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Listen up, folks! 📢

Are you tired of feeling like a tiny fish lost in the vast ocean of online searches?  Do you dream of watching your business rise through the ranks and reach a wider audience?  Well, hold onto your hats because I’ve got just the solution for you! 

Meet Faith Hanan, a content marketing and SEO authority who truly gets it. She’s here to share her insider insights on the power of keyword research, and let me tell you, this stuff is gold. 💰 With Faith’s expert guidance, your business can finally break through the noise and connect with your target audience. 

No more wasting time and energy on ineffective social media campaigns or draining your budget on pricey advertising. Faith will show you how to strategically navigate the world of keywords and unlock the untapped potential of your brand. So, get ready to take your business to new heights and leave your competition in the dust! 💨

Join us as Faith Hanan reveals the secrets of SEO success and empowers you to make your mark in the digital landscape. It’s time to stop swimming aimlessly and start making waves. 🌊

Let’s dive into the world of keyword research together and watch your business thrive! 🙌

Wow, what a ride! Thank you, thank you, thank you to the one and only Faith Hanan for sharing her genius with us. 🤩

I mean, just look at Molly – she was struggling to grow her blog, but after taking Faith’s course, she’s feeling confident and efficient about creating content and reaching new audiences. And if you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, that could be you too!

That’s why I’ve partnered with Faith to invite you to her Organic Marketing Framework course. This is the real deal, folks – no magic tricks, just solid strategy.

I’ve personally taken the course and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer. Faith teaches you all the tools you need to succeed and helps you stay focused on what really matters for your business.

So go ahead and check it out. You won’t regret it! Thank you again to Faith for sharing her wide breadth of knowledge around content marketing, organic marketing, and SEO Keyword Research. It’s been a blast! 😎

You can grab Faith’s SEO freebie here. Want to get in touch with her? You can check her out on her podcast.

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Creating a Magnetic Brand: Essential Elements of a Brand Strategy Framework Thu, 11 May 2023 15:46:14 +0000 The post Creating a Magnetic Brand: Essential Elements of a Brand Strategy Framework appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Are you ready to build a visionary, impactful, personality-led brand? 

In this vlog, we’re going to lay the groundwork and take you behind the scenes with a Brand SourceBook to show you exactly what it takes to create a brand strategy that stands out from the crowd.

We’ve talked about it before, but it’s worth repeating – – clarity and awareness of what you stand for is crucial when brining your brand to the market. Without it, you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. This will help you understand exactly what it takes to build a brand strategy that captures your unique personality and message. 

Are you ready to dive in? Let’s gooooo! 🚀

Foundation: Brand Strategy

The Foundation is probably the *most* important part of your Brand SourceBook. This section serves as the cornerstone and guiding principles for the brand’s identity, ensuring consistency and cohesion across all brand-related activities.

So, what is on the foundation page?

  • Core Idea
  • Current Goal
  • Who We Serve
  • The Result
  • Core Question
  • How They Are Different
  • Cultural Context
  • Brand Character
  • Point of View
  • Brand Principles
  • Manifesto
  • Brand Credibility
  • Brand Enemies

Curious as to what each section entails? Check out the video to get an in-depth explanation. ☝️☝️

Words: Brand Voice

The Words section of the Brand SourceBook holds significant importance in shaping the brand’s communication and establishing its unique voice. Here is a summary of the key elements within this section:

💫 Tone of Voice: The brand’s tone of voice sets the overall style and attitude of its communication. It defines how the brand sounds and the emotions it evokes when interacting with its audience.

💫 Brand Vocabulary: This includes a curated list of words that align with the brand’s identity and messaging. It establishes a consistent language that reflects the brand’s values, personality, and positioning.

💫 Words/Phrases I Use: This highlights specific words and phrases that are preferred or encouraged to be used in the brand’s communication. It ensures consistency and reinforces the brand’s unique voice across all touchpoints.

💫 Not to Use: This provides guidelines on words or phrases to avoid, ensuring that the brand’s communication remains aligned with its values and avoids any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

💫 Stories: Brand stories are powerful tools for connecting with the audience. This section outlines key narratives that reflect the brand’s values, or customer success stories. These stories help humanize the brand and foster a deeper emotional connection. 

💫 Archetype Stories: Archetypes represent universal patterns or characters that resonate with people. This section explores the brand’s archetype(s) and provides storytelling guidance that aligns with those archetypes, reinforcing the brand’s personality and appeal.

💫 Content Themes: This outlines recurring themes or topics that the brand’s content should revolve around. It ensures consistency and provides a framework for creating relevant and engaging content that aligns with the brand’s positioning and resonates with the target audience.

