not often reading branding books) makes more sense to you, dear reader? 

Occasionally I’ll read a book that’s actual about branding. But more often I’ve got my nose in a resource that’s simply about humans…how we see and interact with the world. And, those can be directly applied to brand building. 

Remember… You can also click on my Brand Book Kit link right here – for a visual listing and links to some of the favorites that I mentioned here (plus even more of my treasured picks!).

Oh, also… let me know in the comments… What is your favorite brand building book? What amazing ones did I miss? I can’t wait to add to my collection and my reading list – based on your suggestions! 

Kaye's favorite branding books

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3 Steps to Writing a Compelling Brand Origin Story Mon, 03 Jan 2022 13:37:00 +0000 The post 3 Steps to Writing a Compelling Brand Origin Story appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


So, maybe you weren’t bitten by a radioactive spider. 🕷 

(No superhuman strength, speed, or agility, either? And you can’t cling to walls or cast a web? Bummer.) 🤣

Well, guess what? Your Brand Origin Story still matters. And it matters a lot. In fact, how you tell it will have a massive impact on whether people think you’re worth paying attention to, following – and buying from.

(And BTW, this all-important story is also high leverage. You’ll use it when you appear on podcasts and stages… on your website’s ‘About Me’ page… in your lead magnets and email sequences… everywhere! )

So, in this week’s vlog post, I’m sharing my 3-part framework for crafting your most compelling brand origin story. The process I’m about to review will make it so much EASIER for you to write yours… so take some notes as you watch. 

*Oh and juuuust in case you didn’t catch the Spiderman origin story up there, that’s the spider connection.  🤓

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Brand Origin Story

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Why is Branding Important? 7 Reasons It Pays To Build Your Brand Sun, 06 Jun 2021 14:59:00 +0000 The post Why is Branding Important? 7 Reasons It Pays To Build Your Brand appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Why is building a brand EVEN important? 🧐

(Ever ask yourself that?) Like… How does all that ⚡️⚡️⚡️ energy you channel toward defining *your* brand get YOU closer to your big, audacious goals? (And your smaller ones, too!)

Well, let me ask you to imagine something…

Picture a chain of dominos… Arranged in a swirl. All lined up carefully. On a nice, solid, flat surface…

They are standing at attention, and ready for that one tap that will set off a super-gratifying chain reaction. (If you played dominos as a kid, you KNOW the moment that’s coming is an exciting one! 🤣)

I use this domino metaphor a lot. It’s perfect way to envision the incredible leverage and momentum that a *truth-based brand* makes possible for your business.

So in this week’s vlog post, I’m answering that question above (Why is branding important?)… in seven, unique and equally-important ways! I’m teaching you… 7 Reasons it Pays to Build Your Brand! 

Ready to learn? (And to see the connection to the dominos? 😉) Press play, Genius! 

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Is branding important?

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What is a Brand Strategist? A Peek Behind the Curtain! Mon, 12 Apr 2021 12:41:00 +0000 The post What is a Brand Strategist? A Peek Behind the Curtain! appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


When defining your business’s brand, do you ever feel like you’re trying to read a label – but from inside a bottle? 🧐

The reason I ask is…

I’m often asked, “Kaye, what does a brand strategist / consultant really do?”
🤔 🤔 🤔

So, you know that sense that you’re soooooooo close (maybe too close; like inside the bottle!) to your own beliefs, talents, outcomes, and more?

(And maybe – juuuuuust maybe – you even have a few hang ups? 😬 🤭 😏 about articulating your own value, results, deliverables..?

➡️ THAT is the kind of heady stuff a brand strategist helps you with! ⬅️

But when someone asks me what I do, they really want me to get specific…

So, in this video, I’m going to pull back the curtain and just lay it all out for you. I’ll be describing *exactly* what I do for and with my clients – and what I teach students to do for their own brands.

So, whether you are an entrepreneur looking to understand the role a brand strategist can play in your world…

… or whether you’re interested in working as a brand strategist yourself (#yay!)…  you’ll find answers in this 🎥: What does a brand strategist do?


Pssst… You can pin this vlog post to reference later! 📌

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The post What is a Brand Strategist? A Peek Behind the Curtain! appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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Is it Time to Invest in a Brand Strategist? Thu, 09 Mar 2017 16:35:07 +0000 The post Is it Time to Invest in a Brand Strategist? appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Ready to grow and scale your brand past that revenue ceiling you’ve hit?

Itching to start from scratch with a complete rebrand?

In need of a way to give your team the tools they need to create on behalf of your brand?

Launching a new course or product?

Most experienced business owners would recommend hiring a brand strategist. Obviously, I love this – it’s my bread and butter. It’s how I make a living. I know that working with an experienced brand strategist results in confidence and clarity. A professional brand attracts more & better clients. BUT, I’m also here to tell you to there’s a necessary process to deciding if NOW is the right time for you to work with a brand strategist.

Will you see the results you want?

Is it a worthy investment?

Do you *NEED* a strategist to pull this off?

Hey, I get it. I may be a brand strategist, but all bias aside, I’m still a business owner. I understand the need to make strategic decisions for your business. Especially when it comes to spending your hard-earned cash.