💫 Humanizing Topics: This suggests specific topics or areas of focus that help humanize the brand and make it relatable to the audience. It encourages the brand to share personal stories, insights, or experiences that showcase its authenticity and build trust.

💫 Phrases I Say: This section includes specific phrases or catchphrases that are associated with the brand. It helps in creating memorable taglines, slogans, or brand expressions that reinforce the brand’s identity and messaging.

💫 Style Choices: Style choices encompass elements such as grammar preferences, punctuation guidelines, sentence structure, and formatting rules. They ensure consistency in written communication and help maintain a cohesive brand voice.

Design: Brand Identity

The design section of a Brand SourceBook plays a crucial role in defining and maintaining a consistent visual identity for a brand. Here is a summary of the key elements within this section:

Moodboard: A mood board visually represents the desired look and feel of the brand. It captures the overall aesthetic, mood, and visual inspiration that align with the brand’s identity, helping guide the design direction.

Logos: The section includes the brand’s primary logo and any alternate logos.

Primary Colors: This highlights the brand’s primary color palette, specifying the exact colors, color codes, and their intended usage. Consistent color usage helps establish brand recognition and evoke specific emotions or associations.

Additional Logos/Graphics: If the brand has additional logos, graphics, or variations, this section provides guidelines on their usage, maintaining consistency while allowing for flexibility in different contexts or applications.

Accents/Textures: Accents and textures add depth and visual interest to the brand’s design. This section outlines specific accents, patterns, or textures that complement the brand’s visual identity, providing guidance on their incorporation into various design elements.

Fonts: Brand typography is essential for maintaining consistency and readability. This section specifies the brand’s preferred fonts, including primary and secondary typefaces, font sizes, and styles, ensuring a cohesive visual language across all brand materials.

Headlines: Headlines play a vital role in grabbing attention and conveying key messages. This part provides guidelines for headline styles, formats, lengths, and recommended practices to maintain consistency and effectiveness in headline usage.

Image Style: This outlines the desired style and characteristics of images that align with the brand’s visual identity.

Image Don’ts: This section highlights specific image types or styles to avoid to maintain brand consistency and prevent visual inconsistencies or misrepresentations. It helps guide designers and content creators in selecting appropriate imagery that aligns with the brand’s image guidelines.


So there you have it! You are the visionary of your brand. Do some self-reflection, or work with experts like me to document and define your brand’s north star.

& if you’re interested in having your own SourceBook, we offer a done-for-you service.

Let me know — what questions do you have? I’d love to answer them!


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Revolutionize Your Content Game with ChatGPT: The Ultimate Guide Thu, 04 May 2023 15:19:03 +0000 The post Revolutionize Your Content Game with ChatGPT: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Get ready to enter the exciting world of AI with me!  I’m thrilled to bring you even more magical brand outputs using powerful tools like ChatGPT. 🤖

In this week’s vlog, I’ll be sharing my expert tips on how to seamlessly incorporate AI into your brand strategy, resulting in superior results and optimized content that truly speaks to your brand voice.

Learn the secrets to inputting the perfect description of your brand voice, ensuring that every piece of content generated by AI aligns perfectly with your brand’s values and goals.🎯

So, buckle up and join me on this cutting-edge journey, as we explore the limitless potential of AI and brand strategy together!

Decide What to Create

In this video.. I want to talk about AI and branding, but I need to make sure it’s aligned with my unique perspective and personality. Starting with Instagram as my platform, and using  my trusty visibility cards for inspiration, I pulled out the prompt “How can I relate to my ideal client’s fears?”

Breaking down the content production process into stages gives me more control, and AI can help us ideate and come up with great ideas.

Brainstorm Titles

OK — so we now know what we want to create. Now, let’s have ChatGPT assist us with brainstorming titles. 

AI prompt used: “I want to write an IG caption that empathizes with entrepreneurs fears about using AI for their brand. Please brainstorm a list of possible titles.”

There were soo many great responses, however, pick a title that sounds like something you would normally write. What is your perspective? What is your opinion? 

Have Something to Say

Need more in-depth responses? Ask ChatGPT to assist you!

AI prompt used: “what unique perspectives could I communicate about AI-empowered entrepreneurs: Building Bravery for the Future.”

Again… soo many great ideas. Use yourself and your perspective as your decision making factor. What aligns more with your brand, voice, opinion, etc.? 

Generate an Outline

Now that we have our title and perspective. Next, we want to think about an outline.

AI prompt used: “Write an outline for a post about AI-empowered entrepreneurs: building bravery for the future about how AI is simply a tool to augment human genius, not something to be feared or avoided.”

If the generated outline is long, feel free to only use the sections that have the ‘bulk’ of the content. Typically, we don’t need an intro/outro for an Instagram post. 

Paste Brand Content

🔮 This is where the magic happens.

I tell ChatGPT what to write PLUS include several different on-brand examples.

AI prompt used: “Write an IG caption titled: AI-empowered Entrepreneurs: Building Bravery for the Future. + include general outline + brand voice + other foundational brand elements.”

(Check out the video to get more detailed and visual instruction. ⬆️)

Make Revisions


Need to make some edits? You can edit the original prompt to narrow down what content you’re hoping to create. Continue to tweak it until you are satisfied with the output.

Remember, garbage in = garbage out!

More Tips
✔️Clarify the objective: It’s important to be clear about the objective of the content you want to create. This will help ChatGPT understand what type of content to generate and ensure that the output is relevant and on-topic.
✔️Refine the prompt: The prompt should be clear and specific so that ChatGPT knows exactly what you’re looking for. Avoid using vague language or overly broad topics, as this can lead to irrelevant or low-quality output.
✔️Provide examples: Providing examples of the type of content you’re looking for can be helpful in guiding ChatGPT’s output. You can include examples of tone, style, format, and any other specific details that are important to you.
✔️Be mindful of the quality of input: The quality of input you provide to ChatGPT will impact the quality of output you receive. Make sure to provide clear and accurate information, and avoid using incomplete or incorrect information.

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AI & Branding Transformation Thu, 27 Apr 2023 14:38:00 +0000 The post AI & Branding Transformation appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


🎉🌟🚀 Welcome to the exciting digital age!

With the rapid implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, creativity and innovation are skyrocketing. From  chatbots to paid tools like  Jasper and software like 🎨 Dall-E and Mid Journey, AI technology is transforming the digital space. But, here’s the million-dollar question 🤑: do we embrace AI tools or stick to traditional methods?

As brand visionaries and leaders, it’s crucial to find a balance between leveraging the power of AI and maintaining the authenticity of our brand. This blog post will show you how to do just that 🤝. We’ll explore the ways entrepreneurs can use AI to create amazing content while still preserving their brand’s voice and personality 🗣️.

Get ready to discover the magic of AI and how to use it to supercharge your brand’s creativity! ✨🤖💻

Yielding the AI Power

🤖📷📝 In the age of AI, we shouldn’t assign morality to the tools we use.

We’ve learned to incorporate tools into our workflow, making us faster and more effective. The power isn’t just in the tool, but in the person wielding it. AI is the same. We can use it to point and shoot, or we can direct it to work in the way we intend. The biggest leaps and bounds will come from humans using AI in their area of expertise. These tools aren’t good enough to replace us yet, but if we leverage them, we can get better with them.

Accelerating Brand Strategy

🧙‍♀️ As a brand strategist, I use a magical approach to AI!

🧠 I extract the unique lived experience from the visionary founder to build a compelling, psychology-driven brand.💻 Using a proprietary process, I mix AI with source content to develop brand strategies, content, and assets exponentially faster. 🚀

As an expert, I edit and refine the AI output, adding emotion and humanness to create something truly amazing. 🔍 With a Brand Source Book, you can generate new content that is already on brand and on focus for the strategy you’ve decided. 📖

This makes entrepreneurship accessible to more genius entrepreneurs, who didn’t have the resources to hire a massive team or invest in a huge agency to define their brand. 💪 But remember, garbage in equals garbage out. Don’t expect generic input to generate unique brand perspectives! 

Case Example

I used AI to shape my familial origin story to illustrate the importance of branding stories. 

My Finnish family worked in coal mines and found their ticket ‘out’ through education. 

>>>Go watch the video to listen to the story. I promise, you don’t want to skip it! ☝️☝️<<<

Ultimately, I used AI to articulate the story into a more coherent and structured narrative, which I presented and taught to others emotionally. 📖

Leverage Expertise

👨‍🏫 Don’t have a framework? No problem, find someone to teach you theirs.

By tapping into the collective intelligence of people who are doing this work already, you can adopt other people’s systems and become unstoppable with a unique point of view and a proven process.

It’s an amazing opportunity to amplify your genius, share your knowledge with more people, and do it SO much faster.

A Future with AI

👀🔮 The future is uncertain but full of opportunities as technology rapidly improves.

It’s important to be a leader in your space and build a brand that connects with people on a human level. Your brand is a long-term asset and a platform to share your gifts, story, and humanness. Embrace the wave of change and focus on what you’re uniquely born and equipped to do.