Here’s something that may surprise you…

(at least, coming from the keyboard of a strategist):

Not everyone is a good candidate for teaming up with a brand strategist.

It’s possible to have such a strong brand that hiring a brand strategist would be unnecessary. It’s also possible to have so little figured out about your brand that you’re not ready. The problem is, sometimes it can be difficult to tell where you are on that spectrum. That’s what I want to help you with. I’ve laid out a list of scenarios for your review – to identify if it’s time to hire a brand strategist. And if it isn’t, I give recommendations on what you should do to be ready for a brand strategist down the road. Let’s get started!

It may be a good time to hire a brand strategist if…

You’re shifting the focus of your business or changing its name.

Imagine walking into your hometown high school on the first day of your freshman year. #Froshie. If you were as awkward as I was, you worried about your outfit, walking into the wrong classroom, and saying something silly to the “cool” seniors. Now, picture the day you graduated. You changed a lot in those *short* 4 years.

That same transformative experience happens in branding.  Your brand may not have an “emo” phase… and won’t suffer from a broken heart… but it WILL mature and narrow its focus. The way you show up in the world will change.

If you started your business years ago and it’s starting to feel like a bad sweater from the 90’s, it is time to step back. Take time to reexamine your goals and decide on a new direction. Brand strategists LIVE for this exact scenario. Helping fellow entrepreneurs navigate a rebrand is my personal favorite. If you find yourself in a biz-life crisis, hiring a brand strategist can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

You need to scale, so you’re adding team members.

If you want to grow, you can’t do it all forever. And if you try, you will hit a revenue ceiling that will not yield. But, it’s scary to place your well-loved brand into the hands of others – regardless of how immensely talented they are. A strategist can help get your brand out of your head and into the capable hands of people you hire. You’ll be able to give your team the tools they need to understand and create on behalf of your brand (and exceed your expectations!).  

If you want to generate you more impact, income, and inner joy, scaling effectively will be crucial. 

You’d like to increase your prices.

You’ve invested the time honing your skills to position yourself as an expert in your field. Your prices have yet to reflect that investment.  It happens to many entrepreneurs. So often, I see people start their business with low rates to get established. It makes sense at the time. (Although I’m a HUGE proponent of never positioning yourself as the cheap option… see my thoughts here).

After a while, the low prices aren’t sustainable. The challenge comes when you have repeat clients or you’ve developed a reputation for a specific price. That’s when hiring a brand strategist is invaluable. By relaunching your brand, you’ll create a stronger message & identity to attract your new ideal clients.

Your “ideal client” has changed over time.

When you started, you were a copywriter – but over time, you’ve switched your focus to a full-service marketing agency. Or you’re a photographer, and at the beginning, a gig was a gig… but now you’re only want to shoot weddings.

Whatever the difference may be, if your new ideal client doesn’t match your past aesthetic and voice, it’s time for an overhaul. Once again, this is where a brand strategist comes in. We ask the hard questions and get down to the true values and desires of the clients you want to work with. One area of focus with my clients is to create deep, emotional connections with the RIGHT clients. It’s only natural that a more mature brand has a new set of ideal clients vs. when it first launched. It’s my job to help you identify how to evolve your message to match.

The current look and feel of your site is out of date and doesn’t reflect who you are now, or who you’d like to be in the future.

Want a good laugh? Go look up your old MySpace profile. I’ll wait….

Let me guess – it’s a far cry from where you’re at now, right? Did you enjoy reliving a questionable choice in music, or a cringe-worthy haircut? Well, this happens in business, too. As we learn and grow and continue to sharpen our skill sets, it’s only natural that our brands change, too. The problem, though, is we don’t always reflect those inward changes out in the world. We want our brand to grow with us, but we don’t take the action needed to bring it along for the ride. This is another area where I provide value. In these situations, a brand strategist is invaluable to bring your brand up-to-speed. We work to reflect your current strengths and where you see yourself in the future.

(Pin this for later!)

Now it’s time to turn the tables. Remember at the beginning of this article when I said there are times when someone shouldn’t hire a brand strategist?  Here are some scenarios to consider if you think you’re on that side of the spectrum.

It’s best to hold off on hiring a strategist if…

You’re struggling to decide on business basics.

To work with a brand strategist, you have to have some sense of what you want to do and where you want to go.  Some of these decisions will evolve, of course. But you have to have enough of a vision that your brand strategist can help you get there. If you aren’t quite sure what your business *IS* yet, here are some questions to answer before you work with a brand strategist.

  • What’s your basic business plan? For example, are you online only or will you have a physical location?  Also, what product/service will you provide?
  • Who will be your target audience?  You should have a general sense of who you’d like to work with.
  • What are your goals? You don’t need to know exactly where you’ll be in 5 years (nobody does.) But, what do you want to do in the next 6 months to a year?
  • What impact do you want to have?
  • What’s the value you bring?

Once you get the basics down, a brand strategist can work with you to create more specificity and clarity. Until then, you’ve got some homework to do!