Stay tuned for an exciting opportunity to build your brand authentically and ethically. Let’s chat below about your thoughts and experiences with this shift in our industry.

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10 Best Content Creation Tools & Software Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:10:16 +0000 The post 10 Best Content Creation Tools & Software appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Are you ready to discover the magical tools🧙‍♂️that make my content creation life easier?

Whether you’re a…
📩 email sender
🎥video creator

… these goodies will make your jaw drop🤯!


I won’t keep any secrets🤫, and I promise you’ll feel like a content creation wizard🧙‍♀️after using them.

Let’s dive right in and take your brand to the next level!🚀

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7 Steps I Took to Reach $1M in Course Sales Thu, 16 Feb 2023 15:39:57 +0000 The post 7 Steps I Took to Reach $1M in Course Sales appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


For entrepreneurs out there looking to break into the online world, course sales can be one of the most lucrative and magical paths forward.

As of late last year, I have crossed the incredible milestone of $1 million in course sales on Teachable. 🎉

To mark this momentous occasion, I want to share with you exactly what it took to hit such an *incredible milestone.*

My path to this achievement was not easy or quick, and there were definitely no overnight successes.

I spent a lot of time working through the details of making a million dollars in course sales, so I’m going to let you in on all that I’ve learned from my experience… in 7 key steps.

With out further ado.. 

Long-Term Thinking

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I realized that to make decent money in course sales, I had to adopt long-term thinking & planning.

So even if there were vacations or times of having ‘squirrel brain,’ where little work could be done, this strategy would still generate income via productizing some services and knowledge into assets that keep on giving.

In other words: don’t rely solely on direct one-to-one time for making money – it’s all about finding creative ways to keep the cash flow high –passively– no matter what life throws at you.

Lead Generation

Building an audience and lead generation can be a challenge – especially when you’re selling courses in mid-market price ranges. I had to really shift the way I thought about getting people into my funnel.

How can I consistently get people into my funnel and on autopilot?

The most effective lead generation strategy for me is my Brand Archetype Quiz. Maybe it’s something completely different for you?

Being a Leader

Want to be part of that top 1 or 5 percent in your niche?

Position yourself as an online leader and become an expert in your field. Generously share value by creating content, appearing on other people’s platforms, and expanding your own knowledge.

I truly believe that entrepreneurs can change the world with what they know.


Creating a successful product to sell can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach and dedication, anyone can create an amazing product that will serve their customers for years to come.

By investing time and resources into creating your offer and developing the best possible experience for your customers, you’ll be able to reach more people with quality products that stand out from the competition.

Crafting a valuable product isn’t something that will come together overnight. It takes hard work and dedication to build up the value of your offering – so don’t be fooled by those who promise quick results!


Experimentation is key to success when it comes to launching new products and services.

It’s important to try different hooks, messaging, and ways of selling the same offer in order to appeal to different people. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to cut your losses and move on; use what works as a bonus for other courses or products instead.

By experimenting with various approaches, you can increase the chances of having successful launches that will help grow your audience.

Systems & Automations

It’s SO important to create systems and automations that can be used multiple times and with minimal effort.

My email sequence for students is set up and ran on autopilot. I also use slide decks and sales page templates in Canva to save time.

I have a team member to help support students, allowing me to spend more time creating content and scaling my business. By doing this, you can provide a better experience for your customers without sacrificing quality or customer service.

Brand Experience

Creating a premium value exchange and providing an amazing experience is essential to success in selling courses.

Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the brand experience by infusing your brand personality, visual identity and standards into each part of the course.

Additionally, accessibility should also be taken into account by providing different learning methods such as videos, transcripts and worksheets for people with different learning styles. 

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Achieving $1 million in course sales is an amazing accomplishment, and if you’re an entrepreneur looking to make it big in the online world, then this milestone should definitely be on your radar.

To hit such a success, I spent a lot of time working hard and perfecting my process— I hope it my intel was helpful!

💜💫If you have been part of one of my courses (past, present, & future), I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining me on this journey. Without your support, none of this would have been possible.

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5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Online Quiz Thu, 05 Jan 2023 16:12:29 +0000 The post 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Online Quiz appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Do you want to create a quiz that generates leads, sales, and email subscribers? 