Think of a brand strategist as a cheerleader… who also happens to know the plays. It’s a great combination, sure – but if you don’t know your position on the field, or even what game you’re playing, they won’t be much help to you. To create strategy, there needs to be a clear goal (no pun intended). Until you know exactly what you’re doing (or rather, exactly what you’d like to be doing), the ball’s in your court. (OHMYGOSH, the sports puns won’t stop!)

You haven’t worked with any clients yet.

If you’re brand new to business and haven’t ever worked with a client, you may want to wait on hiring a brand strategist.

Sometimes, what you believe to be true about product or service isn’t what others perceive. You may realize others don’t understand or see value in what you’re selling. Or you may realize you want to work with a completely different type of client than you thought in the beginning.

One of the best ways to learn about yourself in business is to go out there and get your hands dirty. Experiment. When I was starting out, I took different types of paid work that I found on job boards.  It wasn’t glamorous but it helped me understand how I wanted to position myself later. Plus, as a bonus, this will help you save up for the day you ARE ready to get your brand on.

You don’t know anything about your target audience.

First, let’s take a step back and define some terms.

Ideal Client: Individual who will actually buy your product or service.

Target Audience: Groups that your ideal clients belong to, places where they hang out.

This terminology is important. First, you need to figure out WHO you want to work with. Next, you need to know what groups they are a part of so you can find them and get them to buy.

These days, it isn’t enough to have a great product or service. You need to also know who are buying said product or service. This is why we have target demographics. You need to have a basic understanding of things like:

  • How they identify with the world
  • The competitors they consider at the same time as you
  • What social media they use
  • Where they work, etc.

With a clear audience in mind, you’ll understand the context of your brand. Meaning, you’ll have intel on how to stand out in the market, because you’ll understand what your market IS!

You can’t afford to pay for the service or implementation.

If you’re ready for a rebrand, but it’ll have you scraping the bottom of the barrel, it may be wise to hold off. To be fair – it will help increase your sales and attract more clients. But, it wouldn’t happen overnight. I think I speak for all of us when I say that eating Ramen 3 meals a day, 7 days a week is *NOT* why we went into business.

Or, you can afford to work with a brand strategist, but you can’t afford the time or money to put the brand to work. A brand strategy won’t do you any good if it isn’t reflected in your company. If money is what’s keeping you back, I recommend saving until it makes sense for YOU. (Plus, in the meantime, you’ll have plenty of time to think about what changes you’d like to see.)

Speaking of money…

If you’re thinking to yourself, “How the heck does anyone ever pay for this sort of service, anyway?” – you’re not alone. As business owners, we know alllll too well how many expenses come our way. It’s easy to let things like our branding be “good enough for now,” or put on the back burner.  But, investing in a rebrand and hiring a brand strategist doesn’t have to break the bank. You just have to do the research to ensure you’re getting the most value out of your decision.

You don’t want to change, you just want a design.

This last scenario is on the opposite side of the spectrum. For entrepreneurs who have been at it for a while and have an established brand may not need to hire a strategist. If you only need a new design but aren’t changing anything fundamental about your message or business, skip the strategist. Look for a “doer” to create your vision. You need the design. Or code. Or assistant. Hire them.

Here are 3 tips for rebranding (without going broke):

Set a goal to recoup costs.

Once you have a quote from a brand strategist, you can figure out what it will take to break even. How many online course signups do you need? How many new clients would you have to pick up, and at what price point? Getting to the bottom of what it would take to earn back the investment is key. Then, you can rest easy knowing that an attainable goal is in place.

You’ll get energized by those gigs because you KNOW what they’ll do for your business. And, in a sense, by taking on a bit of extra work, it’s like the money never left at all! (The same goes for buying shoes, but shhhhhh.)

Consider your opportunity cost.

Considering what you miss out on by NOT rebranding is as important as considering what you need to sell to recoup the cost.

Yes – investing in a brand strategist will cost money, but what will doing NOTHING cost your brand? What will you miss out on by waiting another year? How many ideal clients will hire someone else?  How many speaking opportunities won’t happen? How much will your brand suffer if you aren’t connecting with the right target audience? This isn’t meant to be fear mongering. Take a realistic look at the opportunities you’ll miss out on.

With the expert guidance of a brand strategist, you’ll learn how to position yourself in your market with authority and influence. And a stronger brand that reaches the right people… means more visibility and more money!

Hire an experienced professional.

I can’t stress this point enough. If you want your money’s worth, you’ll need to hire someone who knows what they’re doing and can CRUSH IT the first time. A good brand strategist will not focus on how inexpensive it is to work with them. They should use their strategies themselves and KNOW the value of their experience.

Hiring someone inexperienced will result in subpar work and much higher costs down the road. That’s not even counting your valuable time wasted on the entire process. Do your due diligence from the start and look into the work the brand strategist has already completed. Look into their process and make sure their values align with someone you want digging into your brand.  It’s a fun experience, but it’s also emotional one, so you want to work with someone you like.

Teaming up with a brand strategist can help you reach your business goals and make your brand stronger than ever. It may not be as affordable as the DIY route, but big ROIs come in brand strategy packages. 😉

The post Is it Time to Invest in a Brand Strategist? appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.

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