💫Uh, yeah you do!💫 

To date, my online quiz that helps you discover your Innate Brand Advantage has been taken over 200K times! Which directly resulted in over $130,000 in sales in just the last 12 months alone — whoa!🙌. (MIND-BLOWN! 🤯) 

But don’t get too impressed yet… there are five common blunders marketers make when setting up quizzes that could cost them dearly. So take note: if it’s profitable results you’re searching for then avoid these nasty pitfalls:

🚫️ Wrong type of quiz

❌ Incorrect topic selection

⛔️ Mediocre questions & logic

❗️ Flat post-quiz experience

😱 Below par promotions plans

1. Mistake #1: Quiz Types

Tap into your ideal clients’ curiosity with a quiz that’s just right for them! There are four types of quizzes designed to help you reach cold audiences and keep their attention; however, only two have the power to immediately capture interest. Make sure you choose one at the top of your funnel to introduce yourself in an impactful way – it’ll lead those prospects down a blissfully magical path in your orbit. 💫

4 Quiz Types

  • Insight – Tells people something about themselves
  • Strategy – Helping people determine their next steps
  • Selection – Which product/service they’re going to select
  • Assessment – Grading people on the level of their knowledge

2. Topic Selection

When it comes to creating a quiz, far too many marketers choose something that’s obvious or self-serving. But the perfect topic should be both strategic and beneficial for your business as well as those who take it – unlocking unique insights into what people already know while offering them new knowledge at the same time!

By taking some extra effort in this area you can create an entertaining experience with useful information tailored especially to your ideal customers’ needs.

🔮Now THAT is magical!🔮 

3. Questions & Logic

If you want to create an engaging quiz that gives people insight, then there’s one important major rule: don’t make it too obvious! We’ve seen this mistake from even the most experienced quizzemakers – questions and logic are so transparent that all outcomes seem glaringly predictable. Nobody wants a pet-picking quiz where every answer results in ‘goldfish’ regardless of lifestyle preferences; what fun is that?

Tailor your questionnaire for maximum surprise (and genuine interest) by adding complex layers into each question. Let people walk away feeling like they just discovered something new about themselves – not bored or uninformed.

4. Post-Quiz Experience

Mistake number four – you know the one, so heartbreaking.💔

If your quiz isn’t optimized for lead generation and sales it won’t do what we want from the get-go. To make this happen our approach must be tailored to invite people into our world who wouldn’t otherwise have heard of us – after all, that’s why quizzes can be a great top-of-funnel tool. We’ll need to craft an experience that builds trust with them along their journey until they finally realize there is something valuable waiting at the end…your products/services.

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Magic of Masterminds: Grow Your Brand and Business With Support From Fellow Entrepreneurs Thu, 01 Dec 2022 20:15:59 +0000 The post Magic of Masterminds: Grow Your Brand and Business With Support From Fellow Entrepreneurs appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Feeling a little lost when it comes to your business?
Uncertain about the future? 🤔

Joining a mastermind community can give you the support and guidance you need to take your brand to the next level. You can achieve things you never thought possible with like-minded entrepreneurs by your side.

Imagine having a group of entrepreneurs who are just as passionate about their businesses as you are. They understand the highs and lows and are there to help you through it all. You can access expert advice, resources, and support whenever you need it. 💓 📚 🖥

✨ Sounds like a dream, right? 

And there are even more reasons to believe in the magic of a mastermind. 

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How to Create a Brand Awareness Campaign (Without a Nike-Sized Budget) Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:52:29 +0000 The post How to Create a Brand Awareness Campaign (Without a Nike-Sized Budget) appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


If people don’t know you exist, they won’t buy from you.

Full stop. 🙅‍♀️

So how do we increase brand awareness?

There’s no need to have a Nike-sized budget to do this for your business.

With a little creativity and some savvy marketing, you can increase brand awareness and stand out from the competition.

In this new 🎥 Youtube video, I break down my personal equation for increasing brand awareness as a small business.

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The 4 Steps of an Effective Rebranding Process Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:50:00 +0000 The post The 4 Steps of an Effective Rebranding Process appeared first on Kaye Putnam | Psychology Driven Brand Strategist.


Is it time for a re-boot of your brand? Oooooooo – exciting! 🎉

A thoughtful *rebrand* can up-level your business in all the right ways!

After serving clients and customers for a bit, the foundation of your brand often come into clearer focus – but needs to be defined and conveyed. (And, it’s common for your brand to need to play catch up with how awesome you’ve become!)

So a rebrand is an incredible opportunity to improve, upgrade, and *elevate* your brand… and increase your impact and income as an entrepreneur as you evolve.

In this vlog post, I’m reviewing the proven 4-step rebranding process that I facilitate with clients and students when it’s time for that upgrade!

Whether you’re ready for a full re-invention – or more of a brand refresh – this process will ensure your rebrand serves you well – and delivers real ROI.

Ready? Hit that play button, and let’s get to it… 

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